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Biography, huh? I had something here before, but I scrapped it. And you know, let's forget about that. What's past is past, and who I am now...well, I hope you'll get to know that personally. I don't feel that I can accurately give you a sample of me in a few words and expect you to know me any better. Nah, that's for job interviews and business meetings. For me, anyways. I change fairly often and am not exactly consistent enough to put something here that I would be satisfied with.

Nah, instead let's talk about the future, yeah? I meet and talk to a lot of people who see themselves as hopeless or try to see forward a year or two and see darkness rather than light, and things like this absolutely boggle my mind. After all, what is the future but a playground for possibility?

I suppose that view sounds fairly optimistic, but I wouldn't say it actually is. In fact, I dare say that the beauty of possibility is that it encompasses the best case, the worst case, and every shade in between. An infinite number of shades for an infinite number of possibilities. And what is the future if not the literal culmination of innumerable possibilities? Honestly, I think the thought's pretty exciting! Even taking into account the amount of crap that may include.

With that in mind, let's talk about dreams. Dreams are goals. Dreams are hopes. But most importantly, dreams aren't dreams unless you let them be. Cheesy as that may sound. You, whoever you are, are capable of far more than you think you are. If there's a specific future you seek, it's possible to obtain. Unlike most things, it really is that simple. And this goes the other way, too. Feeling bad for yourself and looking at a grim future will generally create a rather unfortunate self-fulfilling prophecy. So if that's not what you want, don't.

Personally, I love the future for all of its wonderful colors and shades, that it brings excitements and anticipation just as it brings fear and despair. And its vastness is awe-inspiring. Absolutely awe-inspiring.

Anyway. Why am I going on about this? I dunno, this space was empty and at the time of writing, my VMs are disabled. But I suppose I'll just cap this off by saying that if you ever feel like you're stuck between two choices, there most certainly is a third. And a fourth. And a fifth even. The future is as vast as you make it, and if we had a visible roadmap detailing the possible actions we could have taken at any given moment in our lives, I imagine everyone, dead or alive, would feel pretty silly.

Games, anime, and just about anything creative.
October 2
Take a left, turn right at the next stop, bear lef
Quick Self-Introduction
I was a VG mod once and now I just play mods and also go to VG. So in a twisted sense, nothing really changed?
Female ♀
Forum Pair
Also Known As
Favorite Pokémon
GO Team
Discord Nickname

