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[PKMN FULL] Cracks: A Sinnoh Story [M] [OOC]

  • 25,575

    Cracks: A Sinnoh Story

    Sinnoh, a region far to the north of most others. Sinnoh is a land where science, legend and nature all converge to paint a complex canvas. The region is dotted with landscapes pleasant and extreme, enormous cities and tiny rustic towns and everything in between. It is also a region full of young trainers itching to explore it, to experience the life of a trainer and all the wonders Sinnoh has to offer.

    Much like Sinnoh itself though, the life of the trainer isn't always as glorious as the stories might have you believe. The moments steeped in glory are there, but so too are the other extremes, the moments of desperation or terror. Sometimes to see the positive extreme you have to go through the negative.​

    How the RP Works
    This is a small, plot-driven RP for 3-4 people. The story follows a group of beginner trainers who together are setting off on their journeys and is broken up into story arcs that for the most part are dictated by routes and cities.

    Each member of the group will have their own goals, and you will be able to explore those goals to their fullest extent. However, this RP is also quite plot intensive and chapters may also have required objectives that need to be completed before we can move on to the next part. The pursuit of each character's ambitions might drive the story at first, but ultimately is the secondary plot.

    In Cracks, like it's sibling RPs, you are playing as a group who will be travelling together. That means that this will likely be a very JP heavy roleplay. This does not mean that your characters will be with each other at every moment though, you are free to and encouraged to explore locations on your own as well. In fact, it will often make the plot easier to enact if your characters are not always together.

    Each area will have a set of predefined Pokemon available that will consist of Pokemon typical of that route in the game as well as extras from other regions. These may be tailored to the participants to an extent. You are able to catch as many of these Pokemon as you like and at will. However, you may only evolve or teach a move to one Pokemon per chapter under most circumstances. Pathways will more follow the anime style and thus levels do not exist. Instead you should use the level up chart as a loose guide for teaching new moves, but can teach any move your Pokemon can legally learn using your available slot. This includes TM and tutor moves. Trade evolution does not exist.

    In Cracks, Mega Evolution and Z Moves are both canon (no dancing required). I am open to discussing customised Mega Forms or Z Moves.​

    Sign-Up Sheet
    Please do your best here as on account of the very small number of people I'll be accepting into the RP I'm going to be fairly picky. Also, I'm not requiring a history section as it would cause conflict or push things onto other characters, but as a group you need to consider how your characters know each other and should probably keep that in mind as you write.

    Age: 14-18 (I'm using 16 as the middle ground here and would rather not have too much variation in either direction).

    Appearance: Either a written description or a short written description with an image

    Starter: Name/Gender/Ability/Up to 6 moves​

    1. GM word is law
    2. All RPT/PC rules apply
    3. Real shocker here, the RP is rated M.
    4. Keep in contact and try not to hold each other up. It's okay if the RP doesn't move super fast, but try to be reliable.
    5. As always, have fun or die. ;)​

    ??? as ???
    ??? as ???
    ??? as ???
    ??? as ???​


    That's MISTER Roboto to you!
  • 254
    Alright, might as well give this CSS malarkey a shot
    Adam Lacorse
    18 | Male | Goldenrod City, Johto


    Adam's Goal is, quite simply, to be the best. Adam grew up in the shadow of his older brothers, having all of his achievements compared to a successful Pokémon trainer and an award winning coordinator. Adam seeks to prove that he can be just as good, if not better, than both of his brothers.

    I should have this ready in the next couple of days, I've been on vacation.

    Adam spent most of his life being compared to his siblings by parents who seemingly couldn't be pleased. As a result, Adam developed a slight inferiority complex. He's always trying to prove himself, sometimes to people he just met. Some consider this behavior to denote confidence, while others prefer the term "cocky" or "arrogant." However, he still does believe in doing the right thing. One thing Adam has that his brothers lack is a heart, though Mom and Dad didn't seem to recognize being kind as a notable achievement. Whenever able to do so, Adam will go out of his way to help people. Another key aspect of Adam's Personality is his mouth. Adam has used his big mouth to talk his way into many situations and his silver tongue to talk his way back out of them.

    Cracks: A Sinnoh Story [M] [OOC]

    Name: Ace
    Species: Bagon
    Gender: Male
    Ability: Rock Head

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  • 1,660
    You actually did it. I was holding out for Sinnoh, and here it is! Have an SU:

    Name: Eduard Ortega

    Age: 18

    Goal: Ed wants to learn as much as he can about the occult. He reads about myths and psychic phenomena, studies Ghost, Psychic, and Fairy type Pokemon, and has frequently visited fortune tellers and mediums. While he is very interested in all of these things, he also seeks answers regarding his mother, who disappeared shortly after his birth, so he has never met her. His goal is to travel the country, meeting new Pokemon, learning old myths, and searching for information about his mom. Whether he finds her or not, knowledge is its own reward, and he may someday be a Professor or archeologist.

    Cracks: A Sinnoh Story [M] [OOC]

    (Casual wear on the left, winter wear on the right.)
    Tall (5' 10") and thin, Ed doesn't really get out much, spending most of his time indoors. Often skipping meals and staying up late, he doesn't have much in either muscle mass or body fat, but does have an impressive pair of bags under his eyes. His skin is pale, his eyes are bright green, and his hair is dark and messy, and starting to get a little long. He dresses in layers, preferring green (which compliments his eyes), black or gray (which go with any color and are appropriate for any occasion). It gets cold in Sinnoh, so he keeps a scarf and hat in his bag for when the temperature starts to drop.

    Personality: Highly curious and eager to explore (which makes sense, considering he's been searching his whole life for answers), Ed comes across as a bit of a know-it-all. He uses polysyllabic words to convey the impression of great erudition (talks fancy to sound smart), and is used to helping out those who aren't as smart as him, patiently explaining anything and everything to others. He is horribly awkward in social situations, never sure of what to say and usually blurting out whatever crosses his mind. He tends to speak without really thinking through his words, invariably insulting others. Through it all, he's a very rigid and organized person, preferring not to let emotions cloud his logical thinking. But no one is truly devoid of emotion, and he can still have fun and get along with others, even if he is a bit of a stick in the mud.

    Starter: Gauntlet the Golett
    Cracks: A Sinnoh Story [M] [OOC]

    Gender: Genderless, identifies as male
    Ability: Iron Fist
    Moveset: Pound, Defense Curl, Rollout, Shadow Punch, Fire Punch, Telekinesis
  • 944
    • UK
    • Seen Apr 5, 2024
    "I aint the type to let down those who put their trust in me"


    Cracks: A Sinnoh Story [M] [OOC]

    16 // Male // 5'7" // Athletic

    A sensitive soul, who does his absolute best to keep those around him happy. He cant stand to see a sad face or to have to plod through any kind of social tension, so he keeps an armour of lightheartedness on him everywhere he goes. Everything can be made into a joke, and to Logan that's usually a gateway to the solution. His world view is strikingly black and white: happy is good, sad is bad, strong is are leaders, weak are followers - rarely is there any kind of in between for him. Growing up in poverty, he has a tendency to view those in power as 'bad guys', simply because of their status. He carries his disdain for the wealthy like a Robin Hood esque vendetta. Those who overlook the less fortunate, are just as bad to him as those who would kick or ridicule them.

    Erratic and impulsive in nature, Logan is a true live-wire in almost every sense of the word. He acts almost purely on instinct and emotion, making him very volatile. Logan is very prone to fits of ecstatic glee, and even despondent melancholy, though he prefers to hide his down periods from those around him.

    Growing up without a family, Logan was never blessed with the luxury of a formal education. He isn't particularly smart. While his street smarts and his good instincts can often shine through, he doesn't excel at math, language or science in ways that those around him will. He's lead a simple life, and hasn't experienced many of the things that others may see as commonplace. Despite all that though, he's proud of his background, and carries great pride in what he's been through in spite of his desire to change his fortune.

    Strengths & Weaknesses

    + Street Smarts
    Logan knows how to get around. Shortcuts - the ins and outs and infrastructure of cities - is something he's very familiar with. Growing up, he had to be. He was never the toughest in the gang, or the smartest. It was his speed, and knack for finding a convenient spot that usually kept him alive. Beyond that, he's a relatively good judge of character. While he can at times be too accommodating, he's more often quick to keep someone at arms length if he gets a bad vibe.

    + Eager
    Logan is always willing to dive head first in any new challenge. He's intelligently cautious, but regardless of the danger or threat he'll always put his best foot forward. If he's checking the heat on a campfire, he'll get just close enough to singe a finger before backing away. Having had nothing to lose his entire life, he only knows risk taking.

    + Reliable
    Logan has a knack for sensing a problem. You can usually count on him to be in the right place at the right time or to make the most diplomatic decision. While he's rarely seen as 'the brains' of any group, he's very good at being a shoulder to cry on. His honour code is easy to understand, which makes him easy to predict in a bad situation. For many, that can be comforting.

    + Nimble
    Speed, agility, stamina. Logan can run. It's something you pick up on when you're running from police, enemy gang members or dangerous Pokemon you've ignorantly ticked off.

    - Over protective
    A desire to please that extends far beyond wanting to help his friends. Logan often takes it upon himself to lead, even when he isn't the most suitable for the job. He sees it as his duty to ensure those around him are safe. Even in battle, he's over keen to withdraw or forfeit, rather than let his Pokemon take a big hit.

    - Maverick
    He's convinced himself that he works well with others. He doesn't. While the concept of working with a team gets him excited, he simply doesnt know how to execute it. He's inept at sharing, turn taking, providing feedback and accommodating others into plans. Gang life rarely called for any of the above.

    - Self-destructive
    The boy doesn't know when to quit. He's driven, but too much drive can often leave you crashing time and time again. This is the seemingly endless cycle of Logan. Doubters only fuel his flame more, leading him to try again and again until he's successful.

    - Lowbrow
    There's no point sugarcoating it. Logan isn't smart. The boy is no scholar, and he isn't good at hiding it. Not only has he not been formally taught, the majority of what he has been taught is criminally misinformed. Where does the snow come from? According to Logan's brother in his gang, snow is the result of the sun having dandruff.

    Logan has never been a part of a stable household. His own parents are incapable of looking after him, he couldn't function in the care system and his adopted parents were quick to realise they couldn't handle a problem child of Logan's temperament. Growing up, he was a trouble maker who got a kick out of teasing, pulling practical jokes and defiance. While his antics remained relatively harmless, they were incessant and uncontrollable. He fell out of home after home, until he simply didn't have one anymore.

    Logan was homeless from the age of eleven, and it was then, that he joined his gang. Even back then, Logan could tell that they weren't great people, but they took him in, and gave him a home. For the first time, he felt part of something.

    Things weren't always rosy in his gang years though. He was still a child, and he still enjoyed his pranks, games and jokes. Only now, he was part of a family that no longer saw him as an innocent child. They had no sympathy for his youth, and took to beating the jokes and games out of him whenever they saw fit. Once again, Logan was part of a family that ostracised him for his pranks and his games. Only this time, he stayed. Even with the beatings, the good times were better than they'd ever been in care or in foster homes. Slowly but surely, the gang became home.

    It wasn't until he turned fourteen, that his interest in the training of Pokemon started to really blossom. Marred with wounds that left him hospitalised, Logan received no visits from any of the gang. Rumours had began to circulate that Logan had snitched, and his suspicious protection by the services only served validate those suspicions. Once again, Logan was alone. Or so he thought.

    Logan hasnt really given himself a goal yet. He has always strived to improve the quality of his life, but he hasnt really thought too much about what he'll do once he gets there. Perhaps just having something will be enough for him.

    Cracks: A Sinnoh Story [M] [OOC]

    Iron Fist
    Bubble // Rock Smash // Wide Guard // Leer // Swagger // Payback
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  • 865
    • Age 38
    • Seen Feb 24, 2024
    "Everyone has a story waiting to be told... This is just the first chapter of our own!"

    Rachel Rose/ Female / 17 Years Old / Sunnyshore City

    Cracks: A Sinnoh Story [M] [OOC]


    Rachel stands at a height of 5'7" with a rather thin and petite body build. Her skin complexion is rather pale, partially on account of the girl spending a vast majority of her time indoors and the other on account of her somewhat frail and sickly childhood. Her long, flowing hair is more often than not left down and tends to look a bit on the wild and unkempt side. Oddly enough, Rachel does put one strand of her hair a rather tight braid. Though her hair is naturally a bright, platinum blonde in color, Rachel likes to dye it in bright and rather exotic colors. In particular, she tends to dye it a bright, violet red more often than not. Whether or not she chooses this color to match her oddly pink eyes is unknown.

    A fan of comfort over style, Rachel tends to dress in a rather relaxed manner. All of her clothes seem to be on the baggy side, usually dressing in vastly over-sized t-shirts and tops that could easily be seen as a dress instead. She is never seen in a pair of heels or even boots, instead wearing a pair of sneakers whenever possible. Despite Sinnoh's cooler temperatures, Rachel is more at home in shorts rather than long denim jeans. Of course, this would be rather foolish during the times when the region gets bitterly cold or when traversing deep snow, so during those occasions she is known to throw on a pair of leggings underneath her shorts. No matter what she wears, Rachel is rarely seen without her worn, but still adored gray hoodie and pink stocking cap.​


    Rachel is quite naive. Overly so in fact, to the point one would almost assume that she's downright innocent. Rachel has a deep-seated thought that there is some good anyone, and believes that that good-hearted intent is just waiting to be brought out. Easily fooled, it doesn't take a lot to pull the wool over her eyes. Still, even when faced with the cruelest of intentions, Rachel will merely shrug it off and often assume it merely had to be some sort of joke. The girl tends to be a bit of a space case at times. It is not unusual to see the girl zone out from the world around her, letting her imagination take control as she enjoys some rather vivid daydreams that would make almost anyone jealous. A bit of a klutz, Rachel can easily be viewed as very clumsy. It is not unusual for the girl manage to trip over her own too feet even when performing the most simple of tasks.

    Rachel is a very friendly sort of girl. She believes in putting her best foot forward and trying to make at the very least an acquaintance out of most people she meets. A people-person by far, Rachel enjoys the company of both human and Pok?mon alike. She is always willing to listen if they have a problem and will do anything in her power to help. She has a habit of giving her friends nicknames that she herself finds quite endearing. She is honest, brutally so, and will often tell people just what she thinks of them or a situation she might find herself in. While she can easily manage to put her foot in her mouth at times, Rachel usually means well and is not one to try and go out of her way to upset those around her.


    It has always been Rachel's dream of writing an enticing and deep story. Having spent so much time in her life surrounded by books on account of her rather frail condition as a child, it was only natural for the girl to develop a love for all forms of the printed word. While she feels that the spoken word can often miss its mark, Rachel feels that anyone in the world can come together with a good story. As a result, Rachel has decided to use this journey across Sinnoh as a means of crafting this story.​

    Starter Pok?mon

    Cracks: A Sinnoh Story [M] [OOC]

    Graham the Teddiursa (Male / Careful / Very Finicky / Pickup)


    Scratch | Baby-Doll Eyes | Lick | Fake Tears | Thunder Punch | Metal Claw

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    Name: Joseph Yew
    Age: 15
    Goal: to become a pok?mon professor, and eventually to complete the pok?dex
    Appearance: Joseph is five foot nine, with a deep tan from the long hours spent in the sun. His eyes are a shade of hazel. His body is lanky and tall. His hair is a brownish-black.
    Personality: Joseph has always been a researcher. When he was six he was already wandering out into the woods looking for Pokemon only to check a pidgey's wingspan.
    He is intelligent, although sometimes a little overbearing. He was top of his class in the pok?school and was often picked on for his superior intellect. Joseph, for sake of an ironic joke with one of his friends, prefers to be called joe. When he was eight years old, he found a pokedex in the woods picked it up and walked away with it. He is also sneaky, and has been known to steal things and then give them back before people realize they are gone. He NEVER stole anything and didn't give it back, except the pokedex. The only reason he is a theif is for practical jokes.
    He was quite literally raised in a barn. His parents drowned in the s.s. Wailord when is rammed a rock and sank into the sea. He was adopted by a pok?mon breeder who mainly raised gible. He invented a pok?ball that allowed a pok?mon trainer to enter when a Pokemon was inside of it. He calls it the warp ball. He lives in sandgem town, and was taught many things by prof. Rowan. He has an irrational fear of pecha berries, and Ice cream
    Starter: Gible.
    Ability Rock skin
    Moveset: bite, Dragon rage, leer, tackle

    I won't force it on you, but I'd prefer that you not use Gible as your starter for narrative reasons.

    Also, I don't remember mentioning it or not, but originally this RP was going to begin in Jubilife. To streamline the story though, I'm moving the starting location to Oreburgh.


    [font=special elite][color=#FF3399]Toxic Terror[/c
  • 910

    Cracks: A Sinnoh Story [M] [OOC]


    Name: Alice Morana

    Age: 16

    Goal: To befriend all Ghost-Pokemon, and become one of the greatest (and most feared) trainers of all.

    Appearance: She has pale, alabaster skin, and a mischievous smile always on her face. Her eyes are amber colored, and normally they're bloodshot, due to her insomnia. Her hair is styled just like her partner, Lil Miss. She wears a dress of gray color, and decorated with vibrant red adornments. She also wears black dress shoes and knitted leggings, but has clothing for various weather conditions.

    Personality: Ever since she was a little girl, Alice was always a bit strange. She loved and adored Pokemon, but she had a deep, unfaltering fascination with Ghost Pokemon. How she came across them was when she was separated from her family when they all were headed to Solaceon Town, to visit her grandparents. Her family has a heritage tied with grave-keeping, and care taking of places such as the Lost Tower.

    A terrible storm appeared seemingly out of nowhere, and Alice was seemingly dragged off by an unseen force. The next moment, she was surrounded by a gaggle of Ghost Pokemon, along with her parents. To keep them company until the storm calmed, the Ghost Pokemon had played with Alice, and watched over them.

    After that experience, Alice had adored them, and wanted to befriend any and all Ghost Pokemon. However, she had also learned of the spirits that still dwell in the world that are bound, unable or unwilling. Not only that, but also that there are people in this world who would defile such sacred spaces.

    She wanted to become a great and powerful trainer so that she may be not only a great ghost trainer, but maybe even an Elite like Agatha.


    Cracks: A Sinnoh Story [M] [OOC]

    Lil Miss, the Misdreavus

    Gender: ? / Ability: Levitate / Attacks: Growl, Psywave, Spite, Astonish, Confuse Ray, Mean Look​

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    Midnight Umbreon

    Life is a conundrum of esoterica
  • 960
    Never mind, I have less a chance, but I will submit it again anyway.
    Name: Joseph Yew
    Age: 15
    Goal: to become a pokémon professor, and eventually to complete the pokédex
    Appearance: Joseph is five foot nine, with a deep tan from the long hours spent in the sun. His eyes are a shade of hazel. His body is lanky and tall. His hair is a brownish-black. His usual apparel is a red cap with a Pokemon breeder logo on it, a green tee-shirt and Kakis. His shoes (he only has one pair) are steel toed boots with tanned leather.
    Personality: Joseph has always been a researcher. When he was six he was already wandering out into the woods looking for Pokemon only to check a pidgey's wingspan.(two feet six inches fyi)
    . He is intelligent, although sometimes a little overbearing. He was top of his class in the pokéschool and was often picked on for his superior intellect. Joseph, for sake of an ironic joke with one of his friends, prefers to be called joe. He was quite literally raised in a barn. His parents drowned in the s.s. Wailord when is rammed a rock and sank into the sea. He was adopted by a pokémon breeder who mainly raised Pokemon children generally begin their journeys with. he was eight years old, he found a pokedex in the woods picked it up and walked away with it. He is also sneaky, and has been known to steal things and then give them back before people realize they are gone. He NEVER stole anything and didn't give it back.
    He invented a pokéball that allowed a pokémon trainer to enter when a Pokemon was inside of it. He calls it the warp ball. He lives in oreburgh, and was taught many things by prof. Rowan when he visited sandgem. He has an irrational fear of pecha berries, and Ice cream. When he was ten he found pikachu in the forest half-dead, and helped it grow back to health. In time the pikachu found his warp ball and, in a curious manner, accidentally caught itself.
    Starter: Pikachu
    Ability: lightning rod
    Moveset: tackle, volt tackle, leer, iron tail, thunderbolt


    • Cracks: A Sinnoh Story [M] [OOC]
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    Who's Kiyo?

    puking rainbows
  • 3,229
    hugh holland is a seventeen-year-old boy from verdanturf town who was adopted at a young age by his two mothers, leaving much to be speculated about concerning the origin of his green eyes and imposing six-foot-four-inches height. in addition to the early emergence of a thick beard and various silver piercings on his nose and ears, many people clock him as rough around the edges, but his personality is quite the opposite! years of working at his parents' daycare and summer camps have made him youthful, nurturing, and kind to a fault; always trying to keep soft even in situations where that demeanor might prove detrimental. it's also made him pretty muscular for someone uninterested in traditional sports (unless you count hiking and fishing!)

    he keeps his blonde hair relatively short and trendy, and enjoys wearing vibrant patterned shirts around his torso or waist with socks to match, keeping all other attire simple to accentuate these articles. at colder temperatures you'll catch him throwing on beanies or overalls under jackets insulated with faux fur. he looks very outdoorsy, which is exactly what he's going for!

    while outsiders might enjoy his idealistic optimism and loyalty to friends, his quietly desperate need to be liked by everyone makes him impossible to work with in conflicted situations: he will often stammer when trying to address his thoughts or come to terms with his underlying anxious energy, and might momentarily shut down when emotions run too high. he's a professional at sugarcoating and keeping ties with toxic people out of sentimentality.
    sinnoh provides lots of things to be interested by, but ultimately holland wants to found a bug-type gym. he feels as if the type is underrated and wants to set an example of their potential, and the stability of being a leader speaks to his goals of settling down and having a family one day. he'll be actively scouting out locations and doing odd jobs to save money for his dream.

    he's on this journey as a personal challenge to broaden his horizons as well: meet more people, try other types and battling styles, maybe acquire new hobbies … he's been so focused on what he eventually wants that he hasn't allotted himself time to be young, and he's hoping this excursion will provide enough experience to satiate that niggling doubt of "what if?" while also being productive towards his future. he's already picked up a habit of sketching scenery and memorizing fun pokédex entries, although he isn't very good at either yet.

    when it comes to pokémon, he's very adept at working with bug or grass-types and earlier evolutionary stages. he takes time to establish loving bonds with his teammates and picks movesets that inflict status conditions or avoid direct physical contact. he choose to start with his Ledyba, who he semi-recently hatched from an egg someone disowned at his moms' daycare.

    ledyba • female • rattled
    swift • silver wind • supersonic • light screen • agility • sweet scent
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  • 25,575

    Welcome to Cracks! The IC will go up tomorrow, the OOC chat is about to be set up in the RPH Discord.
    Kiyo I don't know if you're still in there or not so here's a link - https://discord.gg/WphCJvV