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Free online Monster MMORPG game MonsterMMORPG another update - check out if you are looking for an online Pokemon MMORPG game


Monster Game Developer
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    Free online Monster MMORPG game MonsterMMORPG another update - check out if you are looking for an online Pokemon MMORPG game

    * 2 monster images are updated via professional artist (commissioned) (hit f5 to see updated images or refresh the page)

    * A new great filtering feature added to the game. Now you can search for the monsters that can learn particular moves that you want to filter.

    --- For example you can list the monsters that can learn Absorbing Ray move
    --- https://www.monstermmorpg.com/MonsterDex

    * Facebook comments added to the individual pages of monsters and maps (at the bottom of the pages)

    * 100% bonus event started for the weekend

    # Updated monsters

    # Monsterdex new filter screenshot


    # Facebook comment plugin for monsters and maps individual pages


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