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[Other FULL] Guilds of Atria: Phoenix Nest [T] [IC]


  • 957

    The Apprentice's Next Step Aldahan's Smithy, Monday July 2nd, X784

    Earlier that night...

    Shessalie's blacksmith looked at Lina incredulously as she scoured his smithy for ideas. "Whaddya mean you need a better weapon? I mean sure, what you've got doesn't look all that impressive and I dunno about all that magitech ya jammed in there, but the metalwork was some of the best I ever seen!"

    "I mean, not 'better', but like… y'know… better for a different situation," Lina clarified. "My opponent could counter what I had pretty easily, so I just need something a little tougher for her and other people who like her to deal with." She picked up a display spear and swung it around a little.

    The short, bearded, bundle of muscles narrowed his eyes, observing her. After a few seconds of staring, with some staring in return from Lina once she noticed, he finally sighed. "Well, what're ya lookin' for, then? Cause I'm damn well sure that you're not gonna use any of my weapons."

    Lina's mouth widened into a big grin. "And you're damn well right! I've already got an idea in my head, but I'm not actually sure if it'll work so I wanted to hear your thoughts on it." She pulled out some rolled up papers from the bag on her waist and laid them out on a nearby table.

    The blacksmith looked at the drawings with a furrowed brow. "So lass, why can't you just make normal weapons?"

    "Cause I'm not good enough to beat people like Gryphon Gale with a normal weapon yet. Also 'cause they're not as cool. What, is this one no good?"

    "I don't know what this is. Maybe start with that."

    "Really? Okay, where to start… So I obviously lost because she was better than me. She could predict my moves and counterattack. I can fix that with experience, but I don't have time for that, not with the games coming up in a few months. So I try to figure something else and realize that she was able to counter me so easily because she was that much faster than me, so I need a faster weapon, right?

    "Plenty of those. Daggers, fists, whatever. But with that gun and those wheels and all that other stuff, I need some range, too. So like a spear, then. But not just any range, like hit you from across the room range. One of those fancy, quick reloading guns from the capital would be nice but I can't make one of those. Chain and rope weapons are too unwieldy for me and again, not as fast as I would like."

    The smith continued to look at Lina's diagram as she spoke, still struggling to figure out how it had anything to do with what she was talking about.

    "So," Lina continued. "I think back to the spear. Obviously I was gonna put magic in the weapon since otherwise what's the point, right? I think of what I could do to the spear to help it reach further. Maybe a projectile? It'll be too weak with the resources I have available. But what if instead of hitting further away, I used it to get closer instead? So that's what all the holes are for, to shoot high pressure air out in different directions to propel me wherever I need to go! I grab on, and go flying to the enemy!" She crossed her arms and nodded, looking rather proud of her idea.

    The blacksmith pulled the diagram closer. "Okay, so first, you should have started with that last bit. Second, the shaft here is hollow, right? But it still needs to handle both the force of combat and blasts strong enough to send both you and it flying. I've got some durable stuff like what you used for that big whatever ya called it, but then you won't be going anywhere.

    "Only thing that'll do the trick is probably something like mithril. Problem is, not only is it pricey as all hell, but I haven't gotten a shipment from the miners in a good bit. Guess they hit a snag or somesuch in the mines, but they haven't said a word. So sorry lass, but you'll have to wait."

    Lina shrugged. "Hey, I'm just happy you think it could work at all!"

    "Don't get me wrong," he corrected her. "I never said the whole crazy thing would work. But we can at least get that spear ready for whatever you're gonna do to it. Just wish that included decorating it, since all your stuff is so boring-looking."

    "Hey, I'm trying. It'll take me a bit until I'm on the level of the Ironwork Artist Aldahan himself! And maybe you're the one going a bit overboard on those finishing touches?"

    He gave a hearty laugh. "Those finishing touches are what make the whole thing worth it!" He paused for a moment. "Do ya really need to be a guildie? You could always just stay here as my apprentice. You certainly have a knack for it. And I saw yer eyes when you walked in, all red and puffy. You sure that place is good for you?"

    Lina's answer was quick. "Yeah, it can be tough. But it's what I've always dreamed of doing, and all this is what's gonna make that final victory at the games that much more satisfying! So there's nothing to worry about, really."

    Aldahan sounded unsure. "If you say so. What're you gonna do then, if you can't start on this rocket spear thing?"

    "I'll head over to Meldrin's and see if they have any new magitech components. If I'm lucky, I can spruce up my other weapons! And since they're closing soon, I bid you farewell!" With a wave, she dashed out of the smithy.

    Aldahan watched her as she left. His gaze turned to the blueprint she left behind. Then to a crude dagger on display near the furnace; the first weapon Lina ever made. He shook his head, and got back to his own work.

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  • 957

    The First Morning on the Job Tuesday July 3nd, X784

    Another morning begins in the town of Shessalie. It is a day like any other for all except the miners, who find themselves in yet another day without work. The true cause has yet to be made public, though more and more people are suspecting that something is wrong. But with the Gryphons seen leaving Burgess Manor early in the morning, surely everything will be alright.

    Speaking of the Gryphons, their encounter with Phoenix Nest the previous day remains on everyone's minds. To this end, a few young, aspiring journalists have taken it upon themselves to seek out the Nest's members for a interview. Younger than even the youngest Phoenix, they dream of one day writing for Sorcerer Weekly itself, and hope to use the absence of any local publications in Shessalie to start something that will get their names out. They have numerous questions ready, about the incident, about the games, about their thoughts on other wizards, and even personal questions to name a few.

    The Phoenix Nest job board looks much the same as it did the past couple days, with maybe one or two additions looking more interesting than the norm. "I need someone to come to the forest with me while I gather herbs" and "I want to catch ultimate fish, the King of the Lake" are definitely a change of pace from rescuing cats in trees.


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    Believe in the you that believes in cheese
  • 1,319

    A Lakeside Proposition


    The sky was yet dark as Lina stepped outside the guild, up even earlier than the sun. She stood by the doors to the guild, dressed in a tank top and shorts like she usually wore for her morning run. It had become an essential part to her morning routine since coming to Shessalie, the perfect way to start the day. She loved the brisk breeze against her skin as she ran along the lakeside, and she loved being there when the sun rose, turning the lake a blazing orange before settling into that glittering blue.

    But she wouldn't have the chance to just take it all in like she normally would. Today she was fully intent on pushing herself to the limit. She did some stretches and psyched herself up a bit before crouching, ready to run. Just before she set off Lina felt a wave of friendliness hit her like a warm, fuzzy club and a glance to her side revealed Rowan -dressed much the same as she was but in the same colors as his normal outfit - stretching as if he had no idea yet that she were there until she saw him.

    "Howdy there, you look ready to start the day with that signature Lina pep! Mind if I join you?"

    Lina looked back at him with a smile. "Not at all, the more the merrier I always say! Or, well, some variation of it at least. Just make sure you can keep up!" Without warning, she took off running.

    A familiar smirk appeared at her sudden start to the day's exercise and it hadn't weakened at all by the time the older Phoenix was alongside her, keeping apace with no visible effort. "Hey now, run off like that without a word and you might make me think you don't want me around!" Rowan began with mock hurt. "Is it because you don't wanna be embarrassed when I say you look cute when you're ready for a workout?"

    "You call me cute no matter what I'm doing," she shot back "Me and every other girl in town!"

    "True, but so are my praises! Is it wrong to pay homage to all the beauty I encounter?" He let the jab slide off him like water off a duck. "Besides, you're the only one in town worthy of the title 'Princess'. I dare say Miss Atria herself would have to grace us with her presence to give you a contender." He teased.

    There was no outward reaction, but Rowan could feel a twinge of discomfort from her at the nickname. He'd called her that countless times, and never gotten that reaction. "Let's see if you can say that with a straight face when I get super jacked. I'm talking arms like tree trunks! I've upped my training, so it's only a matter of time." She sped up a little.

    "You're going to need to do more than get jacked to stand up to what we've got coming." Rowan said as he matched her again, suddenly serious. "And you'll need to do more than exercise or train to get there."

    Lina's smile faded with Rowan's. "Yeah, I know..." She slowed down a little. "I'm working on a new weapon. I'm going to practice with it when it's done. I'm going to figure out some strategies, good ways to swap between my weapons and new ways to use each one. I'm going to work on my body so I can pull off each of those new moves perfectly. And if I need to do more than that, then... well, then I'll worry about that when I get there."

    "Have you ever considered a training partner? I know a thing or two about swords and in my experience the best training is with a partner." Rowan offered. "I've also got a few ideas for your particular situation. There's only so much you can do on your own. I learned that a long time ago."

    Lina took a second to consider it. "I appreciate the offer, but I'll be fine. I don't want to get in the way of your own training, which you're definitely doing after losing to Egan, right?" Rowan could sense some bitterness in the otherwise fair question.

    "After the ass beating' you mean?" Rowan asked with a wry smile. "Oh yeah, I've got big plans. But there are a lot of components and one piece would progress a lot if I could teach you a thing or two, believe it or not. To each their own, though. I was raised not to meddle...not too much, at least."

    "Oh really now?" she questioned. "So how do you figure helping me is gonna help you? We need someone who can compete at the level of the games' all-stars, so if you're just saying that so I'll say yes I'll be pretty upset."

    "I have a lot to learn before I'm anywhere close to ready for the games. One of my teachers said some of his most valuable experiences and growths came from teaching others." Rowan explained.

    Lina slowed to a halt, putting her hand to her chin in thought. She looked to her side. They'd made it to the lakeside, bathed in a medley of oranges and violets as the sun made its ascent. "I guess I've got a lot to learn too, and I probably shouldn't be complaining about the how. I'm still not convinced you're not just doing this for my sake, but I don't know enough about that to argue. So sure, I'll let you teach me."

    Rowan smiled widely and the green of his eyes was overtaken by royal purple. "That's good..." He blinked as if catching something that had almost passed over him and his eyes had returned to normal. "But don't be silly, one of these days you'll learn everything I do is at least a little bit selfish, I've always got an angle!" A soft lyrical call pulled Rowan's attention away to a town girl he'd been chatting up recently, apparently out for a walk of her own, perhaps while some laundry dried.. "Ah, there's my cue to throw some leisure into the workout. I'll see you later in the practice room, princess! Go whenever, I won't keep you waiting, I promise." He offered Lina a wink and a two-finger salute before lightly jogging towards the other young woman as if he hadn't a care in the world.

    Lina watched him go with a frown. "Let's hope this wasn't a terrible idea," she muttered to herself before getting back to her run.


    Sapphire Rose

    [I]Only thorns left on this rose.[/I]
  • 3,449

    Faye Aubrey

    The language of flowers feat. Rowan

    The sun shone brightly this new morning in the Phoenix's Nest. The warm rays delicately touched Faye's eyelids as they entered her room through the small windows. She opened one eye and looked up to find out that she had forgotten to close the curtains last night. She grumbled and stuffed her face in the wide range of different pillows she had gathered over the days. All ranging from pink colors to sky blue filled with cotton for extra comfort and softness. Faye couldn't wish for more, except for a new soft blanket.

    After a short while, Faye came to the realization that she wasn't going to be able to stay in bed. Sarah was probably getting breakfast ready by now and she didn't want to be that person that is always sleeping in. So she got up, slowly, and sat down on the edge of her bed. She stretched and yawned and was gathering the strength and courage to actually get up. But she did it. After a few minutes contemplating her life decisions she was finally on her two feet and was, again slowly, getting herself out of soft pink tank top and blue checkered sleeping pants to get herself dressed into her brown attire. She had left her gloves and socks yet off and stood in front of the mirror to get her hair done first. It was all flat and actually looked kind of nice. Faye looked quite cute with this. "... must have been the hot springs…" Faye mumbled. Cute was not the look she was going for if the two white horns on her head were visible like this, and visible they were.

    The door was firmly rapt upon and then opened so quickly Faye had no time to even react before Rowan slid into the room. "Oops, the door blew open just from my knocking! Good morning to one of Phoenix Nest's two sleepyhead conquerors!" His eyes narrowed and lips formed a smirk at the sight that awaited him. "My goodness, you're even more adorable with your hair down! Those hotsprings are great, right?"

    Faye was so startled at the sound of the door opening so abrupt, she just froze in place. The little panick attack that happened inside her head caused a shutdown in her brain of some sort and she just stared at Rowan with those hazel sleepy eyes of hers. "Can you at least wait for an answer when you knock?" Were the first words she managed to throw out after a few seconds, completely ignoring his... compliment? On purpose.

    However, the few seconds after that caused a bigger panick attack when she realised what that compliment was. Never has Faye stroke through her hair this fast before to make it messier and more important... hide those frickin' horns. While she was at that, she realised the scales on her arms were quite visible as well and she kind of ended up hiding it behind her back. Good to know she cannot lower her guard in her own private room with Rowan around.

    "You're right, I'm truly a scoundrel! Sorry! If it makes you feel better I only barged in because I knew you were up." Rowan offered a smile that was somehow apologetic and shameless at the same time. "I promise I'll never enter this room again without permission!... unless I hear crying and someone needs a hug, then Pat would get mad at me if I didn't do anything." For a moment Rowan's eyes shifted to a foggy amethyst color, then faded back to green and he looked at Faye with much keener interest. "What's that your hiding there? Did you get me a present to feel better about losing yesterday? That's so sweet of you but seeing those cute little horns is gift enough for me~"

    Faye froze in place again before letting out a terrible deep sigh with her eyes closed. He had seen... "They're not a gift. They're a curse..." she opened her eyes again and just stared at the floor for a few moments. She kind of wanted to throw a comment back at him about Egan but she let it slide for now. "You do not sound surprised though... was it obvious?" She asked, glancing at Rowan partly to see if his eyes would change color again. She took out her right arm she had hid behind her back. Off-white white scales could be seen covering part of her lower arm.

    "I had my suspicions." Rowan explained. "You don't feel quite human...but not quite like the birdbrain or our lizard lady champion either. If Prim is a constant, steady buzz then you're an occasional gurgle that gets buried back down with haste, like a strangled well in the desert that keeps getting more sand heaped on it before it can become an oasis. I'm guessing you must have had some trouble with your features before? Is that why you can't seem to let loose at all?" He leaned on her wall and quirked an eyebrow quizzically as he finished.

    Faye seemed to be raising an eyebrow but with the pokerface she's always having, that seemed hard. "I didn't know you were a poet, Rowan." Faye sat down on her bed. "... or a psychologist." She stretched herself once again and yawned. "You are able to feel people? What is that about?" Faye asked curiously, once again, glancing at him because she wanted to see of his eyes would change again and dodging the question he had asked first.

    The red-haired wizard grinned widely and this time his irises became like melted gold. "Looks like I'm not the only curious one. It's part of my magic. All of it is powered by, controlled by, shaped by and can shape emotions. Pat's the same and as a side effect we can feel the emotions of others and others can feel ours... though I've learned how to cover mine up unless I allow them to shine through. That's why animals like us so much, like that cat we found. They can feel exactly how we feel, they know we're no threat and feel kindly towards them."

    Rowan watched Faye for a few seconds more before his smile twisted back into a smirk and he leaned towards her. "Yes, by the way, my eyes are like moodstones. It's a great excuse to get beautiful girls to stare into them." He winked as he revealed he was on to her and his eyes shifted from gold to daisy yellow, then back to their usual green. "Y'see, our magic reacts to our own emotions all by itself, it takes active practice and self control not to have things just spontaneously happen in tune with our moods."

    As soon as Rowan revealed he noticed Faye staring, she turned her head almost immediately. Her face turned a soft red from embarrassment but with the same cold look on her face as always. It took her a few seconds to recollect herself. "That's really interesting magic you two got there." Faye said. "So if I keep track of which color is which mood, I can actually read your mood after a while?" Faye's mouth corners curled up if only slightly, not enough for a smirk but it came close.

    That last bit made him lean even closer. "Maybe, if you pay real close attention, I certainly won't complain. His eyes flashed red and the room warmed up a few degrees. "But I've got a pretty good handle on it, unless what I feel is really strong almost none of it comes out. So generally all you will be able to see is the passion that stirs within me whenever I'm around a beautiful girl~"

    Rowan took a step back and the air cooled as he closed his eyes, then opened them back to their usual green. "Pat, however is easy to read as baby's first picture book. Don't tell him I told you though."

    Faye sighed at his womanizer comment and her eyes drifted away from Rowan. The more he made, the less genuine they seemed. And they already didn't seem to very genuine. "So, every girl basically?" Faye teased. "Now you've explained your and pat's magic, I finally feel like I understand what happened when we took the job for the cat and there was this strange whirlwind coming from nowhere." Faye leaned a bit backwards on her bed and stared at the ceiling. Now Rowan had explained a little bit about himself, it's only fair Faye finally answered his question.

    "... I wasn't even born in the Mistlands, far from it." Faye started, her voice quieting down a little. "My father fell in love with a woman who was a touched being. I inherited part of her traits." Faye's expression seemed to become a slightly sad one. Remembering her mother was a painful memory. "I guess you could say I'm only half-touched. You're not far from the truth when you say that I had troubles with my features." Faye stopped there.

    "Mm... it's never easy standing out on a crowd when you're young and vulnerable." He replied wistfully. "Plenty of Atrian people still discriminate against Valbestians and the Touched. What are your parents like?"

    "Tell me about it... I'm surprised by how... this town hasn't called anyone out in this guild yet." Faye spoke. "It's a hard question to answer because I can hardly remember my mother. She was a sweet woman I guess..." Faye shook her head to get rid of the lingering feelings she had that were surfacing. "My father is a gifted wizard that uses his skills to create lacrima's. He is smart and a good man. I've never seen him not smiling." Faye's thoughts about her father were much happier ones.

    It was only moments before Faye turned her gaze towards Rowan again. "You and Pat were raised by Boriel, right? What happened to your family?"

    Rowan's smile softened at the nostalgia that radiated from Faye when she mentioned her father and it remained so at her question. "It's more accurate to say he saved us. Saved us from being alone... from some young teenager filled with hate and loss trying to raise his little brother and teaching him all the wrong lessons...Who knows what would have become of us of we hadn't met him."

    Faye listened attentively. All the while she was imagining what Rowan would be like be like as an angry teenager, and how Pat would be like. She tossed the thought away entirely as it just looked weird to her, imagining them like that.

    Rowan took a deep breath and his eyes became a rich blue that glimmered and shifted as if it were a window into some clear body of cerulean water while he stared off into memories. "My parents were very loving people, so much so that I felt like they loved everyone around us, like some giant extended family. But loving too much...too freely... is dangerous. Dad was so strong, but he faced a challenge he wasn't prepared for... and we lost everything... everyone. My mom... there was so much warmth to her that anyone near her seemed to lose every ounce of malice or anxiety and feel... peace. Pat spent a lot more time with her than me and it shows. That's really all I can say about my parents, if I blabbed anything more about them you'd just forget it all."

    The aquatic tone to his eyes remained when they looked back at Faye. He took his weight off the wall and crooked a finger at her, saying "Come with me, I'd like to show you something." And left her room to head for his own without another word.

    Faye's heart felt heavy after hearing Rowan's story. She had already guessed they were orphans but it sounded like there was so much more to the tale. He had said earlier that his eyes only changed out of itself if he was feeling an emotion strongly and his eyes were blue... was that the color of sadness? the words that really lingered in her mind were the ones about how she would forget it all, why would she?

    Faye walked up towards her door and took a peek outside to see if no one was seeing her leave to enter Rowan's room because in her mind, it would be suspicious and strange. Before leaving, she grabbed a glove to wear on her right arm to hide the scales. Rowan knew now but there was no need for anyone else to know right now. After that, she made her way towards his room and entered.

    "What did you want to show me?"

    "Do you know anything about the language of flowers?"

    "I've heard my father say something about it but other than that..."

    The Hoskel Brothers' room was sparse and plain, little more than a bed, a desk and two wardrobes. The only impressive things about the room were the fact that the bed was king-sized and there was a sliding glass door out to the Guild Hall's main balcony. No, there was one more thing that Faye only noticed when Rowan approached it. To the left of the door to the balcony was a large shelf with a long planter all the way across it. Growing out of the planter was a pair of flowers, all with rounded, poofy blooms of many petals. They were both clearly the same breed of flower but each one had an entirely unique coloring from the other. One flower had a blue pistil with each petal starting silver and ending blue, the other flower had a yellow pistil with each petal starting red and ending yellow.

    They looked different, still they were the same. "Those are beautiful..." Faye said quietly. Even though she liked them, the cold expression was all the same with widened eyes at the most. She approached Rowan near the shelf to take a better look. "Is this what you wanted to show me?" She asked, waiting for an explanation from him.

    "These are Zinnias." Rowan began. "One of my two best friends gave me a seed packet the last time we met. In all the mess that followed I lost the other seeds but I saved two. Helping Lina get the hall up and running inspired me to plant them... and my magic bled into them from the... feelings they brought out, causing them to grow to this size in just a week and in these colors. These flowers are my most precious possessions, as long as they're healthy I'll never forget what's important and anyone who looks at them will know I'm still kicking." I'll leave it to you to decide if you care what zinnias mean but I figured we'd trade secrets for secrets. Now I know about your two horns and you know about my two flowers."

    Faye changed her gaze from the flowers back to Rowan and forth. The flowers were beautiful but the meaning behind it was so bittersweet, her usual dead eyes had a sparkle that was shimmering. She was also curious to the meaning behind the flower. There was suddenly a lot more to Rowan the womanizer.

    Rowan stepped away from the flowers to a bag on the floor by the bed and rifled through it. "Right, I know about your skin condition too, that means I owe you one more secret." After a few more seconds of searching Rowan pulled a book with a thick scarlet cover and gold filigree from the bag and held it out to Faye. "This was a gift from dad when I turned 5, the first year my handwriting started to look decent."

    Faye glanced at Rowan and then at the book and leaned a little bit towards it to get a better look. "It indeed looks very old..." she spoke softly. "It's a nice gift. That's for sure." She took a step back again.

    The older Phoenix offered a melacholic smile and opened the book, skipping past the first page to show Faye...nothing? Every page beyond the very first was blank."You see, I have a curse. This book is actually a journal. My father wanted me to document my own life for posterity and to develop my writing and memory. But..." He pointed to the two words at a random spot on the page, written in a flowing, dignified script. Rowan Hoskel. "Nothing can be recorded about me in any sort of detail. If it is it just disappears. I've filled over a hundred pages of this journal by now but there's nothing to see in any of it aside from my name."

    Faye listened and was very quiet. Rowan spoke but it took a few moments for Faye to process what he was actually telling her. Shivers walked down her spine, not gently but rather like a thunder strike hitting a tree. She took a few steps back and ended up stumbling at the edge of the bed and ended up falling on it, but sat down afterwards. She stayed quiet all the while until she finally disturbed the sound of silence with her own voice.

    "So that's why you said I would forget... I literally will forget whether I want it or not." Faye whispered, still shocked. At the same time, she felt incredibly bad for him and honestly did not know what to say except. "... is there a way?" ... "I mean... Is there a solution?" Faye shook her head after this sentence. "No, of course not... this wouldn't be a secret if there was one." Faye kept debating with herself. She usually had some solutions ready if problems occurred but this... was different. "Why... Did you tell me this?" Faye glanced at Rowan. She did not mean ill intend with that question. Rather, why would he trust her with something this important? "My little secrets are nearly not on the same level... so why?"

    "Well, it's not really that big a deal." Rowan rubbed the back of his head. "There's just not much point telling most people, but you're my guildmate, I doubt I could hide it from everyone for too long even if I wanted to and I don't. Boriel and Myeloch know. It feels good to tell someone. I still have my name, my brother, people can still know me, remember me. As for undoing the curse... I don't know. The one who caused it is dead but it continues." Faye started thinking for a little while, wondering how she could be of help.

    Rowan took a deep breath and fell backwards onto the bed as if unaware Faye was still there. "It's important to know our guildmates, you should pay attention to yours. I'll tell you now there's no reason to hide those horns anymore. I mean you're in a guild with a bird and a giant lizard. This is one of the safest places you could be."

    Faye placed her hands between her thighs and sighed. "I know... it's not like I don't know." Faye felt a little uneasy. Rowan wasn't a bad person, that much was clear but that still did not speak for anyone else in the guild. "There was a place I felt safe too. You can guess how that ended up." Faye said. "The town I was born into was kind to me. Until they found out I wasn't quite human." She glanced at Rowan who was right next to her.

    "I want to keep this façade going on a little longer. Will you let me?"

    "It's not my place to say, do whatever you want. " Rowan responded, crossing his arms behind his head and closing his eyes. "There's no reason for me to tell anyone anything." He finished, his legs dangling off the bead and casually swinging back and forth.

    Faye stood up and adjusted her clothes a little. "Thank you. I appreciate it." She said before turning towards the door. "I'm going to get myself ready for the job of today. Try not to get your clothes ripped again." She was implying how he looked like at the end of his fight with Egan yesterday, it was meant as a tease. As she opened the door and stood in the opening, she said one last thing before she left.

    "It's good to be able to talk to someone." and with that... Faye had gone back to her room.

    "And don't you forget it!" He called after her swiveling and lifting his legs onto the bed.

  • 25,593
    Primilla Bellamy and Pat Hoskel

    A bird called noisily outside the window as Prim finished dressing for the day. She chuckled lightly to herself.

    "I sound better than that!" she called out to it wherever it was nesting. Satisfied that she was ready for the day at that point, she opened her door and stepped out into the hallway with vigor - directly into the person walking past her room at that moment.

    There was a slight "Oomph!" and some jumbled footsteps at the impact, followed by a slight groan."Yowwie… watch where you're going!" The younger of the Hoskel brothers complained, the air in the hall heating up while he rubbed his nose.

    "Now where's the fun in that?" Prim grinned, ruffling Pat's hair. "Isn't life much more fun when you just embrace the unexpected?"

    She punctuated this by promptly shifting to her bird form and perching on top of Pat's head, which she pecked at gently for little-to-no reason.

    "Not when my poor nose has to pay for it!" Pat rebutted to thin air. The light tap on top of his head shifted his gaze upward - which thanks to not being able to look above his own forehead lead to him awkwardly tilting his head up until he almost lost his balance and stumbled back a step. At the familiar sensation of a bird using him for a rest stop whatever anger Pat felt about his 'poor nose' vanished almost instantaneously and the temperature of the hall returned to normal.

    "Oh, you can change fast, fun! What does being a bird feel like? I've asked a lot of birds before but they can't uh, talk like you can." He queried, reaching a hand up to pat the bird as softly as if it could fall apart at a glance.

    Prim hopped backwards off of Pat's head, returning to her human state as she did so and giving him a light shove towards the stairs - he surprised her by stumbling forward to the edge of the stairs and catching his balance in a swan pose right at the corner of the top stair.

    "You don't have to be quite so gentle, even as a bird I'm tougher than you." She giggled at that, knowing full well that this was probably not entirely accurate. "As for what it feels like - I don't know really? I'm still just me as far as I'm concerned. Why do you ask though? Can't you tell with those trippy emotion powers of yours?"

    Pat spun around with a big grin, proud of his little stunt only to totter backwards slightly and be yanked away from the stairs. "No, silly, I'm not a mind reader!...Sometimes it feels like Rowan is since he's put so much practice into 'reading people' but still all we can feel are emotions. Understanding those emotions is another matter entirely, and animals feel things very differently from people! Especially animals with little brains like birds!" He paused, then his eyes widened and cheeks reddened when he looked at Prim. "That is to say, normal birds, I'm sure you're way brainier than they are!"

    "Nice save." Prim laughed, rolling her eyes and making sure Pat was safely rooted to the top of the stairs before letting him go.

    She pondered for a few moments then, trying to identify if there really was anything that felt different about being in her bird shape. She'd been changing back and forth for as long as he could really remember, so it felt pretty natural to her. Still, she supposed that there were differences.

    "I can't really say being a bird feels any different to me mentally, it's still me in there," she said "But if you pay attention to it you notice that you feel lighter, less restrained. Nothing feels as free as flying does. What's it feel like constantly getting weird emotional feedback from everyone around you?"

    "Uh, well...I dunno...I was born like this. My teacher's and Rowan told me that's not normal. They said most people with innate magical abilities have natural leanings to certain types of magic but not inborn schools of magic. So uh...for me it's harder to think about what it must be like not being able to feel other people's feelings. I mean, trying to understand what people really mean and how they feel just by their faces and voices must be really hard, especially if you don't know them! How would you know who's nice and who isn't?"

    He thought hard. "Sometimes it can be a little overwhelming. It took a lot of practice just for me to be able to pinpoint who is giving off what kind of 'waves' at me. When I was little my parents couldn't bring me out around town because being around too many people at once would disorient me really bad or even give me migraines...But now it's great! I always feel confident in my instincts about who to like and who not to like! And I can make friends with animals really easily too! Except for the ones that are just plain not nice… also lizards and bugs. You can't really make friends with lizards and bugs, they're like living robots" Pat held his arms straight out in front of him as if doing a stiff march and stomped his feet, then stuck his tongue out and wiggled it in an imitation of a snake. "Fleshbots!...Bioborgs?"

    "Zombies?" Prim suggested.

    "What? No, no, zombies are mindless! Lizards and bugs...well I guess there are some similarities but most of them aren't dumb, they're pure instinct. That's why they're like robots! They run entirely on programming! Their emotions are so alien compared to everything else. They're there but...It's like going from reading clear words to a bunch of gibberish made with squiggles and no real order...they're weird."

    "I don't think either of us are exactly in any place to judge weird," Prim mused, "I'm a person who is also a bird and you go around knowing exactly what people and animals are feeling all the time."

    "What does normal even mean for a wizard? There are so many different kinds of magic with so many rules...It's all so -" He froze just as he was about to say 'weird' again and cleared his throat. "Hard to keep track of it all. I have a hard enough time just understanding my own magic. I mean, I'm way stronger than Rowan but he can still do all kinds of things I can't! And some of the things I do without meaning to he says he has to try really hard to do and we're brothers with the same magic and the same teachers. I can't even imagine trying to understand a bunch of different schools of magic like some wizards do. I'm glad Myeloch's our guild master… I'd be terrified to be his enemy, Boriel too!"

    "I take a simpler look at things there," Prim said, "It's true that there's a lot of magic out there but no matter how powerful you are, nobody likes being punched in the head. Why worry about all the crazy things people can do when you can focus on what you can do and how you can play to your own strengths. I can turn into a bird and I can punch things and that's it, but I get by just fine."

    Pat looked up at the ceiling thoughtfully. "I dunno, I was always taught that it's important to be flexible and to be able to think in ways and about things that might seem like they have nothing to do with you because 'Every strength has weaknesses and no amount of mastery allows you one solution for all problems!'" He puffed his chest out as he finished the last part and his hair became rough and spikey behind him.

    "I don't know, I'm not one for philosophical debate. I think that being flexible isn't about having a wide range of skills as much as it's about doing what you can with what you have. It's not like I'm against learning more but I'm not about to try and be someone else."

    Prim shrugged, the conversation was starting to get uncomfortable heavy at this point. She wasn't entirely sure how this was the case, but it was apparently weirdly easy to get drawn into depths you didn't intend with a kid as earnest as Pat.

    "This conversation is getting too deep for this time of morning. Want to go drive Rowan crazy?"

    "That sounds fun but I have no idea where he is. He was already out when I woke up and I can never find him if he doesn't want me to, he could be anywhere that's not too far away for him to make it back before it's time for the big job." Pat looked disappointed, all too transparent about how much he liked watching Prim and Rowan's verbal fencing. "We could always go for a walk around town though! There's more to keep busy with in Shessalie than you might think if you really look. We can also raid the library, Myeloch's book collection is amazing! Boriel, Rowan and I brought the books we had with us when we got here too and Boriel's taste in books is robust as heck!"

    "Sure, let's go look around," Prim replied, "Lead the way."

    With that she promptly returned to her bird form, perched once again on top of Pat's head. She chirped cheerfully, signalling Pat to get a move on.

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    Believe in the you that believes in cheese
  • 1,319

    Crimson Clash!
    Phoenixes collide in a Rowdy Redhead Romp!


    Lina sat at a table in the Phoenix Nest training hall. She wore what she usually did for guild activities, shorts, dress shirt and all, but all she was doing was scribbling on the paper in front of her while she waited for Rowan. She tried to do some training of her own, but lately she'd been questioning her regiment, and she couldn't find the motivation to continue. Even so, she focused intently on her current task.

    Upon taking a deep breath to recollect her thoughts, Lina looked up to see an upside down Rowan face. The older Phoenix just so happened to be hanging by his ankles from an ornate chandelier above Lina's very table and even held a large book lightly in his left hand as if he'd been reading right above her head and only just then noticed her. "Heya, you look like you're ready for practice, or more like desperate for it if what I saw is any indication."

    Lina let out a yelp as she fell out of her seat, and an "Oof!" as she hit the ground. "I should really be expecting that by now," she groaned. She was quick to get up to fold up what she'd been working on.

    Stowing it away in her pouch, she finally looked to the invader of her personal space. "'What you saw'? How long have you been up there, anyway?" She raised an eyebrow, though it was clear she wasn't upset with him.

    "Ohhh since about half an hour before you got here. I had a hunch about your training regiment, so I thought I'd just get some quality reading done while I waited for you to show up and justify my help, which you did marvelously at!" He swung back up onto the ceiling ornamentation, then dropped smoothly into the chair on the opposite side of the table from Lina, now with a quartet of books in his right hand, and a cup of tea in the other, which he sipped from as if this were all perfectly natural. He swallowed the tea and let out a contented sigh, then "You're in a slump, aren't you?" He asked over his tea cup, suddenly serious.

    "Yup." Lina sat down at the table, resting her head on her hands. "It's like, it's important to me that I do as much as I can myself, but at the same time, it's also important to me that I actually win at the games. Or at least put on a good show. But now there's that thought in my head of maybe having to choose between the two. I start doing my own thing and wonder if I'm doing it wrong, but then I wonder if I'd really be satisfied any other way."

    Lina stood up again and stretched. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be so sulky. I already made the decision to come here, so let's get started, yeah? Show me something cool!"

    Rowan's expression remained stoic as he nodded. "These are all good things to think about." He stood up from the table and leisurely made his way to a totally empty part of the room, calling up for practice swords with dulled edges. The teacher-for-a-day hefted one, slid his hand along it until he felt he'd found it's truest center of gravity and tested it by lifting it up to balance perfectly on the tip of his index finger. "Yes sir, this'll do, you never let me down, badass-making room." He gestured to Lina and waited until she had her own practice blade, then set himself a fitting distance from her. "Tell me something before we start, Princess. What are you climbing towards? What do you want, both for and from yourself? Not some thing to achieve like winning the Games, the simple and real answer."

    Lina shifted her weapon in her hands, feeling its weight. "For and from myself, huh? I dream of becoming the me I've always wanted to be." She raised her weapon, pointing it high toward the ceiling. "I want to be able to stand at the summit with my dad. To be able to call myself a Latare, and live up to all the expectations that name brings. And I want to know I got there with my own two hands."

    In a flash he was on her, a loud clang echoing through the room as Lina just barely managed to put her sword in front of Rowan's. The pressure on her arm made it clear he was not being soft on her. "That's not a good enough answer." He said grimly, small streaks of black creeping into his scarlet hair like inky highlights. Along with the change in color, Lina could feel a change in mood too. She'd spent enough time around the brothers by now to start understanding the waves of feeling that radiated from them to an extent, but this was something she hadn't really felt from Rowan before. She could only imagine it was anger.

    "Not good enough, huh? Well it's the truth, so if you want me to be honest it's all I can give you!" Lina grit her teeth. She slid her blade along Rowan's to slip to his side, and counter with a quick jab. The swords had been intentionally left without any sort of guards and even as she pulled away Rowan barely avoided his fingers being crunched by Lina's blade. However, he was ready for the thrust and smacked it aside with an impact of his flat against hers, pivoting his hips and twisting the sword at the moment the blades met to push it further away and against her grip.

    "Maybe so, but if that remains the truth, you'll never stand a chance at the Grand Magic Games! You'll be lucky if your own father even let's you participate!" He pirouetted with the momentum of his parry and brought a swing around towards Lina's midsection. No more black crept into the red locks swaying with Rowan's movements but what was there persisted as well.

    With her blade too far to counter, she was forced leap back and disengage. She held her blade in front of her with both hands, legs apart in a defensive stance waiting for Rowan's approach. Her defiant eyes were almost daring him to come at her as she ran the different outcomes through her head.

    "Alright, you wanna see something different?" Rowan challenged, holding his own blade before his face, both hands clasped around the hilt as if in prayer. "I call upon thee, living pathos. Render unto my command and you will know my name of Witch-Hazel! Bow my target and conform their will!" As he spoke, the black streaks in Rowan's hair slithered to the tips and vanished as if bleeding into nothingness.

    Shimmering light with shifting colors like a roiling, liquid rainbow filled the sword and Rowan held it at his right shoulder, pointed at Lina. She immediately recognized the same pose from his first attack against Egan earlier, then he flew at her as if the blade was a ballistic projectile and he was just being pulled along with it.

    Lina smirked. "Dad hasn't stopped me before, and I won't let you stop me either." Despite her words, there was a total stillness to her body as Rowan's approached, her eyes tracking his every movement. It happened in a flash as he reached her within moments.

    The moment came and she raised her blade to deflect Rowan's strike. She nearly missed it, the newly acquired scratch on her cheek serving as proof of that, but it didn't have to be perfect to make an opening. She met him with a lunge from her knee as her blade kept his in check.

    Rowan continued on full-bore, sparks shooting off from the spot their blades ground against one another. Lina's knee slammed mercilessly into Rowan's stomach and he let go of the practice sword, doubling over while the weapon sailed away.

    He leaned into the kick even as his sword yanked Lina's off balance in its flight, then suddenly shifted his arms from hanging limply to spreading wide. Rowan allowed the kick to sink as far into him as it would and wrapped Lina into a big bear hug. However, instead of squeezing the breath out of her, his grip almost felt gentle aside from how hard it was to move.

    Lina felt something other than air leave her but she couldn't place exactly what, she only felt her muscles relax. She had to escape, fight him off, who was he to act like he knew how she should motivate herself? But that all seemed far away.

    She tried to break free, kicking and shaking, but she couldn't seem to find the strength. Strength for… what exactly? She remembered she was training, but why? What did she have to train for?Her sword fell to the ground with a clatter. She could tell something was wrong and that Rowan's magic was to blame, but she didn't feel like she needed to do anything about it.

    Just then, something occurred to her. "You jerk, I thought this was sword practice," she said playfully. "You never said anything about using magic!" Rowan heard the familiar sound of Lina summoning one of her weapons. With the push of a button it shocked him with a brief jolt of electricity.

    Rowan stumbled back a step and inhaled deeply, finally getting back the air he'd lost from her kick as the tingles of the elctric shock faded. He held his hand up in mock surrender. "Hey, I never said anything about this just being sword practice. I promised to show you something special, and I think I've succeeded." He picked his fallen blade up off the floor and tossed it as if it were no more than a stick, watching it tumble gracefully through the air and sink back into the barrel of its fellows. "You're now the only person to witness - or I suppose, experience - my newest spell, one I wasn't sure had any practical application before." He took a step forward and made a bow of deep respect for Lina. "If there's one thing I'm proud of, Princess, it's my willpower. My pillar of Spirit dwarf's even most S rank wizards and the spell may be incomplete but it is still in a way a direct contest of wills. You just powered through that contest with no warning or awareness of what it was. Do you know what that means?"

    "I'm not entirely sure, but it sounds an awful lot like you're praising me," Lina grinned. "Though 'powered through' might be the wrong way to put it." She hated losing and that was definitely a loss, yet she still felt no desire to continue fighting. It was a strange feeling, to say the least. Even her last attack was meant not as an attack, but simply the proper punishment for someone who was being a butt and deserved a little shock.

    "It means you have a very strong will." Rowan continued, lightly booping Lina's nose with his index finger, at which she felt her stolen feelings rush back into her and settle in her psyche. "And that's impressive at your age and level of experience."

    She sat on a table off to the side, swinging her legs beneath her. "I tried to fight a bit more like Harmonia, letting my opponent strike first and planning out a counterattack. It worked, until it didn't, but I think I did pretty good for my first try. I'll just need to plan out a few more steps ahead, at least until I can improve my reaction speed."

    "It's a good start, but I'd say Bitch did a lot more than counterattack, or even plan ahead. Each one of those gadgets of hers is practically an entire miniature fighting style all to itself. She has all of those ready and thought out ahead of time so that she doesn't need especially fast reaction speed to decide which one she needs for a given situation and pull it out. From there it's a simple matter of adaptability. I think that's definitely something you're capable of. You'll get it, especially once you start collecting more tools for your belt." Rowan explained, finishing with an encouraging smile.

    "Is that so? I'll have to ask dad if he can show me the fight I missed so I can get a better look at her style," said Lina.

    "Now I owe you a reward for a job well done and then I say it's time we head back up and see how everyone's doing on prepping for our first big job."

    "I wouldn't say I deserve a reward, not yet at least, but I'll happily take it as an apology!"

    Rowan smirked. "Don't worry, it's not anything too grandiose. Just don't flinch, you might hurt us both." The older Phoenix closed his eyes and hummed for a moment. After a few moments of relative silence, Rowan reached forward and rested his hand on the back of Lina's head, then pulled her towards him and leaned forward, bumping their foreheads lightly together. Upon contact Lina felt a rush of warmth, simultaneously relaxing and invigorating, like a colorful sunrise promising a bright new day ahead. After only a moment the sensation faded and Rowan clapped his hands together once, already heading for the door. "There we have it! time to get back to business. Shall we?" He asked, stumbling uncharacteristically just before he reached the door, then recovering his poise and bowing with a gesture towards the door to save face.

    Lina was still trying to process what had just happened, her face red and her body tense. "You're not going to tell me what that was, are you?" she said, half hoping he would. She didn't wait for an answer before opening the door leading outside, only to bump into a dark-clothed... person?

    She looked up at the being standing outside her guild, who looked back at them with their lack of eyes on a pitch-black face. Creepy featurelessness aside, this thing had a similar build and outfit to that of Boriel. It stood tall with both hands resting on the hilt of a greatsword, the blade's tip digging into the ground.

    "I'm going to assume this is Boriel's, but uh, what is it?" she asked.

    "Oh yeah, one of those things." Rowan sounded almost bored, mostly because he'd spent enough time around Boriel's 'dark' servants to know there was no fun to be wrangled from them. "This is one of my old man's Living Shadows." He marched to the Shadow's front and rumpled his forehead and bred his teeth like a donkey, deforming his face as much as possible before he spoke to it. "Hey, Doofus, where'd Pops and my future wife get off to?"

    Lina raised an eyebrow. "Future wife?" She asked, the first of several questions she now had.

    The living shadow took a bit as if struggling to parse Rowan's words before turning its head to face a bit north of town; the location of Burgess Manor.

    "Right, my future in-laws. They must be formally accepting the job." Rowan grinned at Lina. "Hey, crazy idea but perhaps somebody who's actually going on the mission should be there? That and uh...Boriel's not much of a talker... and Sarah - hey who's ready for more exercise?! Let's go!" Without elaborating any further Rowan began to jog towards Burgess Manor, theatrically breathing out loud in time with his steps with Lina close behind.

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  • 957

    Family Business Burgess Manor, Wednesday July 4th, X784

    While most of Phoenix Nest's members were occupied with either training or interviews, a letter arrived at the guildhall. It appeared that the president of Burgess and Sons Mining co. had come to Burgess Manor, and that he wished to discuss the job. At the time only Sarah and Boriel were at the guild. The two thought long and hard over what to do about the letter, and ultimately decided to answer its call themselves.

    However, as they arrived at the manor's gates, they seemed to be having second thoughts.

    "I've never been good at dealing with the rich, but as a senior member of the guild this is something I must do." said Boriel, fists clenched as he stared at the massive silver gates leading into the manor.

    "The guild's only existed for a few days, I don't think there's a whole lot of seniority even there," said Sarah, arms crossed as she, too, stared at the gates. "Is it really okay to just leave the guild empty like that though?"

    "I left a living shadow behind, it's fine," Boriel answered.

    "Which does what, exactly?"

    "It guards the door. Guildhall's closed."

    "...I guess that works."

    Silence fell as the pair continued to stare at the gates.

    "As a Burgess yourself, shouldn't you go first?" suggested Boriel.

    "No no no, you're like, the most senior member of the guild. You should go first. Set the example, you know?" Sarah counter-suggested.

    "What's the matter? Don't you live here?" he asked.

    "Well, yeah, but I don't wanna deal with my dad. If that letter hadn't explicitly asked for me, I never would have come."

    "Hmm." After a few more seconds of silent pondering, Boriel took the initiative and stepped forward, with Sarah right at his heels.

    The two were led into the company president's office by the manor's butler, who told them he would be with them in a moment. However the first person to arrive was actually another Phoenix, this one with very windblown red hair, followed very closely by a smaler Phoenix also with red hair ravaged by recent wind! "Hey there, kids! We came to save you." Rowan announced, smoothing out his hair before reaching over to fuss with Lina's. His eagerness to get there in time had caused his magic to speed him up to a slightly ludicrous level along the way, and the pair's scarlet locks had suffered for it.

    "Good, you made it," said Boriel with little more than a glance in their direction.

    Sarah sunk into her seat. "Suddenly I'm even more worried about this."

    "Don't be like that, my dear." Rowan complained. "You couldn't have anyone better in your corner at a tense time than me, and Lina is literally our adorable poster girl! You can't accept our first real job without her." He countered patting the head of said Lina.

    "You're not completely wrong, I did hand out a bunch of posters to recruit if that's what you wanna call them," chimed Lina.

    "Whatever, you're already here so let's just get this over with. I just wanna go home, have a drink, and take a nice long nap," Sarah conceded.

    Soon enough, a well-dressed man with gold-rimmed glasses and slicked-back hair, looking barely any older than Sarah entered the room, "Sorry to keep you waiting. Let's get straight to business then, shall we?"

    "Steven!?" cried Sarah. "Wait, what happened to dad? We were meeting with the president, right?"

    Steven Burgess chuckled as he took a seat at his desk. "I wanted to surprise you, but on second thought it might have been a bad idea. Dad's fine, he just finally decided to retire. I'm leading the company now. President of the Burgess and Sons mining co. Steven Burgess, at your service."

    "Of course you are. And why is this the first I'm hearing about this?" Sarah was in disbelief.

    Steven crossed his arms. "You made it very clear you didn't want anything to do with the family business, which is exactly what this whole thing is. And I'm sure you would have heard sooner if you weren't dodging mom's calls all the time."

    Sarah fell back into her chair and looked away with a "Hmph."

    "Straight to business, you said?" Boriel interrupted.

    "Ah, right." Steven cleared his throat. "As I'm sure you know, I discreetly reached out to Gryphon Gale about an issue we've been having in our Shessalie mining operation. They bafflingly decided to hand their private job over to your fledgeling guild, but as long as the job is done and done soon I suppose I can't complain. He has given me his assurance that he'll take care of it if anything goes wrong, so it shouldn't hurt to let your guild give it a go."

    "We convinced them pretty well when three of our total newbies beat two of them and we made the champ break a sweat." Rowan interrupted the backhanded explanation.

    "Is that so? I suppose I shouldn't be so quick to doubt Egan's judgement. He's never given me any reason to doubt him before."

    "He's certainly not one to slack, or to give false acknowledgement." Rowan agreed, suddenly sounding serious. "Neither I nor any of my guildmates have any intention of disappointing you and betraying that faith."

    "Intentions on their own don't mean much, but new as your guild is it seems to be all I have. Regardless, I've already made the decision to trust you, so on with the briefing. Mining has stopped and the mine is currently empty. You are to make sure the beasts we've been fending off don't come back again. As to the nature of these beasts and their invasions..."

    Steven pressed a button under his desk and a section of the wall opened up, revealing a small television screen nestled within. On it appeared the image of a small reptillian biped locked in a cage somewhere.

    "Kobolds," said Boriel and Rowan simultaneously.

    'We had a TV?" asked Sarah.

    "Kobolds indeed," Steven answered. "Of course, in our surveys of the area before we began mining, we found no kobold lairs that would be disturbed. And even if we'd missed any, they are not the type of creature to attack anywhere as well-defended as our operation. And more than that, kobolds are usually only capable of weak earth magic, far less than what we've seen them using in their attacks. The one you're seeing now was captured to study this, but we can't find anything out of the ordinary. Too much is wrong with this, and so we turn to the experts. Rather, we turned to the experts, who then turned to you. But who knows? Maybe you'll surprise me.

    "The older sections of the mine have been blocked off, which should narrow your search. All were done with before the attacks began anyway, but you're free to search them if you deem it necessary for your investigation. I'm sure you know the danger these kobolds pose, particuarly in their traps and especially with the abnormal amount of magic these have. And I should remind you that they do not meet the council's standards for sapience and thus you are free to kill them, should it come to that. And that should be just about everything you need to know."

    "Understood," Boriel answered, and prepared to leave. Sarah was quick to follow suit, with Rowan and Lina close behind.

    "One last thing," said Steven. The four looked back at him. "Thank you for taking care of my sister."

    Sarah shook her head and rushed out of the room. Boriel stayed behind a moment, just long enough for an acknowledging nod before joining her. Rowan lingered behind, looking around the room for a moment, then suddenly staring intensely straight into Steven's eyes. His own eyes froze into a pale blue equally as piercing as his gaze.

    The traces of the warm smile Steven wore with his last words faded away as he met Rowan's gaze. He shifted his formal, business-like posture into something more relaxed, not breaking that eye contact for a moment. It was a silent message that whatever it was Rowan was doing, he was not afraid. "Was there something else you needed?" He asked.

    Rowan slowly shook his head. "There's a lot of things I need, but nothing here or now. Just some mild curiosity. Sarah will be just fine, for the record. Perhaps we should have tea some time? I'd love to get to know such a wonderful, strong woman's family," With that, he about-faced and strode casually for the exit, wishing he knew what to say to Sarah when he got home.

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  • 957

    Intern Interviews Interesting Fellas [Summarized] Shessalie, Wednesday July 4th, X784


    Among the people seeking to interview Phoenix Nest was someone who was a stranger to Shessalie; a new intern for Sorcerer Weekly, eager to write her first big story. Unfortunately, the first member of the guild she came across was Drell. She, of course, gave the intern the biggest of stories, which the gullible girl listened to in awe.

    It seemed like Drell was rather popular today though, as they were soon joined by a strange man claiming to be another journalist, as well as fellow Phoenixes Pat and Prim. After the guildmates greeted each other, they decided to ditch the new, rather confrontational journalist and bring the intern to get bagels with them.

    After a bit of fun and banter over their massive order, Prim tossing bagels for Drell to catch and Pat unthinkingly altering his with his magic through his joy, the intern continued with her questions. She asked them about their goals in the guild, to which they all proudly proclaimed that they'd win at the Grand Magic Games. After a couple of victories against Gryphon Gale, it couldn't be so hard, Prim said. Especially with veteran of the "Grando Magicko" Drell supporting them.

    She then asked them about their master, and his mysterious daughter. They were quite positive about Lina, and didn't see much mystery to her at all. As for Myeloch, while they liked him well enough, they admitted that it was hard to judge when he wasn't around that often. Pat, however, was incredibly grateful to Myeloch, who had given him and his family a proper home when they had none.

    After a few more questions the group split ways, the intern satisfied with a wealth of information to spin her story with, and Phoenix Nest ready to dive deep into the mines.

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  • 957

    Chapter 1, Part 2: The Beasts that Lurk Below Wednesday July 4th, X784

    Guilds of Atria: Phoenix Nest [T] [IC]

    Not far from the lakeside opposite from Shessalie lies its sole, Burgess-owned mine. It is the key factor in the town's recent growth, but more importantly, is the site of Phoenix Nest's first big job. After everyone finished with their training, bagel-tossing, or whatever else they had to do, they met up at the guild. Boriel explained that he and Sarah had gone to officially accept the job, and relayed the information Steven Burgess had told him to the rest of the guild.

    Kobolds are rather well-known creatures, especially to those who've lived in the north. But despite failing to meet the council's standards for sapience, they are not wholly unintelligent. They make and use various tools, traps , and tricky tactics. They form societies, practice traditions. They feel fear and pain. The thought of killing such a being as Steven suggested might not sit well with some, but fortunately kobolds are the type to flee when things look dangerous. They, however, hold no such reservations about killing others.

    Boriel gave the group a quick rundown on what to expect from a kobold lair before sending them on their way, apparently not joining them. But he warned them to stay on their toes, reminding them that these kobolds are apparently more dangerous than usual.

    Shessalie's Cellis Mine


    After a short boat ride across the lake, the guild arrived at the mine, led by a Burgess employee there to guide them as far as they could. Which seemed to be the entrance, their guide stating that he didn't need to step into danger, that's what they were hiring the guild for. He explained that they'd have to take a 20-minute trip on a minecart to take them into the heart of the mountain, where the mine would branch off in several directions.

    At the moment though, only a few of these tunnels were actively being worked on. One led further toward the center of the mountain, where the company reaped the bulk of their lacrima crystals. Another was dug around that center in search of rare metals like adamantite and mithril that are often found near lacrima deposits. And a third delved down, deeper into the planet to find purer, more powerful, and more valuable lacrima.

    Whatever was drawing these kobolds in such a relentless assault was sure to be down one of these tunnels. The guide cautioned the guild to pay more attention to their ears than their eyes in those dark tunnels. With the mine empty, unfamiliar noises could only come from a hostile source.

    And lastly, he wished them luck.

    Mood music:

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  • 1,660

    Elidyr found himself wandering the streets of Shessalie, looking over the hastily scrawled map he'd been given by the talkative girl. He scratched his head in confusion, turning the map upside down to see if that helped. "Maybe I should just ask for directions..." he muttered to himself. He turned a corner and entered the market square again, to his mild delight and mounting frustration. "Well, it smells nice here, even if I can't buy anything."

    He questioned the nearest merchant, who was able to point him towards his destination. "That big wooden building on the hill. Big yellow sign, can't miss it!" With the Phoenix Nest guildhall now in sight, he eagerly made his way up the hill, stopping nervously at the door. "I hope they'll accept me... I don't know where else to go..."

    He opened the doors, stepping inside to see... no one there. Everyone was gone, leaving the hall empty. "H-hello?" He called out, opening random doors as he searched the place. "It's empty? After all that walking, everything I've done... I don't know how to deal with this..."

    He went back outside, sitting down on the steps to wait. "Someone will come along sooner or later."

    Luckily, he didn't have to wait long, as people started coming back to the hall. There was some initial confusion at his presence, but after explaining how he had received a flier and made a verbal agreement to join, he was begrudgingly accepted.

    "Just one thing, kid..." one of the higher ups asked him. "How much do you know about kobolds?"
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  • 957

    At a crossroads Cellis Mine, Wednesday July 4th, X784

    The guild members stepped off the minecart, trying to remember what they'd been told after the long ride. While not completely dark, the lighting in the mine was still quite dim. They stood in a hub from which many tunnels spread, most of which were blocked by a magical force. Two of the nearby tunnels remained open, and the minecart's rails stretched down below leading to yet another path.

    Lina stood at the edge of this pit, looking down in awe. "So, any ideas? On how we're handling the tunnels, I mean. Like, are we splitting up?"

    "Seems like the only real option." Rowan stated. "If we just went through one tunnel at a time we'd likely be down here all day, possibly longer. The Burgesses don't play around with their business, even if this is one of their smallest mines you can bet there's still plenty for us to search."

    "Close-knit groups is the general idea with this kinda thing, far as I know," Ith'Drell weighed in, rummaging through the bag of supplies they'd been given. "Nobody alone, 'course. Them kobolds, they're tricky little buggers. If these are a dangerous lot then we can't go fast, which sucks - just wading into kobolds with shock and awe is hilarious - nah, we gotta take it slow and steady and keep a beady eye out for tricksy business."

    Elidyr scrambled out of the cart, tripping slightly. He grabbed a torch from the bag Drell was rummaging through. "I think sticking together sounds good. So… no wandering off alone makes sense, I guess… Who can light these? I think I could, but, just curious."

    "My sword lights up, but I probably shouldn't use it as a lantern," said Lina. "Don't wanna run out of ether before the battle even starts."

    "Meeee," droned Drell, the word muffled by the bag she had by now plunged her snout into.

    "I can… if you give me a match or something," Prim said, grinning slyly as she casually shunted Drell lightly in the back, causing the lizard-woman to fall the rest of the way into the bag. Drell ripped the bag from her head as she hit the ground with a light 'oof', causing lanterns and compasses to clatter on the ground around her.

    "Yo, uh, where's all the stuff you guys need?" The armoured lizard rose to her knees, plucked a lantern from the pile and with click of her fingers lit it with an electrical spark to get a better view of the mess she'd created. "No poles, no rope, no, uh… caltrops? Nah, those are just entertainment - uh, helmets? Mirrors?"

    Elidyr looked through his own bag, which was primarily full of snac- rations. Definitely rations. "Do we really need all that?"

    Rowan hefted his own bag - which was significantly smaller than Drell's and conspicuously devoid of ten foot poles - and just went right for one of the tunnels. "Nah, I've got everything I need. Have fun, kids!" He waved over his shoulder as he left. Pat started to scamper after him only to have a palm thrust in front of his face to stop him dead in his tracks. "Now now, you follow me around way too much as it is, my dear sweet brother. Show everyone what you can do without your big bro around to protect you."

    Pat stared after his elder brother's retreating form, dumbfounded. "Wh - but it's our first job! I just wanted…" He sniffled once, then took a deep breath. "Fine then! I don't need you anyway! Good luck in the dark by yourself, jerk!"

    Prim moved up and nudged Pat in the side, much more gently than she had with Drell.

    "That's the spirit!" she said cheerfully, proceeding to wrap an arm around Pat's shoulders. "We don't need your lame big brother slowing us down. Let's go this way!"

    With that, Prim starting pulling Pat along in the direction of the tunnel furthest from Rowan, not giving him much of an opportunity to protest.

    "Yo Rowan!" Drell called after the elder brother. "What'd I just say about no going alone ya fuc- uh, jeez- you fu- uh, idiot?"

    "Whoever wants to come with me is welcome." Echoed back to Drell nonchalantly.

    Elidyr watched as everyone started going for various tunnels, not sure where he should go. "Um… I can go with him, if that's alright with you. Unless you want to, I mean, and I'll just… go with… Lina?"

    Lina shrugged. "I'd say sure if I knew where I was even going."

    The always-silent Faye watched with her arms folded, only waving nonchalantly at the tunnel where Prim and Pat just went into. "I'll guess I'll go with you then "lame big brother"" Faye spoke as she followed Rowan inside the tunnel he went into.

    "Ah, jeez…" Ith'Drell reached inside her helmet to scratch at her head. "Well, those two can probably handle themselves, so that tunnel's all good. Pat and Prim… I dunno, kinda worried for them and the kobolds at the same time, if ya know what I mean. What do you guys think?"

    Elidyr scuffed his foot against the floor, looking between the two tunnels. "Aw, man, I don't know how to handle tough choices like this…" He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as he steeled his resolve. When he opened his eyes again, his pupils had narrowed to reptilian slits. "Guys, wait for me!" He ran after Pat and Prim, clutching his unlit torch tightly.

    "I guess that leaves us for the last path," Lina said to her remaining companions. She crossed her arms as she watched Elidyr go. "You think he's gonna be okay? Or all of them, for that matter?"

    Drell hummed, pensive, "I, uh… well, they'll probably be fine. Even if the kobolds are, like, ten-times-power they can probably still take 'em. It's the traps, and stuff like cave-ins and stuff - those are the things we gotta look out for - and in either of those cases we'll probably either hear it or it won't be an emergency so, uh- guess it's best to just… see how it goes?" She whipped a telescopic rod out of her personal bag and it extended into a ten-foot pole. "Well, that and worry about not gettin' caught in those ourselves, right?"

    Lina shrugged. "I guess you're right. In that case, let's go too. Onward!" She proudly pointed at their tunnel designated as she headed in.

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    Sapphire Rose

    [I]Only thorns left on this rose.[/I]
  • 3,449

    Faye Aubrey

    Female | 19 | Wizard/Touched

    Featuring Rowan

    The first of the tunnels began as unremarkable as all the others; lined with rocks, pipes, and dim lanterns with only the occasional drip of water or shifting of the rocks as music to accompany the Nestlings' journey. However, as they continued down that path, they began to find chunks of inert lacrima crystal along the wall. Their grey color showed their failure to hold an ethereal charge and become like their more useful counterpart. Still not exactly remarkable, but it was something to mix things up.

    A certain confident young wizard strolled right on through the tunnel, arms folded behind his head like a pillow and leaning from side to side to get a better look at would-be lacrima he passed. "Quite a sight, even when they're duds. We're in for some fun here, that's for sure. I can't wait to see what kinda beasties they've got for us to play with."

    The less confident Faye shrugged. "You'd play with anything, I would think." she murmured. She wasn't all that interested in the failed lacrima's, she had seen enough of those at her father's house and instead directed her focus towards anything dark in front of them. Thankfully, Faye was able to see well in the dark.

    "Life's nothing without play, Faye." Rowan retorted. "If you can make your work feel like play and still get it done, all the better! The only thing better is finding just the right partner to play with." He smirked and threw more swagger into his steps after the declaration as if thinking on those very circumstances, then turned and began to walk backwards in front of Faye, maintaining the same cadence. "And let me just say how honored I am that you decided that partner was me today. Such a sweetheart, not leaving me to get lost in these dark tunnels, all scared and alone~"

    "Everyone else had already chosen a path." she lied, adjusting her scarf a little to cover her face a little more. "Let's say it was convenient too. You already know the monstrosity of my horns and scales. If anything were to happen. It would still be a secret." she told another half-truth while escaping Rowan's gaze by looking away from him. She somehow just felt more comfortable around him than around the rest of her guild mates.

    "Monstrosity, huh? That's a hell of a thing to say about two of your most unique features. I think they're adorable~" Rowan said, only half-teasing. "I don't know how you got this complex but y-" He stopped dead in movement and word simultaneously, holding an arm out to keep Faye from passing him. "Whoah, that's some major malice. There's so much discontent and hostility in here it's one iota shy of hatred." Turning away from her, he looked forward, squinted, then kicked a rock.

    The poor, innocent little rock tumbled from the abuse, rolling just a few feet before it hit an extremely taut wire and snapped it, bringing a pair of spike-covered logs down, smashing together close enough to buffet the pair of wanderers in a small gust. Rowan raised an eyebrow and whistled, as if impressed. "That's wild, I could literally feel the aggression of whoever set that trap lingering on it… and there's plenty more where that came from. I'd heard Kobolds were spiteful little lizards but damn."

    Faye brushed the dust off her clothes and stared intensely somewhere further inside the tunnel. "Good thing we didn't get smashed by that." she said with the same dead look in her eyes that she always has. That's the moment she thought she saw something move. "Hey, how well can you see in the dark?" she asked Rowan as she kept tracking whatever she saw with her eyes. Only hoping he would come with a serious answer for once.

    "Not much better than the average human." Rowan whispered, drawing closer to make sure she heard him. "My special awareness comes from feeling the presence and emotions of other living things, sometimes even echoes left behind after they're gone, that's how I noticed that trap. Why, what do you see?"

    As Faye followed the creature with her eyes, it disappeared further inside the tunnel. She took a normal stance again and sighed. "It's gone. I saw something moving around ahead of us. Let's be careful when moving further inside." Faye explained, turning to Rowan. Although she probably didn't have to explain that to him. The trap was enough sign that this tunnel wasn't safe. The whole mine isn't safe, in fact. Or else they wouldn't be here. "You see, it turns out I can see pretty well in the dark." she added with a nonchalant tone in her voice.

    Rowan whistled as quietly as he could to show how impressed he was. "Well that's about as nifty as we could ask for in here. He dramatically closed his eyes and rested a hand on her shoulder. "You'll have to guide me so we don't trigger any traps or fall into any scary pits, I'm totally and utterly at your mercy."

    Faye looked slightly annoyed, though his hand felt warm and comfortable. "Please, Rowan. I would've walked straight into a trap if it wasn't for your magic." she continued walking down the tunnel. "Flattery isn't going to get you anywhere."

    He took his hand away and raised it in a gesture of surrender. "I'm sure you would have noticed it just fine, my avoidance was just a fluke anyway. But I'd hate to anger my guide." However, even as the word guide left his lips he was already speeding up to take the front place again. Faye just rolled with her eyes and silently followed him without a word. The cavern was changing around them, the more boring greys and browns giving way to slightly ethereal looking blue stone, with more and more crystals scattered about. The further they went the less lacrima duds there were and the more flawless, beguiling gems they saw.

    In time, Rowan's breathing grew slightly heavier, and a light sheen of sweat formed on his forehead. "I can't doubt we're going in the right direction. We're definitely getting closer to whatever is down there but be on the lookout for traps as well. There hasn't been one in a while and I expected...more after...that…ahem first one."

    Faye tucked on Rowan's arm to stop him. "You're about to walk into one." she whispered and pulled him a little bit back. With two fingers, she swept her free hand from her back to her front, creating a small dark shadow that moved quickly in front of them and hit an invisible thread not too far away from them. A different trap than the last one was triggered this time, small arrows from the walls targeted whatever was in the middle and made short work of Faye's small shadow even with the nullifying effect her darkness has. Once the arrows stopped shooting, Faye bend down to pick up one of the arrows and took sniff. "... whatever is further ahead doesn't want us to come near it. These are poison arrows." she held the arrows in front of Rowan, only noticing then how awful he was looking.

    "Rowan… are you alright? You don't look… well."

    "Yeah, I'm fine, just a bit of a headache. What's not fine is… whatever's waiting for us ahead. I feel so many different emotions swirling around in some sort of...chaotic vortex of conflicting pathos. As if there was an entire little world of voices arguing with each other and none coming to a single consensus on anything. On top of it all...there's pain… Spite, anger… laughter? The sooner we deal with all this the better." He wiped away some of the sweat and shook his head to help clear it. "I'm gonna have to try to block a lot of it out, it's just too much to process."

    Faye approached Rowan carefully, removed her fingerless glove and gently pushed her right hand against his forehead, not believing the I'm-fine-crap. "You're burning up, Rowan." she said with a slightly worried tone in her voice, probably the first time she actually put some emotion into something. "I would like tell you to take a break but you'd probably lecture me about how we need to find whatever is inside there soon. So… instead I'll tell you to take it easy. I'll work a little harder for the both of us. Save up your energy."

    Rowan shook his head again. "I'm not trying to undersell it, I promise. It really is only a headache, it's just a really bad headache...turning into a migraine. There's not much to do but press on anyways, whatever creature is putting out all these feelings is the cause of it anyways, the sooner we clean up the sooner I feel better. Besides, pain can only give an Emotion-make wizard more strength, as long as it's utilized properly."

    "Hmm…" Faye pulled the glove back on and crossed her arms. "If you say so." she turned around and started walking ahead again, she started to become a little impatient. Especially seeing how this all affects Rowan's health apparently. "Let's hope we find it soon then."

    Faye then suddenly stopped. "Wait… isn't it very hard for you to be around me then…?" she asked turning back to Rowan.

    "What? No, don't be silly. It's not the kind of thing that can be caused by just one person, no matter how messed up in the head, and you aren't any sort of basket case to begin with." Rowan assured her. "I've only ever felt like this one other time and, well, let's just say it takes a lot of people with a lot of stress all at once to even come close to causing me physical pain. The worst a person can affect me is mild discomfort, and there are other factors to that besides just the amount of stress or intensity of their negative emotions."

    "Oh…" Faye let out quietly in combination with a relieved sigh. It was already awkward enough that Rowan and Pat could feel the emotions of those around them. She wouldn't want to be the one causing them physical pain. "Anyhow, let's go." Faye started walking again.

    Rowan followed her after a wince. "Right, lead the way, I think we're getting close now." Sure enough, the walls were no longer pock-marked with proper unrefined lacrima, they were broken up by entire large patches of glittering, ether-hungry crystals just begging to be gathered up. Rowan's head began to hurt more and more the further in they went until they rounded a corner with a chasm to one side and came upon a large cavern. Almost instantaneously, all of Rowan's pain vanished. In fact, so sudden was the relief that he became sickeningly dizzy and had to catch himself on a tall rock.

    "Wh - what the? Where'd -" Faye heard a dry schlick sound and turned to see her guildmate fly across the cavern and barely right himself in time to tuck and drop to his feet before he could slam into some rather sharp looking lacrima crystals on the far wall. Where he'd been standing a moment ago a few feet behind her was a large draconic lizard of some sort, a snake's tongue darting out of h\it's mouth as it spun and whipped it's tail at her with blinding speed.

    Faye was startled by the sudden appearance behind her, especially since she hadn't heard it sneak up to them at all. She made for high jump and leaped backwards to make the distance between the draconic and her bigger than it was now. Faye's landing was slightly off due to the tail she had to dodge at the same time and thus stumbled a little as she stood. With the same poker face as ever, Faye took a defensive stance, holding her daggers crossed in front of her and immediately shifted her daggers into dark katana's with her magic. "Rowan, are you okay?!" she yelled, not glancing behind as to not lose this creature out of her sight.

    "I'm fine!" Rowan shouted. "All that stuff I was complaining about before disappeared out of nowhere, next thing I knew its tail was around me and it threw me." He took a deep breath and took up a pose with his left arm pointed out towards the lizard and his right held close to his ribs, beginning to glow with a pulsating yellow and green light.

    The dragon-kin roared its displeasure at Faye avoiding its tail and charged at her with its jaws snapping and a velocity that completely defied its size.

    "What a peculiar timing for your headache to disappear… but that's a good thing." Faye mentioned. "However, let's get this thing out of the running before it seriously hurts one of us. Or both." Faye made another high jump and landed to the side of the creature. In the corner of her eye, she saw Rowan glowing. She was quick to realise he was aiming for this draconic nightmare and decided to keep it occupied while keeping it in place at the same time.

    Faye started running around the monster in fast speed. Occasionally creating a dark cloud in the air with her magic to jump on as to not leave a pattern behind in her movements. Faye couldn't shake the feeling of anxiousness even though she didn't really feel like she was scared. It was a confusing feeling.

    "You know." Rowan called out, seemingly unperturbed by the whole situation. "I had a fight recently that was really frustrating for me. And a big lizard really doesn't compare even a bit to the opponent I had then." The Dracolizard got even faster and pressed Faye further. It continued on until at one point as soon as Faye jumped over another tail whip it looked straight up at her and opened its mouth, the gaping maw glowing bright orange as flames welled up in its throat. At that moment there was a sparking sound and and Rowan shot into Faye's field of view like a lightning bolt, two fingers pressed to the lizard. Faye was hanging in the air like a puppet hanging on strings, preparing herself for a massive impact.

    "So do me a favor, you overgrown bag of scales, and take all that frustration and anger on for me. Feel my aggravation and see if you can handle it, alright?" At first nothing seemed to happen, except the lizard freezing in place. After a few seconds the flames in its throat began to rapidly shift between every color of the rainbow and Rowan leaped up to grab Faye out of the air whether she liked it or not, landing a safe distance away in a lazy princess carry. The prismatic light in the lizard grew brighter and brighter, until it exploded. Well...actually it was more like a pop, there was even some confetti scattered around the cave. "Ah, I feel so much better after venting~" Rowan practically sang out.

    "What just…?" Faye blinked a few times and had wide eyes. She was sure she was going to be blasted away but somehow Rowan made a heroic escape with her. She glanced over at where the draconic lizard had been but he, she or… it? was pretty much gone.

    "Uhm… it's okay to let me… go now." Faye had a reddish blush crossing all over her cheeks. Once again, her emotions were all over the place and a complete mess. From what she could see, Rowan defeated the lizard by himself without needing any help from Faye. She wasn't even able to trade a single blow. It made her feel powerless… and weak. But also embarrassed… or was it shame? And Rowan having to save her also caused several conflicting feelings. So conflicting in fact… that her "dark katana's" shifted back into daggers, then into half knives, to turn back into daggers again. Her magic was unstable.

    "Of course, of course, sorry about that." Rowan gently set Faye upon her own feet, still grinning like a giddy child. "Sorry for the showing off, but I wasn't kidding about what I said to that monster, I put a lot of frustration and other nasty feelings into that attack. I think I'll call it a 'Stress Bomb'."Then his brow furrowed and the grin vanished. "Speaking of unnecessary or toxic emotions, you should just throw that shame right out. You distracted it and handed that opportunity for attack to me on a silver platter. Let's not forget you won your first battle and I lost mine, so just let me have this one, alright?" He teased very softly tapping the tip of her nose once. "That monster just had the bad luck of pissing me off with whatever mental attack it used to give me that headache, and failing to take me out with the first att-"

    Before Rowan could finish his boasting, both he and Faye heard a voice in their heads, simultaneously cold, curious and mocking. Oh, a monster, am I? How cruel you are after I let you feel me and all my beautiful emotions. I'll forgive you this one time, but since you just killed my playmate, why don't you show me a good time now instead? The voice and the pure mirth behind it ran a chill so intense through Rowan that it caused his magic to literally pull his hair up and frizz it. His eyes darted around in search of the voice's origin only to bug out as his neck seemed to compress slightly all on it's own and he began to float up into the air.

    Scales began to materialize rapidly until another Draconic beast had revealed itself, this one dark orange and almost metallically glossy, as well as significantly slimmer than the first and with a longer tale, which was holding Rowan aloft by his neck.

    Faye froze in place as she saw Rowan being lifted. She was quick to regain herself and jumped a few steps back. However, her face made an expression it had never made before, a worried expression. It kind of felt… weird stretching her face like that. "Rowan!!" she called out and searched for an opening to free him from the tail around his neck. Her worried face turned into a glaring expression. She put one dagger away and turned the dagger that was left into a katana again although the tail looked like it wouldn't just be damaged by any kind of sword she would use. Knowing she couldn't wait too long, Faye had to think up something quick.

    "Shadow hound!" Faye held a hand up in front of her and beneath that same hand, a small hound appeared. Usually Faye wasn't able to call upon a spell like that but since the darkness in the cave added to her affinity, it helped her use her stronger spells. It was a risk she was only glad to take. Faye waved her hand towards the tail and the hound started attacking it like a puppet.

    The talking draconic lizard hissed slightly when the shadow hound sank its inky fangs into its tail, preparing to swing the appendage - and Rowan - at Faye only for its captive to draw his own knife and plunge it through the shadow and straight into the spot it bit. The quiet hiss became a pained grunt and Rowan fell to the floor gasping for air. When the shadow construct made to attack the beast again, its tail suddenly gleamed, the scales widening and thickening until they looked like plates. The hound's teeth scraped harmlessly off the tail, which then swished through the attacker and scattered it's dark particles.

    Faye made a quick sprint towards Rowan with the same worried expression she showed moments ago. She grabbed his arm and pulled it around her neck to drag him away from the draconic lizard with another sprint. "That trick won't work again." Faye gritted her teeth as she saw how the scales impaled her shadowy creature. The dark particles didn't immediately vanish but were more like black snow that covered the ground a little bit at the spot where the hound was destroyed.

    "Are you okay?" Faye asked Rowan once they had made a little bit of a distance from the monster, not taking her eyes of it for even a moment.

    The beast simply watched, tail swishing back and forth in apparent catlike amusement as Rowan jerked his arm away from Faye's shoulders and coughed a few more times. "Son of a *****… Nothing ever sneaks up on me, I don't get it! I should be able to feel almost anything with any sort of pulse and even a lot of things without one." He griped without even answering Faye's question but when he raised his head and took a deep, clear breath, his eyes were sharp as a scalpel. "That last lizard may as well have been a puppy compared to this one."

    "I thought he was rather cute as well. I feel we were just starting to understand each other when you came along. Quite disappointing really, he'd have made an excellent guard dog with some training" The creature's voice sounded itself within the Phoenixes' heads again.

    "You really are a nosy thing, aren't you?" Rowan said, glare softening to a challenging smirk at their telepathic taunter. He pat Faye's shoulder and stood back up right and proper. "I'm fine now, thanks for the help, I'll try not to be a damsel too often. You ready for another go at our new friend?"

    "As ready as I'll ever be." Faye answered, her expression shifting back to the usual poker face she was always wearing. "However, do you have an idea how to take this thing on?" She asked. Faye was a close combat user, she has long distance spells but those are too powerful for her current emotional condition. Close combat was no good against this thing and Rowan ought to know that. "I don't like the idea that this thing can get past you without you feeling it."

    "That trick it pulled will only work once." Rowan assured her. "Now that I'm aware of it, I know what to look for and I can feel it." He stared at the creature and it slapped the ground with its tail, growing impatient. "Take a deep breath, whatever you need to calm down. We can't overpower this thing, that means we need cool heads so we can outsmart it. Cool? Hmm, alright. I'll get things started, you jump in when you have an idea or a good attack ready." Rowan took another deep breath, a very deep one. As the drawn out inhale continued, his eyes grew more steely and new color began to seep into his hair until it was all a glassy cobalt.

    All at once the Phoenix broke out into a sprint straight at the creature, which grumbled out what could only be its approximation of a laugh. The newly-armored tail snapped like a massive whip and Rowan dropped into a low slide, the ground turning icy wherever he touched it and slid under the creature, hand dragging across its underbelly and making icy spikes spring up from its softer scales. The Dracolizard roared its frustration and swiped at him with its front feet. Rowan bent and curved his body only the exact amount necessary to avoid each attack, flowing around them like water and touching whichever spot on the creature came closest to him, icing up more and more of its front legs.

    Faye watched Rowan in awe. His fighting style and magic was much more refined that hers was. He told her to keep a cool head but it was hard to calm down at this rate. Still she had to do something. "Okay, I'm going to do something I have never tried before…" she decided and bend down on one knee. She held her hands together and tried to create a dark mass in between. It didn't work out the first time. "Hng!" Faye tried again, but failed again. She was starting to get even more frustrated and less calm.

    "Please, I need to do this…" Faye almost begged herself. She watched the situation unfold in front of her eyes and tried again with only Rowan on her mind. A large bow was created from the dark mass between her hands and she went ahead making an arrow or two too. Faye's face was almost glowing from relief and she immediately went ahead and aimed for the eyes of the dragonic lizard. "I bet you won't see this one coming." Faye commented as she shot the two arrows right into the eyes of the lizard.

    With one wizard near-at-hand buzzing so frustratingly all around it, neither the lizard's focus or reflexes could keep up well enough and the shadowy projectiles flew true. The beast's eyes snapped shut alongside a spurt of blood and it roared, stamping and swiveling. Somehow even without its eyes, this time it managed to keep track of both Rowan and Faye, slamming its tail towards the former and loosing a stream of raging magical fire at the latter.

    Rowan had continued to freeze different spots on their enemy as it flailed earlier, and now as he dodged its vicious tail one last time, the appendage was frozen through enough that the whole thing shattered upon impact with the cave floor. While Faye held herself against the flames with a dark barrier she created with difficulty, the roar as well as the stream of flames flying at her grew more intense. Faye's barrier was starting to show cracks as a sign of her own weakness.

    Something strange happened in the midst of the attack, however. The blood around the dracolizard's eyes boiled away and once it was gone, so were the eyes. Simultaneously, large fuzzy ears burst out of either side of its head and a matching pair of leathery wings grew out of its back, kicking up a gust of wind powerful enough to send Rowan flying.

    "What the heck is this thing…" Faye whispered and held a hand up immediately. A dark cloud was created where Faye was pointing to with her hand and caught Rowan midair. She created new arrows she could use but was only able to make 3 more for the time being with her emotions running wild. It was a combination of confusion, fear, and a feeling of not allowed herself to feel fear.

    Faye aimed for the wings and shot the arrows again. One after one they hit the wings. These arrows had an element of surprise though. As soon as an arrow touched it's flesh, it turned into a sticky, gooey mass. Faye's aim was to stick the wings together. "Rowan! Your turn!"

    Rowan's hair flashed brightly and jumped from icy blue to golden blonde as he dashed at the transforming beast. The creature reared up and raised its wings to blast another gust only for the wings to brush each other at the crest of their arc, connecting the goop between them. Rowan smirked and leaped up, ready for the wings' descent to only last a moment and right when they slowed to a stop he landed on the now-batlike dragon's head and sprang off of it, up to the ceiling of the cave.

    The Phoenix disappeared up into the darkness for a moment and all present heard a loud cracking sound just before a massive stalactite fell into view with Rowan standing atop it. His feet glowed bright orange, and the light from them clung to the stalactite, crawling all the way down to the point at the bottom, which began to glow white hot while flames sprang to life all over it. The dragon held its stuck wings together over its head and all at once the scales along its body hardened and slid themselves up to and along the wings, turning them into a massive shield just before impact.

    An ear-splitting clang rang out, followed by tearing and finally, a crash. As massive as the cloud of dust the whole hullabaloo kicked up was, it still only took seconds to clear, revealing to Faye the remains of bloody and torn wings scattered about the cave, piles of sharp scales and at the center of the mess, the dragon. The beast had shrunk to a fraction of its previous size, now not much bigger than a horse, and the stalactite was sunk into the cave floor where its right shoulder used to be. Rowan stood next to the creature and stared into its eyes.

    Very impressive. The invasive voice spoke in Faye and Rowan's minds once again, worming its way inside as easily as if they were open doors. The voice was much smoother and quieter than before, almost human now, though it retained a hint of serpentine hiss. Look at the brave dragon slayers. Time to finish the beast now, eh? Its eyes didn't show a hint of fear, only tired curiosity as it gazed back at Rowan, who's temple clenched up like it had during his earlier migraine.

    "No." The Phoenix said plainly. "You're clearly not some monster...monsters don't feel as much as you… You at least feel and think enough to qualify as a person and I'm no murderer. But don't think you're getting off easy, either." He raised a heavy rock up to knock out his helpless opponent, The stone flew downwards only to jerk to a stop inches away from the face of… "A woman?!" Rowan blurted out the words in such complete shock that he lost his balance and the rock fell harmlessly off to the side. Every bit of the dragon's carcass aside from the wings and whatever else had been chipped off was gone and all that remained in its place was a conspicuously nude woman with a green pixie cut.

    Well this is a new one, how curious The voice spoke in Faye and Rowan's heads again while the 'woman' looked at her own body, then up to Rowan. Faster than a snake bite the woman's arms shot up and grabbed the still-off-balance Rowan and yanked him into what could only be a kiss. His eyes bulged violently and just as quick as it had started, it was over. The woman shoved Rowan aside and glowed - a glow which became a blinding flash when Rowan turned back towards her, blinding both him and Faye. You taste quite good. Echoed in their minds as if a question had been answered to great satisfaction and just as suddenly Faye felt something wet drag across the back of her neck and seize up her muscles with the hardest spine shiver shed ever experienced. Ohhh, so do you~ This really has been such an enlightening experience. I must thank you both. Until next time, ta ta~

    When Faye's vision returned she saw Rowan lying on his back, staring up at the ceiling and not moving. "What… just happened." Faye whispered as she did an attempt at recollecting her her thoughts. She stumbled over towards Rowan, and let herself plump beside him in. "Hey… you okay?" She said, hovering her hand above his eyes. She was pretty calm considering what just happened. She couldn't shake the awful feeling of a wet tissue moving across the flesh of her neck though and it gave her several more shivers. There was another awful feeling overwhelming her. She couldn't place it, however.

    "What the actual **** was that?!" Rowan yelled, or at least he tried to yell. What actually left his mouth was a hoarse, cracked grumble from a throat that was dry as a desert. His face was red, both from shock and apparently another migraine judging by the way he rubbed his temples. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." He weakly waved Faye off and rolled over to stand but he only got to one knee before his legs flopped from underneath him. "Son of a… did that… person...dragon - whatever poison me? Poison kisses are so not cool." He tried shakily to stand once more, this time actually succeeding.

    The older Phoenix began to dig around in his pockets and belt pouches until he pulled out a small glass jar and uncorked it, holding it out to Faye with a wobbly arm. "Do me a favor and scrape as many scales as you can get off of those destroyed wings in here and then let's get back to the entrance. We're at a dead end here, no point searching any further."

    Faye signed with a weird amused smile and shrugged her shoulders. His reaction was kind of funny so she couldn't help it. She took the glass jar from Rowan's shaky hand and got up on her feet. "I thought you would say something along the lines of "a kiss is still a kiss", but you surprise me." Faye walked over to a pile of torn wings laying around the open space of the cave. It looked much like the sail of a ship that had been destroyed by a heavy storm. Except that these "sails" had some point surprises attached to them which Faye plucked, one by one, and gently pushed inside the glassy container.

    A few uncertain steps back the way they came preceded a rub of the temples and a head shake from Rowan. "Don't be silly, I don't even know what I swapped spit with. It'd be one thing if it was you." He let the frustration fade from his voice to coyly slip out the last part, then continued as if he hadn't said anything at all. "One thing's for sure. Myeloch should be very interested in this thing."

    "I'm sure he would." Faye replied, completely ignoring his flirting again like the quiet, shy mouse that she is. As if anyone would want to share a kiss with a creature like her, at least, that's what she thought. Along with that thought came an ashamed feeling that was messed up together with some insecurity. "She is quite interesting, I must say." Faye suddenly spoke but was still picking up the black, shiny scales and occasionally looking at them with curiosity. There was one in particular that she couldn't keep her eyes off. One that stood out from the others even though they all looked the same. It's shine was mesmerizing and the black color as deep as an empty void. She decided to keep it and put it inside her pocket while plucking the others for the jar.

    "I mean… she started out as a lizard thing, then turned into a dragon… and suddenly she was a woman. Do you think she might have a shapeshifting affinity? That's really cool." Faye asked Rowan. She wondered if she would've been more useful if she had an affinity like that instead.

    "This is new." Rowan parroted the 'woman'. "I don't think 'she' was human to begin with, I get the idea they're more than just a shapeshifter… hopefully Myeloch has some sort of idea." He stumbled every once in a while, but kept going strong, waiting for whatever was in the creature's saliva to wear off.

    Faye shrugged her shoulders and closed the lit on the glass can she was given and was now filled with black scales. She walked up to Rowan and held it out to him. "She sure was strange. I'm not one to judge though." Faye said with the same expressionless and cold face she was usually having, back to her normal self. She brushed a bit of her white locks out of her face and made sure her horns were still hidden between her hair.

    "What should we do now? Go back and check in the others?"

    Rowan shook his head, that movement alone causing him to stumble a bit. "No, if we went looking for them we'd just risk getting ourselves into more trouble and I don't think I have another fight in me just now." He gingerly took the bottle with the samples and tucked it into a pocket, then set off back the way they came. "We'll wait for them at the entrance, if someone ends up needing our help, maybe we'll be able to recover enough of our strength resting there to actually be useful."

    "Sounds like a plan." Faye agreed. She brushed off her clothes a bit before starting to follow Rowan. Seeing as he was in a bit of a predicament with the poison still going through his veins, Faye dashed in front of him and grabbed his arm. "Let me at least help you out until then." She pulled the arm she had grabbed around her neck so he could use her as a support while they both headed back to the entrance.

    "Hell no." Rowan insisted, firmly pulling his arm free. "My little brother already had to watch me lose a fight decisively, I'm not taking a chance at him seeing me use somebody else just to walk." When Faye caught his gaze his eyes had turned violet, and his hair a blonde so golden it almost seemed to glow in the dim light from the unrefined lacrima surrounding them. His voice deepened and grew steady, not quite sounding like his own. "Sometimes the appearance of strength is more important than the truth of it. I know that better than most. I will walk on my own." He blinked at his own words and all at once his hair and eyes returned to normal. "But if I do fall… I'm glad you're around to help me back up." He finished with his usual cheeky smile.

    Faye held her hands up with the same poker face as always as he pulled his arms away. She was starting to get used to his sudden appearance changes and it no longer surprised her, the only thing that surprised her were the matchup of colors she still couldn't identify. "It's not like Pat will think any less of you though." she mentioned. "But fine, I understand." Faye mad her way in front and proceeded their journey outside. Rowan followed behind with a fatigued chuckle.

  • 1,660

    Lina and Drell, Path "B" Cellis Mine, Wednesday July 4th, X784
    Part 1

    The second path was easily the tightest of the three. As this was mainly a crystal mine, perhaps the Burgesses simply hadn't put as much effort into expanding this one. However, it was clear that someone else had decided to pick up their slack. As they journeyed through the tunnel, they began to spot holes and pockets dug into the walls all over. Tools too small for human hands were scattered about, as if their owners were forced to make a quick exit.

    Lina looked at the damage with a frown. "It looks an awful lot like they came here to raid the place. Like, I know Burgess said they don't do that sort of thing, but that's definitely a thing they're doing."

    Narrow as the tunnel was, it was still wide enough for the group to walk normally, until the floor turned into a slight but noticeable slope leading up. The ceiling was lower here, an exploratory shaft dug by smaller than average miners. It was safe to assume that this slope was the beginning of the kobolds' dig.

    "Agh boy," Ith'Drell let out a disgruntled sigh, pulling the backpack from her shoulders and beginning to rummage through it. "Ya know, it's fine. I was fancying a bit of crawling anyway. Just for the, uh, enjoyment of it. Standing and walking in tunnels? Lame. Crawling's where it's at. Super pumped."

    Lina summoned her curved sword and held it against the tunnel, seeing if it would fit. "I haven't done a whole lot of crawling but it can't be that bad, can it?" Lina said. "I imagine you deal with this all the time in your adventures when you're, uh, raiding dungeons and stuff."

    Lina's sword did indeed fit, and the faint light reflecting off the blade revealed a faint shimmer near the ground. Upon closer inspection, she could see a tripwire stretching across the tunnel entrance.

    "Speaking of your prior experience, what do you usually do with those?" Lina asked Drell, gesturing toward the newly discovered trap. "I'm scared to touch it but I also kinda want to at the same time."

    "Crawling ain't that bad," Drell replied, "just gets real old when you have to do it every frickin' dungeon you walk into. And every cave. And the occasional house." She looked up from her handiwork - her backpack and weapon tied to a length of rope to be towed rather than worn - and tried to get a good look at what Lina was talking about. "What'cha found, a trap? Ooh, a lil' trippy-wippy? Trippy-wippy-wire-o? Aaight, lemme give ya the rundown."

    Lina stood at attention, focused and eager to learn from an expert. Her armoured guildmate leapt to her feet with a grin and took a dramatic stance.

    "Okay, step one!" Ith'drell announced. "The observation step! Uh, it's done! You did it. Uh, that's the step where you find the trap. Trap's found, there's a trap." She paused to give a thumbs-up, then in an incredible show of ingenuity used the same hand to hold up two fingers. "Step two! Uh... I, er, forget what this step is called. It's another 'tion' word, I think, uh- doesn't matter, whatever- it's the step where you look at the trap more closely and try to figure out what it does and what to do about it! So we got a tripwire, but where does the tripwire go? What's it connecting to? Maybe, a trap of some kind? Probably. But! Once we figure that out, that's when we get branching choices!" Drell paused again to give the concept of branching choices the utter reverence it clearly deserved before continuing. "Uh, honestly I don't know if the next bit counts as one step or multiple steps and I can't remember what they're called either- oh, but! I remembered the second step, it's, uh, the investigation step, I think. But basically after the second step you do the thing to sort out the trap! So, like… deactivating the trap so it doesn't go off, or setting off the trap in a controlled kinda way, or just straight walking into and through the trap because some traps are pretty useless." Drell shrugged. "But these kobolds are supposedly a lil' cut-above regular kobold danger, so maybe we've got some exemplary work to deal with here."

    Lina's eyes sparkled in awe of Drell's knowledge and expertise. "Wow, you're definitely a pro. So, what do we do with it? Cut it? Throw a rock at it?" She held up her sword, ready to take action.

    The reptile's eyes widened and she held out her hands. "Woah, ey, no no no no- step two, right? Gotta look at the dang thing first, do a whole lotta looking before even thinking about touching. See where the wire goes, how it's gonna be set off and what it's settin' off." She tiptoed over to where the tunnel narrowed, as if afraid the trap would hear her - and, indeed, as if tiptoeing actually made her metal footfalls quieter - and tried to crane her neck to follow the trap mechanism. "If we're lucky, it might be a trap that raises the ceiling. Dunno how I'd cope with that."

    The younger Phoenix mimicked her movements, approaching the wire and investigating it with squinted eyes.

    Following the wire, they could see the kobolds had somehow gotten one of the minecarts into their little tunnel, and attached it to the ceiling. It could faintly be seen that the cart was full of rocks, no doubt ready to tip over and fall onto whoever tripped the trap.

    "Huh, thought it'd be more elaborate," Lina said. "Don't know if I want those rocks taking up what little space we've got down here in case anything else happens, though." She looked at the trap, then down at her sword, wondering if she could cut the wire without triggering it.

    "Hmm…" Ith'Drell rubbed her chin through the helmet. "So it leads up to that cart. I guess that's, like… a fair bit above regular kobold level. We could probably just step over the wire and let the cart down gently. I mean, technically we could just leave it after we step over it, but I don't wanna accidentally forget about it on the way out and get eeeee-" The reptile mimed one hand hopping along peacefully, then punctuated the screeching sound she made by launching her other hand - balled into a fist - directly into the back of the first. Utter carnage. "Pwauooooogsh- Ya know?" She finished.

    "Sounds like a plan!" With that settled, Lina carefully stepped over the wire. With a flash of light she swapped weapons, requipping her greatsword and holding it out in front of her like a shield. "Okay, I'm ready."

    Ith'Drell followed after, plonking her belongings over the line and entering a crab-like stance to ensure that no wires were tripped when she joined them. "Uh, ok, so my thought was," she pondered, glancing to Lina's appirated weapon. "I get kinda but not totally under there, and we use a couple things for, like, leverage. Try and kinda make as much contact as we can to brace it and just ease it on down to the floor. Can you, uh, head up there a smidge and try to see how the cart's even stuck to the ceiling? I'd offer to squidge past and look myself but, uh, you know."

    "Looks doable," Lina said. She shuffled over a bit so she was directly underneath the cart. With the flick of a switch her blade's weight was restored. It dug firmly into the ground, allowing her to climb it. "Just one perk of having a sword about as tall as you are!"

    After finding her balance, she stood tall enough to get a decent look at the cart. She found that the cart was secured by three separate lines, two of them leading to different tripwires. Somehow she had avoided the second one in her shuffling. The lower tripwire was designed to tip over the cart, spilling rocks down the slope, while the second would make the cart drop and swing down like a pendulum.

    Avoiding the first wire meant that triggering the second would result in a minecart full of rocks smacking into anyone atop the slope.

    Lina told Drell as much. "Didn't realize these things were so crafty. Like, I knew they made traps, but I guess I didn't know what traps to expect. Maybe if I just cut the wires from up here it'll be okay. Do you have a knife or something? I'm kinda, uh, standing on mine right now."

    "I thought we were standing in a mine- aeaaeeaey- sorry," The fastest finger-guns in the West were holstered almost as quickly as they were drawn as Drell reached down to shuffle around in her pack once more. She retrieved the small knife and resumed her crab-walk over the second tripwire and up to the younger Phoenix, dragging the bag-and-blade along behind her and pausing occasionally to pick it up and plop it over an obstacle. "This seems a smidge more crafty than normal," the reptile told Lina as she made her way over. "I've seen a good deal of crummy ones. Kobold-sized pitfall traps that could hold a kobold if they didn't make any attempt to climb out. Uh, traps that fire arrows from slings at, like, seriously elbow-grazing speeds. A caltrop made of four twigs. A big leaf on the ground with 'ooga booga' written on it. This trap could probably maybe actually kill a guy, so this is pretty top-tier in my book."

    Ith'drell drew her sword from its sheath and tried to wedge it behind the minecart amongst the rocky wall, bracing it with one foot. She positioned herself slightly underneath the cart, knees bent, and handed the knife to Lina.

    Lina got to work cutting the wires right at the source. "A thought occurs," she started. "If the ceiling past here is too small for you to comfortably walk through, maybe we can use this cart? Like, you crouch in the cart while I push it, with you sticking your sword out or something. Or maybe we could just send it ahead for further traps so there's less of this whole ordeal."

    Drell poked her head around the minecart to peek up at Lina, sneaking a hand up to lift her visor and reveal the cheeky grin and sparkling eyes that lay beneath.

    For all their time spent disarming a single trap Drell and Lina had gained a single minecart, in which Drell now sat, raring to go.

    "Okay, you ready?" asked Lina, despite already beginning to push the cart. She did so slowly, still not 100% confident in this plan she thought up on a whim. She just hoped that the experienced Drell agreeing to this meant there was some merit to this.

    "Duuuude I'm fuckin' puuumped let's gooooo!" Was the older Phoenix's response as she fidgeted excitedly in the cart.

    The cart was old and not well maintained, but it seemed sturdy enough and didn't fall apart. Pushing it through the tunnel was a tight squeeze, and the twists and curves were tricky to navigate, but at least Drell could sit up comfortably. Things were going fairly smoothly, when they encountered another carved out cavern.

    This cavern had been widened considerably, being roughly 15 feet in diameter at its widest point. Close inspection of the walls revealed dozens of tiny tunnels burrowed into the rock, each only about a foot and a half wide.

    "Gonna be honest," began Drell, her hype having died down considerably since her journey in the minecart began. "I thought this would be, like, way faster. You guys have crazy tech down here; don't you have, like, booster wheels on these or somethin'?"

    "If by 'down here' you mean right at the north's edge then not really," said Lina. "Though after seeing the Gryphons' metal jerk, you can totally get boosters in the capital. Never been, but I feel pretty confident saying that."

    At the sight of the many little holes, Lina came to a stop. "I could always go faster though. I know this was my idea, but this being my first dungeon makes me a little nervous. Stay cautious, y'know? The fact that we haven't seen any kobolds in this kobold-infested mine is pretty worrying too."

    The older Phoenix chuckled, "Caution's generally a pretty good policy-"

    There was a loud CRACK as something smacked into the minecart, the sound of scrabbling coming from behind them. A broken sling bullet lay next to the cart, though the assailant was nowhere to be seen.

    Another CRACK sounded as another bullet struck the cart, but this time they could see the kobold dive into one of the narrow tunnels, having taken the shot on the run as they investigated the first strike.

    Ith'Drell scoffed, "Of course it's slings. Aaight, here we go!" She heaved herself out of the cart, almost tipping it over in the process. "Right, you got a shield or something in your re-quippy-thingamabob space place thing? Actually, you could just- we could tip up the minecart and use it as cover - I'll push it and stick my head in there, we just bumble through and ignore the rocks?"

    "How about both?" said Lina, summoning her greatsword. She turned away from Drell and held it out in defense. "I'll cover the back whole you cover the front and, uh, kinda the sides. Depending on how far into the cart you actually go I guess."

    "Oh, uh- I was thinkin' you take the cart fully and I just see how much of my big ol' snout I can actually fit in the thing. Figured you'd need it more than me, with, uh-" the reptile rapped on her breastplate. "You know."

    "Oh, right," Lina replied. "Armor… sorry." She dismissed her weapon sheepishly and tipped over the cart, sitting inside for Drell to push. "All set…" She sat with crossed arms and a frown. Her guildmate took a firm grip on the cart's sides and began to waddle forward.

    "Huh? You OK, Lina?" Drell had nestled her head inside of the top part of the cart as she made the slow shuffle forward, and was peeking down at Lina below her.

    She forced a smile for Drell. "I'm fine, I'm just being a moody baby. This isn't quite how I pictured my daring adventure going, but I can't risk messing up such a big mission either."

    "Ah, yeah," Ith'drell shrugged apologetically. "I'd have loved to have just shock'n'awe'd 'em too, but y'know- the thingy said they were a tier above, and kobolds are tricky so you've gotta take 'em slow and smart- uh..." The giant lizard stopped. "Speaking of smart, I just realised we can't see. You got a hammer and chisel to requip and get some tiny little eye-holes in this thing, maybe?"

    Sling bullets continued to pelt the cart from the front, and Lina could see a pair of kobolds emerge from behind them and take shots at Drell's back. With the minecart armor, they abandoned their hit and run strategy and just started a full on assault.

    The bullets stopped hitting from the front, and there was a faint chattering as the kobolds discussed the situation. They could be heard retreating further down the tunnel.

    "Ey, stop!" Drell called out, annoyed. "Stop! Be my friend!"

    Lina brightened up immediately despite the dire situation. "I should really be careful what I ask for, huh?" She called forth her curved sword and pushed it out past Drell's side. She aimed the tip at the Kobolds behind her companion and activated the blade, charging it with electricity.

    "If you're gonna tell me shooting a bolt of lightning down here is a bad idea, you'd better do it quick!" Lina shouted.

    "Nah, that'll be epic - you go, dude."

    The kobolds reacted with confusion at the sparking sword. The braver of the two launched a sling bullet at Lina.

    With a resounding boom, the bolt blasted the Kobold in front, just as the sling bullet struck Lina's forehead pushing her to the back of the cart. She was quick to get up. "Is that all you've got!" She challenged, even as blood trailed from her wound.

    The bolt of lightning struck the kobold, blasting it off its feet. Its chest was scorched and smoking from the impact, and it gasped weakly as it lay there. The other kobold dove for the cover of the holes, screeching in surprise and alarm.

    "Ah jeez- Lina, you OK?" Drell asked, breathing a sigh of relief when the younger Phoenix responded with a thumbs-up. "Gotta keep the head out of the line of fire. Let's keep going - if you wanna go again just sorta wedge it around and try to peek at where their feet are."

    Another sound caught their attention. Not the crack of sling bullets or the chatter of kobolds, but the sound of... clay pottery breaking? Three distinct impacts could be heard, and a thick, dark liquid started to seep under the cart.

    Lina hurried away from the cart as she fumbled with her weapon, still trying to reload it with energy lacrima. "Did you catch where they threw those from? I couldn't really see it, being inside the cart and all."

    The pots had come from the tunnel ahead, where three kobolds could be seen vanishing into the shadows, and a distinctive glow of fire was rapidly approaching as another kobold came running toward the Phoenixes holding a lit torch. Another kobold dropped from a tunnel in the ceiling, launching a sling bullet at Lina before dashing toward the wall tunnels.

    "Huh?" Drell made way for Lina to leave the cart, slightly confused, before peeking down at the soggy floor beneath and letting out a yelp. The reptile peeked over the top of the cart and - seemingly giving up on her plan to use it as a shield - grabbed her things from it, wound up her leg and punted the metal box at whatever lay in front of it. "How the- these guys have oil and fire!? Who even-?"

    The giant lizard paused as she noticed a much smaller lizard dashing for cover nearby. A jolt ran down one leg as it extended, launching the massive Phoenix clad in metal toward the wall tunnels at worrying speed. As she skidded across the dirt, the sheath and backpack on one shoulder slid down to her forearm while the other arm grasped frantically for some kind of snatchable part of her tiny adversary.

    The greased minecart flew surprisingly well for something so heavy. The kobold with the torch, running as fast as his little raptor-like legs could carry him, never had a chance to dodge. The cart struck head on, crushing him against the floor even as his torch ignited the oil, leaving a blazing cart and a flaming puddle at the end of the cavern. The sling bullets stopped coming, and three more kobolds crawled out of the walls beyond the burning cart, scurrying for the safety of the tunnels ahead.

    Drell managed to reach the wall at about the same time as the remaining kobold did, cutting off his access to the tunnel. As he turned to run another way, she managed to grab his arm. He squirmed in her grip, managing to slip free, but she snagged his tail as he tried to bolt. She noticed the kobold had lashed a broken dagger to his tail with leather strips, giving him a makeshift stinger. He struggled and squirmed, his bladed tail whipping back and forth wildly and occasionally scraping harmlessly against plate.

    Lina's eyes darted around the cave searching for more kobolds, having narrowly avoided the last sling bullet. Her weapon finally reloaded, she surrounded the blade in electricity to give her a bit more light. To the side she spotted Ith'Drell motioning with her head toward the cave behind them.

    "Let's, uh- woah, buddy- let's hang back a bit, Lina," said the big reptile, slowly falling back as she grappled the kobold she'd managed to snag. The little guy had no chance of escaping her grip, but he didn't let that stop him from trying. He finally settled down by the time they got out of the pockmarked cavern, hanging limply in her grip as he caught his breath.

    A joint post between Geras, Turnip, and Godzil
  • 25,593
    Prim, Pat and Elidyr

    Path "C"
    The last of the paths led down at a steep angle, going further underground. Rails for the minecart continued onward, but with an enemy known for their tricks and traps perhaps it was better to walk than take the cart. The lanterns on the walls did their best to light the way, but even so, the bottom of their path remained shrouded in darkness. And so too did the top, as they delved further and further down.

    "You know," Prim said, still leading Pat with her, not looking back but talking to both of her companions, "Mines are both boring and claustrophobic. The sooner we run into some Kobolds to beat up the better."

    Elidyr caught up with the pair in time to hear this, deciding to speak up a little. "Have you been in a lot of mines? This is a first for me, but I've been in some pretty nice caves before. And… some not so nice ones…"

    "Heeeeeeeeeeelllllll no," Prim replied, "Do you know how hard it is to fly underground? Bats are so lucky with that echolocation stuff."

    "I love caves!" Pat said loud enough to echo. "I can feel so many living things around that you can't see! You never find them, but they're there, and they always know you're there! You're never lonely in a cave!" He finished, beaming giddily. "This cave isn't as nice though, Kobolds are real mean. Rowan told me they almost hate anything that isn't them, and now that we're here I can feel it. This whole mine is filled with...Err...what to call it? Malice."

    "Also rocks and a distinct lack of open space," Prim chirped with false enthusiasm, "Don't forget that!"

    "Right? It's like the mountain is giving us a big hug!" Pat carried on with all-too-genuine enthusiasm.

    "I… guess that's one way to look at it. Hugs are nice, I think… Thank you, mountain." Elidyr awkwardly patted a rock with a complete lack of enthusiasm. "I've seen kobolds before, in the Mistlands, and they didn't seem too bad, as long as you left them alone. And they weren't in a mood to expand their territory… and you didn't have anything shiny or tasty on you…"

    "And if you didn't seem potentially edible yourself," Prim added, "I don't know if that one is Kobolds in general or just the ones in the Mistlands."

    "Well, that's pretty much any draconid, actually." Eli clarified. "Kobolds, wyverns, lindwurms… they'll all make a snack out of you if you look tasty."

    "Who can blame'em? Why wouldn't you eat a tasty snack right in front of you?" Pat threw in with a sagely nod. After a few more steps the young Phoenix stiffened so suddenly and strongly that he nearly toppled over. "Company halt!" He shouted dramatically. "The ceiling is really mad at us!"

    The ceiling rumbled, dust and bits of rock falling from it. Fortunately, it wasn't a cave-in and the rumbling soon ended. But that end was punctuated by a resounding crash from behind the group. The rails beneath them began shaking violently as if something big was riding them, but the darkness made it impossible to see what.

    "Oh good, a potential cave-in," Prim stated flatly, cracking her knuckles and turning to step towards whatever was incoming towards them. "At least it sounds like the boring part is over."

    "W-wait, you're not stepping toward the danger, are you?" Elidyr nervously hopped from one foot to the other as the rails shook. "Shouldn't we move aside, or run, or something?"

    "You can't just fight cave-ins." Pat chided. "Especially not when you're a bird! We gotta go further in to where the baddies are and the potential moving mountain of rubble rushing towards us isn't! Punching bad guys is way more fun than punching rocks and dirt anyways!"

    The tunnel shook with the rails as whatever was coming drew closer. Out of the darkness it emerged, a giant boulder almost big enough to fill the entire mineshaft came barreling straight at the group, moments away from closing the distance.

    "Can I punch that?" Prim rolled her eyes, temporarily forgetting where she was.

    "I really wouldn't!" Elidyr turned and sprinted full speed down the tunnel, heedless of the danger ahead.

    "Yup, I'm punching the boulder," Prim announced gleefully, starting a light jog back in the boulder's direction, moving just fast enough to bring the satisfaction of smashing something closer without getting too far away from her companions.

    As bird and boulder came close to impact, Prim pulled her fist back, increasing her pace for the last few steps before driving her clenched hand into the hard surface of the rock, leaning into the strike with her body. Flesh met stone and the boulder instantaneously exploded into hundreds of jagged shards and a cloud of debris.

    "Suck on that, Kobolds!" Prim yelled, her voice echoing through the cavern over the sound of a rain of shrapnel.

    The force of Prim's attack fortunately sent the stray stones away from her. The rest of the tunnel, however, was not so lucky. Chunks of rock bounced against the walls of the cave in every direction, some of them taking down a few lanterns, and others headed straight for Pat and Elidyr.

    Hearing the loud impact, and the following small impacts of rocks on wall and lanterns, Elidyr turned around, throwing his arms up to block his face. "Wings of Cover!" Orange draconic wings burst from his back, instinctively curling forward to cover his front from attack. The small rocks bounced off or cut into his wings, but between them and his arms, he was protected from the worst of the damage. "...what just happened?"

    "I punched the rock," Prim said matter-of-factly, rejoining the group. "Cool wings."

    Pat hid his face behind a hand and his cloak flared outwards like an animal fluffing itself up to look intimidating. Everything flying towards Pat either caught on the cloak and harmlessly rolled off or seemed to just barely change its angle to miss his body at the last second. "I'm glad that was just a boulder, cave-ins are scary! The Burgess' workers must be really good to have made a mine stable enough to survive rocks that big being moved around."

    "Well," Prim said sarcastically, "So long as the tunnel of death is well made."

    "Sorry our first mission had to be something so bad for birds." Pat said. "I know mines and birds don't mix, but you'll be okay, you can punch rocks!"

    "This is true," Prim agreed with a sagelike nod.

    Elidyr scuffed his foot on the ground as his wings seemed to shrink and retract into his back. "And I'm sorry I ran away. I'm probably not making a good first impression, but I'll try to do better." He picked up the torch, despite the lit lanterns, holding it tightly as if it were a weapon. "Um… s-should we press on?"

    Prim sighed and gave a shrug, immediately proceeding to plod further into the depths of the mine.

    "Might as well get that over and done with," she commented, before suddenly coming to a halt. "Uh… maybe the one with the torch should lead the way. I can't see well."

    "Y-yeah, that makes sense…" Elidyr stepped forward, holding the lit torch high.

    Just beyond the torch's light they saw a glint, which Pat would quickly recognize as belonging to a living being. The pair of beady eyes sped off into the darkness the moment it realized it had been seen.

    "Wow, the stories are true. Kobolds really are angry, hateful creatures." Pat muttered not-quite-quietly enough to keep from echoing. After a moment of contemplation Pat ran straight in the direction the eyes had sped towards. "Hold on! I gotta talk to you guys! You can't keep causing trouble!"

    "Pat, wait! Don't just charge in!" Elidyr called after him. He reached for Prim's hand so he wouldn't lose her (or her comforting strength) before ignoring his own advice and following Pat. "We have to catch up to him!"

    "Well at least it's not boring anymore!" Prim called after Pat, allowing Elidyr to drag her along in his wake.

    Thankfully, the two Phoenixes didn't have to chase their guildmate far. After less than a minute of running Pat appeared out of the darkness, stock-still, so suddenly that they actually passed him before skidding to a halt of their own. Before anyone could question the boy, he seemed to come back to life all at once and leaped at Elidyr and Prim, shouting a panicked "Sorry!" and bowling them over, pinning them against the ground just long enough for a large blade to sweep over their heads and lodge itself in the wall.

    "There's traps everywhere!" Pat shouted by way of explanation. "The weirdest part is I can even feel the traps once I'm close enough!" Angry echoes of disappointment, spiteful laughs and hateful words in some semblance of a language-that-isn't-quite-language seemed to come from the darkness around them, both off in the distance and near at hand. "There are more kobolds everywhere too! But the dark doesn't bother them one bit, and they've made sure there isn't a single light left anywhere in the mine!" He let go of the other two and lightly thunked his head against the ground. "Uuuuuggghhh, this suuuuucks. Our torches suuuuuck tooooo, they aren't even that bright! I wish I was a bat."

    "Ew," Prim said with (mostly) mock disgust, "Bats are just posers who wish they were birds. Not gonna lie though, I could do with some of that echolocation right about now. Anyone got any bright ideas? Can't break things if I can't see them."

    "At least bats can find their way around in the dark… and they don't make painful puns either." Pat muttered through a prolifically pronounced pout. "Elly, do you have any tricks that make light instead of just making light of the mess we're in? I don't really know how to make myself all glowy."

    Elidyr lay on his back, staring straight ahead at the ceiling, despite the darkness. "I don't know how to deal with traps…" he muttered, mostly to himself, while Pat and Prim discussed bats. He seemed to come back to his senses when Pat addressed him. "Um… maybe? I m-might have an idea or two… but I haven't tried one of them before…" He brought his hand to his mouth, chewing on one finger as he thought.

    "...okay, I'm gonna try making some light. I can't keep it up for very long, though." Elidyr slowly sat up, still nervous about traps. He took a few calming breaths, in through the nose… out through the mouth… before muttering under his breath, "Dragon Breath, Drake's Fire!" He inhaled sharply before literally belching out a gout of bright orange flame, lighting up the area briefly.

    The shaft filled with golden light, making visible their barren stone surroundings. Behind them was nothing of interest save the broken lanterns strewn across the floor and the remains of the last trap. More important was what lay in front of them. Or rather, the lack thereof, as even with the light they faced only a dark abyss. The ground ahead stretched only a little further before falling off into a steep cliff. It was a massive cavern, far too big to be fully lit by Elidyr's flames.

    Elidry coughed a couple times, releasing puffs of smoke as he did. "Sorry it wasn't much. But we definitely don't want to go that way."

    "Well I could cross it but I'm assuming that you don't want to be left behind," Prim said. "So, what now? Climb down and hope you two don't die?"

    "Well, um… Let me try something first…" Elidyr scrunched his eyes shut in the darkness, focusing hard on his magic. He muttered a chant under his breath as he focused, something along the lines of "Kol kobold, kol kobold…" He could mimic the traits of any dragon-like creature, and that technically included kobolds. When he thought he had a handle on what he wanted, he cried out "Kobold Darkvision!" and opened his eyes, which were now slitted and yellow like a reptile's, hoping he could see a little better with the aid of magic.

    With his improved senses, Elidyr able to see the bottom of the looming abyss. It fortunately wasn't a lethal fall, but it would definitely hurt. Several stalactites hung from the ceiling, which they were actually quite close to. While a bit tougher to see, the cavern's walls were covered in claw marks, likely from the kobolds climbing along them. Even so, there were very few kobolds in sight.

    He could see only a small handful of them, huddled around what he recognized to be a large, sleeping draconid.

    Last edited:


  • 957

    Path B, Part 2 Cellis Mine, Wednesday July 4th, X784

    "So what do we do with him?" Lina asked. "We can't exactly talk to it. Well, I can't, at least."

    "Some of these lil' buggers are pretty darn capable of speaking," said Drell, pulling the kobold in her grip around until he faced her. "And these are apparently top of the line. From what we've seen, seems pretty reasonable that 'more dangerous' also means 'smarter' - and if some of the doofuses I've come across before can speak some common, I'm betting- well... uh," She chose to demonstrate instead of elaborating, turning to her impromptu hostage. "Hi, hiya. Hello. Speak common?"

    The kobold stared at Drell, glanced over at Lina for a moment, then back to Drell. "Heh… hello. Speak. Kobold... speaks, yes?" His voice was high and raspy, not entirely unlike the growling of a small yappy dog. "Kobold is… smart, yes? Yes. He learns."

    Ith'Drell's face lit up, and she glanced at her teammate for a moment as she said, "Aeyy, look at that smart boy! Her over there," She pointed to the younger Phoenix. "That's Lina. Lina calls me Drell, so you can call me Drell too. I'm Drell. You got a name, bud?"

    The kobold looked between the two Phoenixes, giggling a little. "Ehehehe, yes. Kobold is smart. He learns. Kobold's name is Vor! Yes." He pointed to Lina, narrowing his eyes. "Lina is fierce, like the storm, yes? She calls the light to strike down her foes. Drell is strong, yes, and wise! She lets Kobold go, and he helps her, yes?"

    "Wow, I didn't think they could actually talk," said Lina. "I suddenly feel kinda bad about the one I, uh, zapped."

    "Bah," Drell waved away the notion. "I mean, I hope the lil' bugger's ok, but they were tryna kill us. Kinda had it comin', if you ask me. Speakin' of that," She lifted her visor to look the kobold in the eyes. "Aaight Vor, you flatterer, you… be honest. Were you slingin' rocks at Lina back there?"

    Vor looked into Drell's eyes, a small grin on his face. "No! Yes. Kobold did not sling rocks at Lina. He slung bullets at the cart. They were ineffective, yes? Drim went ahead to the oil trap, told Vor and Dayv to attack your backsides. This ended poorly for Dayv, yes, and now Kobold is prisoner."

    Drell narrowed her eyes, "Kinda just now noticing how weirdly ok you seem to be with that…"

    Vor laughed again, a little manically. "Hehe, yes. Drell is kind, and Kobold is not dead because he speaks. Her kind…" here he twisted to glare in Lina's direction, "...would kill without mercy or second thought! Yes. Kobold is smart. Life… no, survival, yes… is the goal."

    Lina scowled at the Kobold. "You say all that, but it was you guys who invaded this place. Burgess miners make sure they don't dig through any Kobold dens so I won't buy that you're just defending yourselves. What are you doing here? And we're not leaving until the invasions stop."

    The Kobold winced at Lina's scowl, more afraid of her than Drell. "Do not ask Vor. He is only pawn in game of life! Yes. Leader says dig, we dig, yes? We find the shiny crystals, and we add them to hoard. Kobold liked the red rocks better, yes, but he does not make the rules. He only follows them."

    "Aaight then, that leader of yours," said Drell. "Where they at?"

    "Further ahead." Vor acted like this information should be obvious. "Leader must be in front, yes? Otherwise she would be follower, like Vor. Leader leads the way, is down more tunnels. Drell has not yet visited the 'Fire Trap', or the 'Beetle Farm', or the 'Collapsed Cavern that Used to be the Sleeping Chamber', yes."

    "And there's no way to like, not have to go through those?" asked Lina.

    "We ask 'cause there were three seperate tunnels, back at the entrance," Drell clarified, jutting a thumb in that direction. "Lina and I just went down one of 'em, we got some friends goin' down the others."

    This information seemed to confuse Vor. "Kobold thought you came down this way because it is where the most kobolds are, yes? You must go back through the 'Quick Tunnels' room, which Kobold will now call the 'Burning Cart' room, yes, and into the Fire Trap, then past the Beetle Farm, and there Leader is leading the digging out of the Sleeping Room, yes! We enter these human tunnels because our kobold tunnels, better tunnels, they collapsed! So now we expand and the Burger humans want us dead. Yes."

    Lina rubbed her chin as she processed everything. "I can't believe that a Kobold tunnel would just collapse. I thought digging was like, their whole thing. Besides throwing rocks at people, apparently." She gave Vor a quick side-eye.

    She turned to Drell. "I don't feel like he's lying though. What do you think? And do we listen to him and go through these other trap rooms? Not super sure about this beetle farm." She shuddered.

    "I think our strategy here depends on just how ruthless Vor's buddies are," Ith'Drell pondered. "Our job was, what - come in here, find the cause of whatever was stoppin' the, heh, Burger people from mining here, and put a stop to it or something? Way I see it, ideally, we bring Vor along and try to get a diplomatic leaving solution going on." The Phoenix turned to the kobold. "Now, I ain't gonna say you ain't a hostage, because you pretty much are, but try to work with me here, yeah? You help us go through the trap rooms and sort out a resolution with your, uh, associates, and this'll all go over much quicker and easier and with way less kobolds reduced to smears on rock. And, uh, to sweeten the deal," She turned to start rifling through her backpack with one hand. "I'll even give ya- actually I'm peckish so-" Drell paused to chuck some jerky into her mouth. "I'll give ya some chewy yums. You want some jerky, Lina?"

    "Nah, I'm good." Lina answered.

    Vor didn't know the phrase "chewy yums", but a kobold knows food when it sees it. He chittered and chattered excitedly as he reached for the jerky, forgetting that Drell didn't speak Kobold. Thankfully, his expression meant that she didn't really need to. The Phoenix handed it over, and Vor tore off a piece of the jerky with his teeth, swallowing it whole. Kobold teeth were designed to rip and tear, not chew, but he seemed to enjoy it.

    "It tastes of flesh, but with the texture of leather, yes!" He didn't have pockets, so he held the jerky close to his chest. "Kobold accepts your bribe, and will do as Drell asks. He will try to convince Leader, but do not get hopes up, yes?"

    "Nice, let's do it," Ith'Drell nodded. She untied the makeshift knife from the Kobold's tail and left it on the cave floor. "Uh, you can grab that later, I guess? I dunno what's more convenient for you, just needa be sure there's no slicing of the unarmoureds, if ya know what I mean. Anyway, uh, I hope for the best and all but if stuff goes bad then just, like, run away or something. Or if you'll get shit for running away then just jump on my back and start clawing so you can pretend like you're doin' something, I'll remember not to hurt ya."

    Vor led the Phoenixes back into the tunnel cavern. The kobold Lina had hit with lightning wasn't lying there, and Vor stopped to scrounge around for a moment, finding nothing. The flames had burnt out on the cart, but the fire had warped the axles and rendered it unusable. Vor could easily slip past the cart, and even Lina could squeeze through, but Drell was forced to move the thing out of her way.

    "Yikes, I think I heard someone get hit by this thing," the armoured Phoenix pondered as she squatted to pick up the cart. "That can't have been nice. Hope- agh, for- ah, jeez… poor guy. Sorry. Uh… no hard feelings 'bout tryna set me on fire. Rest easy, bud." Drell looked up from the mess that was once a Kobold below the cart to send Vor a glance. "Any, er… you know, anything I can do here? Cultural protocol?"

    Vor looked at the remains, shaking his head. "Kobolds do not mourn for long. Goss was good runner, yes. His body will serve as food, his spirit will mine in the afterlife. He will return one day."

    Drell nodded sadly, "I'll, uh, put this down over here…"

    "It's probably wrong to feel this way but I'm a little upset the one I blasted got away while this one didn't," said Lina.

    The small tunnel led them to a bigger room, the ceiling almost 10 feet high, though narrow enough that Lina could put her arms out and touch both walls. A dozen or so clay pots hung from the ceiling, attached to an obvious tripwire at the far end of the tunnel. A small hole near the hanging pots probably led to another small access tunnel, and three extra cords hung from the bundle, the jars missing from the bundle.

    "Before we consult our expert on this," said Drell, putting a hand to her chin and trying to forget about the previous room. "I'm thinkin', these past few rooms'n'traps have been pretty darn good. So that," She pointed to the end of the room's conspicuous trap-trigger. "I'm thinkin' this is a red herring or something. Got a hunch."

    Vor walked close to the wall as he passed under the pots. "Drell is perceptive, yes? She notices the floor?" He tapped at it with a foot, making a small section move slightly. "Kobolds dig hole, put stone over top, yes? Heavy humans, like Lina, break sticks, fall into hole, hehehe, yes. Kobolds trip wire, drop oil into pit! Is hard to climb out, yes?"

    Ith'Drell recoiled with amused skepticism, "You go for an example of heavy, with me in the room, and pick Lina? My hand's prolly heavier than she is."

    Lina shrugged. "I think I'm starting to get used to him, for better or worse."

    Vor scowled, tracing the outline of the trap in the dust. "Kobold said 'humans', yes? Lina is only human here. She has only Drell and Kobold for friends here. But traps are for Burger humans, who attack Kobolds on sight."

    "Burgers probably just panicked, maybe some of 'em were actually mean - I can't vouch for 'em personally," Drell shrugged, beginning to make her way around the edge of the room. "I'm actually a human too, dude, just a funky one from up north."

    Vor looked surprised at that, squinting at her doubtfully. "Drell has jokes, yes? She teases Kobold."

    "Dude, it's strong funk."

    Vor looked devastated, like a child who has just been told Santa isn't real. "Kobold… Kobold leads human friends deeper in, yes?" He stepped over the tripwire, making sure they both saw it. "Do not trigger obvious trap. Kobold knows humans cannot see in the dark. Yes."

    "Ay! No," Ith'Drell stopped and crossed her arms, catching the venom in the kobold's tone. "No no no, hold up, you don't get to do that. You don't get to 'human' us like that, what the fu-? Dude, I thought we mighta had a nice lil' vibe goin' here and you're already givin' me 'tude like that? C'mon, man, that ain't fair."

    The kobold looked away from Drell, making a soft growl in his throat. "Drell has been kind to Kobold. Lina… has not been mean to Kobold. Other humans… they make bad first impression, yes? Kobold is sorry. He is smart, yes? He learns. Maybe Kobold learns to get along with humans, if Drell says so."

    "We humans, we're a varied bunch. Heck, just look at us two," Drell laughed and let her arms hang by her sides again. She gave Vor a shrug and continued to traverse the tunnel. "Get along with us, at least, and we'll be good as gold. Other humans… can't vouch for all of 'em. Maybe just stick to not trying to kill 'em on sight and see where it goes from there. Oh, uh- anyone else who's in this cave right now, they're probably pretty nice. We got a few friends here in the other tunnels."

    Vor was quiet, apparently thinking it over as he led the Phoenixes further down the tunnel. Oddly, the ceiling here was high enough for Drell to stand up, though just barely. Faint chitters and clicks could be heard from up ahead, and a soft red light glowed faintly. Several ropes were tied around two large rocks on either side of the entrance.

    The room up ahead was large, even wider than the tunnel room, and nearly 100 feet from the entrance to another tunnel. There was a natural pool of water on one side, with seven large beetles wandering in the chamber. The beetles were each nearly a meter long, though one of them was smaller. The small one's abdomen glowed with red light, but all seven occasionally flickered a red light across their heads, just below the eyes. They had large mandibles, but seemed docile for the moment.

    The tunnel at the far end, barely visible by beetle light, was flanked by rocks just like the entrance, with ropes to keep the beetles contained. Kobold sized armor made of beetle chitin hung on a smooth dirt wall, and kobold sized sticks and spears leaned near them.

    Lina stuck close to Drell upon entering the beetle room. "I guess that answers my question of what you'd use a beetle farm for," she said. She turned to Drell. "But they look pretty set up here. Think they'll really just leave if we ask them? I get the feeling their leader's not that type of Kobold if they decided to invade here in the first place."

    "I mean, I can't be sure," Ith'Drell answered honestly. She lifted her visor for a moment to flash her guildmate a reassuring smile. "If they're as smart as our buddy here, hopefully we can convince them that finding another place is the best option without too much trouble. Sometimes it takes a bit of a fight to knock some sense into people, though, so, uh… ya know. Stay on your toes."

    Vor climbed up Drell, clinging to her shoulders. "We go, yes? The beetles do not attack if left alone. Unless they hunger. But they cannot chew through armor, so Kobold stays here. Yes."

    "That's comforting," Lina said sarcastically as she summoned her greatsword, just in case.

    "You can take my other shoulder if ya want," Drell offered. "Unless you got some armour to requip or somethin'."

    Lina shrugged. "Armor's still a bit much for me, but I'll figure something out. And hey, maybe they're not even hungry?"

    Vor sniffed at the air from his perch, nearly able to reach the ceiling from Drell's shoulder. "Kobold smells blood. The beetles have been fed recently, yes? They eat the roots, or the plants, but they also eat dead things, yes."

    The question was given a morbid answer as they passed one of the beetles, noticing part of a small tunic near the creature. A tunic with a large burn in the center, as though it had been struck by lightning…

    Lina recoiled at the sight of her former foe, and at the pungent, vaguely metallic smell that assailed her nose. "I know I'm the one who killed him and all, but I still feel really bad about this. Though I guess that could just as easily have been me down there, huh…"

    Ith'Drell put a hand on her guildmate's shoulder. "You were just defending yourself, dude. It's regrettable, yeah, but I think we just gotta, like… keep going forward, or something- dude, I dunno- I'm not great at this," She shook her head. "I gave ya the go-ahead on it anyway, so like… let's try and keep battlefield control, so we don't get surprised into using accidentally lethal force? I guess?"

    Lina nodded. "Thanks. I'll have to see about making, like, settings or something for my weapons, too."

    Vor spoke up from Drell's other shoulder. "Do not dawdle. The beetles are calm, so we are safe, yes? Lina gave us this chance, yes, and we do not waste it. It is Kobold's way." Not exactly sympathetic, but practical in the moment.

    "Ayyup," the larger Phoenix agreed, and the trio made their way through to the next section of the tunnel, full of twists and turns.

    After a bit, Vor climbed down from Drell, leading the way slowly. He became more somber, less manic than when they had first spoken. "Ahead is Kobold Den, yes? Kobold's home, his people. Kobold leads you this far because you force him to, but Kobold learns you are not bad humans, yes? Kobold trusts you two will make good choices."

    Lina sent her sword away and took a deep breath. "I'm starting to feel the pressure. More pressure than when I thought we were just gonna come here and fight dudes, honestly."

    "Ey. Lina…" Ith'Drell gave her guildmate a thumbs-up. "Don't worry 'bout it. You got this. And I gotchu. Yeah?"

    "Yeah." Lina gave a thumbs up in return and grinned. "I said I was feelin' it, not that I'd let it get to me."

    "Ayyy, aaight, we're in it. We're with it, it's happenin', let's go. Vor, buddy," Drell turned to their small companion. "We're gonna go in there. We're gonna diplo' the crap outta all your friends, and we're gonna sort everythin' out, no violence. Unless they try to hurt either of you two, but even then only a little violence. You wanna go ahead of us a bit, let 'em know we're comin' so they don't sling their everything at us on-sight? I'm trustin' ya, dude."

    Vor moved on ahead, and the tunnel was quiet. Listening closely, one could faintly hear the guttural yapping and squawks of the Kobold language. Neither Phoenix could understand the language, nor could they discern the speaker, so when the conversation stopped, they were left in the dark about the details.

    After several tense minutes, two kobolds appeared at the tunnel, wearing chitin armor and brandishing spears. They didn't look friendly, but weren't actively attacking, either. One screeched at Lina and Drell, tilting its head toward the tunnel. The other merely glared. Vor stepped up between them.

    "Humans enter the Den, yes? Leader will speak." He turned his back, going back into the den. The armored kobolds waited for the pair to follow.

    Drell stood for a moment, flabbergasted for a moment as she took in the kobolds' choice of protective wear, before eventually managing to form something resembling a sentence. "Woah, that's- why would you-? I'm just trying to- what am I LOOKING AT-? Sorry, I'll just-" She shook her head vigorously, trying to focus on what she was supposed to instead of the fifty thousand blacksmith's nitpicks bouncing around in her skull, and ducked her head to make her way into the den, with Lina close behind.

    With the guards at their backs, they entered into the main room. It was a truly spacious natural cavern, with a chimney going up hundreds of feet to the surface, though a large rockslide had destroyed much of it. A large mob of nearly sixty kobolds milled about the cave, packed in tight in the remaining space. The kobolds parted as best they could, clearing a path to a makeshift throne, of all things.

    At one point, the throne had been a comfy chair, with a soft cushion and probably a throw pillow, but now its dusty and rotted remains served as a throne for the kobold Leader. She was tiny, even for a kobold, not even two feet tall, with bright red scales and yellow eyes. She wore a majestic robe (actually a green blanket with a hole cut into the center for her head) and carried a staff topped with a human skull. Or at least, it was designed to look like one. A novelty cane, perhaps?

    Vor bowed his head as he approached the throne, turning to face Lina and Drell. "Leader wants to know why you are here. Speak! Yes. Kobold will translate."

    Drell nodded to Vor, then turned to his leader. She waved, and as she did so lifted the visor of her helmet. "Hiya! Uh, firstly, thanks for bein' willing to talk it out. It's the wiser choice, for sure - saves everyone a lot of sad." She let her visor fall back down as she continued speaking, glancing occasionally at Lina for confirmation of what she was saying. "Not gonna lie, we were sent here by the Burger people. Their mine was gettin' attacked by kobolds, so they got in touch with our guild to investigate and put a stop to the attacks- but that doesn't mean we're here to hurt ya, we're just prepared for whatever and stuff. Uh, I think they mentioned something about looking for kobold lairs before they started mining and finding nothing or something, right Lina? So that's kinda like… I dunno what you guys have to say about that."

    Lina bowed her head, just like Vor. "That's right, Burgess miners make an effort to leave Kobold dens alone, knowing that they could end up in a situation like, well, like this. Just like you they'd rather avoid a fight, but like you they'll fight to protect their mines. But Vor told us that your own mine collapsed, and that's what brought you here. Could we maybe make a deal for you to leave this mine alone? We might be able to ask Burgess if they'd help you make a new home. If you keep fighting, it'll only get worse, and they'll just send stronger and stronger wizards."

    Vor translated what they said, though he paused more than once trying to choose the right words. The Leader listened, keeping her eyes on the Phoenixes, except for once when she looked to Vor, almost angrily. Vor winced at her tone, but translated back what she said. "Leader doubts your words. Yes. Humans are tricky, and do not do what they say. Burger humans say they avoid Kobolds, but they collapse our home. Dragon human says Kobolds can have mines if they collect crystals, yes, but Burgers send wizards to take it back. Leader demands proof you are worth trusting, yes?"

    Drell nodded, uncertain, "Right, hmm, yeah- uh… 'Dragon human'? That ain't me, right? I didn't say that thingo. Who's dragon human?"

    Lina furrowed her brow. "Something's up, yeah. But what do you need as proof that we're trustworthy? I don't imagine our talks will go anywhere until we've got that taken care of."

    Vor rolled his eyes impatiently. "Do not worry. You are Drell, yes? Kobold has not forgotten your name. Leader will not trust Burger humans to help, and will not trust Lina after she trusted other humans. Yes. Leader says she will accept the tunnel kobolds dug to as payment. Get rid of… device, yes? Yes. Get rid of device Dragon human left behind, and close off tunnel so kobolds and humans do not meet. There will be fighting if we try to live together, so we live apart, yes?"

    "Wait," Drell held up both hands. "Wait wait wait wait wait, who- ok, so, right- seems like a reasonable solution, if it's possible. But, ok, who's Dragon human? What's this device? Need details."

    Leader sat back in her throne, looking annoyed and holding her head. Vor took the time to explain. "After our home collapse, kobolds try to dig it free, yes? But then a human comes. He brings with him a dragon, yes, so he is Dragon human. He tells kobolds that Burger humans destroy kobold home, that they dig too deep and too greedy. Yes. So Dragon human says kobolds can have Burger tunnels if they mine crystals for him. He has dragon, yes? So kobolds do what he say. He brings metal device, yes, asks kobolds to protect. But Lina and Drell enter kobold tunnels, get past traps and defeat kobolds in combat. Other humans in other tunnels, yes, so Dragon human does not do as he says, and kobolds not safe. So Leader say we not help Dragon human, yes? We help kobolds! Yes! Drell helps kobolds. Lina tells Burgers not to harm kobolds, let kobolds live in tunnels. And kobolds will leave humans alone. Yes."

    Ith'Drell let out a hum and threw a glance her guildmate's way. "Looks like we've got a real interesting character on our hands, here."

    "I'm more than a little worried if our guildmates are fighting an actual dragon, even if that does sound really freaking cool," Lina told Drell. "But we've got our own thing to deal with. I'll be sure to tell Burgess about this dragon guy too, but it looks like it's up to you to deal with this machine."

    "Up to-? Urp- er, yeah, sure, uh- easy. Great," the larger Phoenix rubbed the back of her helmet. "Uh, where's this device at, then? I don't- uh, yeah, I can do it where is it let me at it?"

    Leader leaned back, looking pleased. Vor helpfully translated her message. "Kobold will lead humans to device. Yes. Any questions? No? Then we go! Yes."

    Leading the pair back through the crowded chamber, Vor stayed quiet. He led them back into the tunnel, through the curved passages and back to the Beetle Farm before he spoke again. "It is here. Is final trap guarding device. We have hidden it in this room, only halfway through the tunnels! Yes. No one ever checks the middle. They always think the prize is at the end, yes?"

    He stepped under the ropes, going to the smooth dirt wall where the armor was hung. "Device is behind this wall. Kobold would help you dig, but he did not bring tools, yes."

    Ith'Drell stood with her hands on her hips, appraising the wall. "Right, so… ya mean past the wall or in the wall?"

    Vor waved his hand in a sort of wishy washy manner, making a noncommittal noise. "Eehhh, ish… yes… Kobolds did not build wall. Human put device here, where kobolds suggest, and he raised his hands, and fwoosh, the dirt raises up, making wall. Kobold thinks device is behind? Yes." Drell could see that the walls of the cavern were rough stone, but the wall itself was tightly packed dirt, added after the fact.

    "Right, uh… so we can just straight up break this wall down? It ain't bearing any load at all?"

    Vor nodded. "No. Yes."

    "Sounds like wall-busting it is," said Lina. She held out her hand and her greatsword flashed into existence, only for it to suddenly crash into the ground, dragging her with it. She flicked the switch at its base to no avail. "Ugh, just uh, give me a sec to uh, reload this."

    Drell jabbed a thumb in the wall's direction, "I mean, I could just, uh…"

    Lina struggled with a compartment on her sword's hilt. "Sure, yeah, why not."

    Vor quietly slunk over to the wall, grabbing a suit of chitin armor and a spear. He sneakily tried to drag them aside, the armor scraping loudly against the stone floor.

    "I'll just-" the larger Phoenix paused mid-heft, shooting her kobold companion a bemused glance. "The fuck are you doin' Vor? Jeez, my ears." Lina kept quiet as she continued working on her weapon.

    Vor stopped in his tracks, looking between the pair. "Uh… armor is heavier than Kobold thought, yes? He did not want it damaged, though." He dropped it, moving away from it and tapping his fingers together sheepishly. "Kobold will be quiet, yes."

    "Agh, heck it, I'll move it for ya…" Drell heaved the chitin armour from the ground and plopped it on the other side of the room. "Better?"

    Vor clutched his spear and nodded, grinning happily. "Yes. Kobold is eager to see Drell break things now."

    "Mm'k. Can I just…?" The armoured phoenix swaggered up to the wall, as if she were trying to walk through it. She paused upon reaching the blockade, apparently thinking better of the idea. "I'll just, uh… whu-pah!" One clawed fist, a natural hammer, began pounding away at the top of the dirt wall.

    Slowly but surely, the wall started showing signs of damage. It was like punching a wall, but it crumbled more readily than wood or stone. Eventually, Drell could even get a hold of it and tear away pieces. Altogether, it reminded her of digging a hole, albeit on a vertical surface rather than a horizontal one. Soon, she had managed to punch a hole through the wall.

    "This is kinda fun," the Phoenix mused. "Reminds me of my kiddie days."

    Peering through the hole, one could see the metallic "device" Leader had mentioned. It was a cylindrical piece of metal, about Drell's height but not nearly as wide. An antenna sat atop the cylinder, with one large lacrima crystal on the top, and several other crystals and lights around it. Not very aesthetically pleasing, but it seemed to do… something.

    "Hey guys," Drell called, continuing to dig an appropriately-sized hole to walk through. "There's a thing."

    "Do we blast it?" Lina asked.

    "Uhh…" the older Phoenix looked to Vor for help.

    Vor hadn't been paying attention, playing with the spear while Drell dug. He noticed Drell paying attention to him, snapping to attention like he wasn't just posing with the spear. "What? Oh, yes… Break the thing! Yes. Leader says get rid of device, so break it! Show Dragon human what happens when you lie to kobolds. Your stuff gets broken! Yes."

    "Right, OK…" Drell stepped away from the hole and crossed her arms in thought. "It looks like we might be able to cannibalize some of the lacrima on the thing. You wanna pop in, Lina? It'll be a while before I can fit through here, heh."

    "Oh hell yes!" Lina's eyes were almost sparkling at the suggestion. She put away her weapon and rushed to the hole. "I won't be able to tell what any of the lacrima do 'till I get back, but I'll definitely be able to find some use for them."

    Lina slipped through the gap Drell opened for her, finding nothing but the device. As Vor said, the wall was raised to obscure the device, to hide it. It hummed quietly, the lacrima putting off a gentle glow. As she inspected it, the crystal atop the antenna started glowing brighter, the various lights and crystals blinking at apparent random. Drell's plated snout peeked over the edge of the hole she'd made.

    "So, Lina. Whatcha think?"

    "I mean, it's definitely doing… stuff. Whether it's doing it because I'm close or not is a different question. But this is crazy 'tech, right up there with that Gryphon's suit. Most I've worked with besides my weapons is radios and stuff." She picked a rock up off the ground and threw it at the machine from a few yards away.

    The rock made a soft tink as it hit the metal body. Nothing else changed. The machine appeared to be reacting to some other stimulus, perhaps something distant.

    "Welp, that's good enough for me!" She held out her hand and spawned not a weapon, but a screwdriver, and got to work trying to pick the machine apart. She started with the lacrima atop the antenna, climbing atop the device. She took the rock she'd thrown with her to use as a crude hammer, the screwdriver doubling as a chisel. Excited fidgeting sounded from the other side of the dirt wall - too clanky and clamorous to be Vor.

    "Wait, wh- yooooo-" Drell hollered. "Aayy, you do have tools requipped! Niiiice, dude!"

    Vor perched on her shoulder, looking into the hole. "Ehehehe, yes! Take apart the device! Break his stuff! Win a fight for kobolds! Yes!"

    After a bit of effort, Lina was able to take apart the antenna and happily claim its Lacrima for herself. But after examining the rest of it, she let out a sigh. "Looks like the rest of it's welded shut. As much as I'd love to dig at its insides, I think now it really is smashing time… Maybe I'll still be able to use some of the leftovers." She shrugged.

    "Think ya can smash it, or do I gotta get in there?" Drell asked. "Or maybe you can get it out here?"

    "Probably, probably not, and definitely not," Lina answered. She re-summoned her greatsword, lightweight once more, and held it over the device. She flipped the switch to restore its immense weight, bringing it crashing down on the machine.

    The heavy blade came down, slicing through the metal, shattering glass, severing wires and spilling fluids. There was a burst of energy, primarily electricity, but with the lacrima removed it was mainly residual charge. Lina could feel the static, but wasn't damaged by the burst.

    "Yes! Lina is master swordsman!" Vor cackled happily, shaking the spear above his head. A short laugh exploded from Drell, too.

    "Yup," she said. "That'll do it."

    One of the beetles had wandered over while Drell and Vor watched Lina work, and it screeched in irritation at the burst of static, chittering and clicking as it scuttled away. Vor clung tighter to Drell's shoulder, wrapping his tail around her arm for support.

    "Leader will listen to you now, and kobolds will leave Burges mines alone. Lina will have Burges humans leave kobolds alone, yes?"

    "I'll make sure of it," said Lina.

    "Kobold shall tell Leader, yes? Then she will probably tell you to leave kobold tunnels." He dropped his spear as he climbed down off Drell. "Kobold is happy Lina and Drell did not have to kill many kobolds today. He is also happy kobolds did not kill you two, yes. Kobold has grown fond of you in the short time we have spent here. Yes."

    "D'aw, dude…" Drell knelt down to (almost) Vor's level. "Zero would've been better than two, but… yeah, no going back now. Glad it's gone smoothly from there… let's make sure it all ends just as smooth, yeah?" She turned back to Lina for affirmation, and Lina gave her a nod.

    Vor fidgeted a bit, and would be blushing if kobolds could blush. "Come! Yes. We go." He led them back down the tunnel, where they once again had to wait with the two armored kobold guards, who still glared and didn't trust them.

    It was a much shorter wait this time, and Vor returned a minute later. He led them back to the throne, where Leader was crouched, perched on the edge of her seat like some small, predatory bird eagerly awaiting news. In fact, the entire tribe was silent, watching the pair as they entered.

    Vor bowed to Leader, but spoke to Lina and Drell first. "Kobold will say what you did, yes?" He cleared his throat, speaking loud enough for his voice to echo. Leader kept her gaze on Vor, glancing at Lina once. Whatever Vor was saying, it ended with a manic cackle and a recreation of Lina swinging her sword.

    There was a collective gasp from the horde of kobolds, who waited with anticipation for Leader's response. She rose in her chair, and gestured to the rock slide as she spoke. The response was immediate, as sixty kobolds started screeching and chattering, dancing around like an unruly mob.

    Drell cleared her throat, "That's, uh, good, right?"

    "Maybe?" said Lina, "I'll mentally prepare myself in case it's not."

    Vor approached, gesturing the Phoenixes to lean in so they could hear him over the din. "Good news, yes? Kobolds will stop invading Burges mines, and instead start digging out old lair. Kobold trusts Lina to keep her end of the deal. Yes."

    Leader tapped Vor on the shoulder, startling him. She said something to him, then headed for the back of the cavern. Vor nodded, turning back to Lina and Drell. "Ehehe… Kobold will be given special honor for his part in stopping the humans, yes? Special kobold ritual, he will be back in ten minutes." He followed Leader to the back of the cave, disappearing into a side tunnel.

    "We can wait 10 minutes, right?" Lina asked Drell.

    "Ten minutes? Yeah, we got that, easy," the older Phoenix affirmed. "Maybe we can help these guys start digging out their old tunnel."

    "Think they'd let us? I'm not really sure how I'd ask for permission though."

    Attempting to talk with the kobolds was unproductive, as most were skittish at best and distrustful at worst. Few if any seemed to understand their language, with even fewer speaking any of it. It was easy to see why most of the Empire considered them little more than animals. Some of them attempted to start clearing the rocks, and they didn't reject any help, but didn't ask for it, either. Though she wasn't hugely experienced in that area, Drell's comparatively humongous hands were well-suited to moving rubble. However effective her attempts at communication through miming and pointing were, her help was quite readily accepted after the first massive boulder was dislodged.

    After a short while, Vor and Leader returned, Vor seeming surprised. "You are still here? Kobold thought you were going back. Yes." Leader ignored the pair, going to look at the digging, but the other kobolds wouldn't let her actually dig.

    Drell looked over and said, "We were waiting for ya, you dingo. Welcome back." She stole a glance at Leader before continuing. "Also, figured it'd be a good idea to get some info on whoever this 'Dragon human' is - y'know, a visual description, and where they were seen heading? Dude sounds like bad news. Could still be in here. Might even know their thing's been broken, dunno. Best we know all we can."

    As they left, Vor climbed back up onto Drell's shoulder, finding it surprisingly comfortable. "Kobold only saw Dragon human twice. First, kobold tunnels cave in, yes? Kobolds try to dig, then human come from above. He was tall, yes, like Lina, but with the gray in his hair and the hair on his jaw. He wore the patch over his eye, yes. He tell kobolds that Burges humans make tunnel collapse, and that kobolds should dig other way. Kobolds find Burges mine, yes, and human brings the Dragon. Human tells kobolds to hide device, so we make room in Beetle Farm, human makes wall, and promises kobolds can have Burges mines if we give him crystals. Yes."

    "And do ya know where he went last?"

    Vor shrugged, not bothered by the thought. "No. Yes. He goes to another tunnel after kobolds scare away humans. Kobolds go there, yes, but Vor was not one of them."

    Lina's face scrunched up, but she didn't say anything. After a few moments, she finally spoke up. "We should go back to check up on the others. I know they're strong but we came here expecting kobolds, not rogue wizards or dragons. And if he's part of a dark guild, there could be more of them."

    She looked to Drell, then at Vor on her shoulder, and her face softened a bit. "Not without hearing a bit more about this special honor you got, though."

    "Ooh! Yeah-yeah-" Drell agreed. "Spill the beans!"

    Vor laughed again. "Ehehehe… It was special kobold reward. With den being dug free, there will be more room, yes? So, Leader let Vor help increase size of tribe. Not all kobolds get this honor, yes?"

    "Increase…" Lina's face turned red when she realized what he meant. "Oh! I-increase, right. Uh, congrats! Guess you'll have a lot of work ahead of you, huh. With the, uh, increased tribe and all."

    "Right," Drell drawled. "Fitness instructor, right?" She winked. "Get all the scrawny kobolds to put on muscle. Increase size. I getcha."

    "Yes. Kobold is smart. He learns. Other kobolds will learn, too. Kobold passes on his learning, yes."

    They continued like that for a ways, stopping only for a moment so Vor could recover his tail blade, then made their way back to the main mine chamber.

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  • 25,593
    Prim, Pat and Elidyr

    Path "C"
    "So… uh… what exactly did you just do?" Prim asked, looking at Elidyr suspiciously.

    Elidyr held the torch as far away from him as he could as he looked around, and kept his gaze on the sleeping form as Prim talked to him. "I, um, used my magic to modify my body and physical traits." It sounded like he was reciting something he'd been told many times. "I can see in darkness now, like a kobold. And there are a few of them in here with us. A-and one big, sleepy dragon of some kind. Maybe a drake? I can't tell from here…" His voice trailed off as he stared at the creature, more curious than scared at the moment.

    "So you can see it. That's unfortunate, I was hoping it would be more of a surprise." A man's voice came from the stone walls around them, seemingly with no single origin point. It was deep and raspy amid the echoing, the words containing a barely-restrained animosity. "No matter. The best part is still to come."

    "Is that the part where I turn your head into mush?" Prim called out cheerfully in response.

    The ground shook once more as the entire tunnel shifted. The stone walls behind them began closing in through clearly magical means, and soon the way back had been sealed away. The voice laughed in eager anticipation.

    The cliff underneath was next. Through the rumbling, Elidyr could see stone being pushed out to form a staircase leading straight down. Finally, the ground at the bottom shifted. Chunks of lacrima crystal emerged from underneath. They shone bright, a sign of their high purity as they hummed with magical energy.

    Elidyr winced at the light, painfully bright to his eyes. He didn't drop the spell, suddenly very nervous about the voice. "Creepy voice in the shadows… I don't know how to handle that…"

    Their light made a trail leading straight to the sleeping beast, who'd been abandoned by the frightful Kobolds accompanying it during all the rumbling. It was definitely a kind of drake, but certainly not one of the more common ones. Its blue, wingless form was more than twice as tall as them, even lying down. On its head was a large, flat horn protruding forward, and its long tail was tipped with a mace-like appendage. The beast was missing an eye, and was covered with scars.

    "Oh no, that poor dragon looks like he's had a rough life!" Pat complained, puffing his cheeks out after and pointing into the darkness. "Dragging that big fella here just to help you keep people out is not okay! Show yourself, you big jerk! I'm gonna kick your butt!"

    "M-maybe he's just hurt and lonely?" Elidyr channeled his magic into himself, growing small horns atop his head and a long, thin tail where you'd expect a tail to be. "H-hey, big guy. All alone in this cave? You want some company? We could be friends…"

    "You know," Prim said, squinting at the Drake through the now very bright light, "I don't get the impression he's here because he's going to be friendly with us. This should be interesting"

    Pat smacked his right fist into his left palm in front of his chest, then cracked a knuckle dramatically. "If he's a mean dragon we'll just show him who's boss and then teach him to be nice!"

    "That's what I like to hear!" Prim grinned.

    "You show a surprising amount of restraint for children and a Valbestian savage," the voice boomed from the earth beneath them, sounding annoyed. "That's right, I know what you are. It took me a bit to parse your unusual ether, but it's too familiar to be anything else. I had prepared for a Gryphon, but I won't complain at the chance to grind another of you into a fine red paste."

    "Go ahead and try it, jerkface!" Pat shouted with another step forward. "All three of my teachers were way tougher than you, I can already tell! I'm gonna wallop you like they'd want me to!"

    Prim rather firmly rested her hand on Pat's shoulder, looking down to him with a smile that was just a little[/] too big to be entirely comfortable to look at.

    "You're going to have to get in line for that one. I am just dying to show this guy how much of a Valbestian savage I can be. If he'd just stop being a pansy hiding behind his pet lizard I'd be thrilled to give that demonstration."

    "Um, guys…" Elidyr weakly tried to object, but didn't want to get in between them.

    "Absolutely not!" Pat objected. "You already got to have a big fight, I didn't. I have first dibs! If I have to go through you first, I will!"

    "Did he call you a savage? Isn't it like, a rule of the universe that if someone's racist to you,you automatically have first dibs?" Prim objected, completely disregarding Pat's threat.

    "Guys…" Elidyr whispered, barely audible.

    "Nope! If you beat him up for it he might feel justified, if anything it should be a friend beating him up for you so I have double the reason!" Pat argued.

    "I don't care if he feels justified!" Prim complained "I want to feel the satisfaction of turning him to paste."

    It was at that particular moment that a low, rumbling growl rose up towards the assembled Phoenix's through the bright glow of the Lacrima.

    Prim turned around, folding her arms across her chest.

    "Will you shut up and let us finish?! Trust me, I'll get to you."

    Pat only tilted his eyes in the subject of their argument's discussion. "Yes, I will get to you in a moment." He pointed rudely at Prim when he continued. "You don't even care all that much about what he said, you just want to hog all the fighting to yourself! You're always acting like you're so great and thinking about punching all the time, I've only been able to sit and watch everyone else so far. Don't be a spoiled brat because you can't always get what you want and I'm not gonna sit out again just because you wanna punch everything."

    "You can literally read my emotions. Do I like being called a Valbestian savage? I said wait!" Prim finished, as a second growl sounded.

    "And I said no!" Pat finished as well, the two almost nose to nose now as if nobody else was even there.

    "GUYS!" Elidyr pushed his way in between the two, sprouting wings to push them apart. "I can't handle you two fighting! It'll just get both of you hurt, and then I'll be alone in here! I can't handle this cave alone!" He looked at the ground, holding his head and trying not to shake. "...If we don't work together, then what are we? Certainly not a team. So please, stop fighting, and help me with this drake?"

    "ENOUGH!" The ground rumbled with the voice's furious shout. Finally, their foe rose up from under the ground, several steps behind the drake. He was an older man who looked just as worn as the beast, streaks of gray running through his frazzled brown hair, with a matching beard. He wore a dirty, old military uniform and an eyepatch.

    "Long have I fought against your kind. Shed blood, sweat, and tears defending our borders only for Arvis to spit on his ancestors' graves and let you walk right in! I'll make you feel everything I did on that battlefield." The old soldier held out his hand, and the ground under the Phoenixes crumbled into quicksand.

    Scattered spots underneath the drake's scales began to glow, illuminating the group in their blue color. Its eyes shot open, and it unleashed a terrible, pained roar. It lowered its horn and charged straight at them.

    Elidyr panicked slightly as the ground softened beneath them, flapping his wings futilely as he sank into the soft soil. A small part of his brain told him that he was unlikely to drown in the soft earth, and that most quicksand deaths involved exposure to the elements, but that part was drowned out by the rest of his brain yelling OH SHIT AN ANGRY DRAKE IS TRYING TO KILL YOU.

    "Claws of Burrowing!" He shouted, his fingernails elongating into thick claws as his hands swelled with muscle. He dug into the soft earth, flinging a handful at the charging drake.

    "Yeah, throw mud at him, that'll do the trick," Prim said sarcastically, turning to look at Pat. "You got anything?"

    Prim wasn't the sort who liked giving others the glory, but until she got out of the quicksand, she couldn't do anything to the Drake until it reached them.

    Pat didn't answer right away, he was staring at the Drake. He sniffled and his companions' skin tingled, his irises becoming swirls of yellow and orange. "What have you done to that poor thing to make him like this?" The air shimmered around the Phoenixes and Pat's cloak spread out and upward behind him, then slammed downwards at the same time as Pat grabbed Prim and Elidyr's hands.

    A blast of air hit the ground with the cloak as if it had been waiting inside and yanked all three of the fighters out of the sand. Thoughts of just sinking right back down were silenced when Pat hit the ground first, the contact making a spark that exploded spreading a blanket of fire across the sand and leaving glass in its wake. "Just who the hell do you think you are?!" The literally steaming boy demanded.

    Elidyr leaned away from Pat, visibly concerned about the steam, wrenching his hand free as he put himself between Prim and the drake. "What am I doing?" He muttered under his breath, preparing to grapple with (and probably get run over by) the enraged draconid.

    "Now we're talking!" Prim cried jubilantly. She ran forward several steps as though to meet the drake, but assuming Elidyr had it covered since he was stepping up, she instead shifted to her bird form and flew directly past the Drake towards the soldier.

    Closing in on the man, she switched back to her usual self, fist pulled back ready to deliver a punch every bit as strong as the one she'd given the boulder earlier.

    Prim was the one he expected most to come after him. With a snap of his fingers, the ground underneath him dissolved and he fell into it like falling into water, avoiding the attack. From the pool of liquid stone shot several spindly earthen arms, threatening to bring Prim with him. "I don't know what you've done to your body, but I'll find out easily enough from your corpse," he taunted from below in the same voice as before.

    Meanwhile, the Drake closed in on Elidyr, horn poised for what would certainly be a bad time. When it lowered its head, Elidyr stepped to the side, the same side that was missing an eye, a burst of magic aura surrounding him for a moment. His muscles grew instantly, his baggy clothes seeming to fit a little better now. He grabbed the drake by the horns, using his enhanced strength and the creature's own momentum to wrench its head to the side, throwing it off balance and hopefully tripping it up. His physique returned to normal after that, his strength apparently only lasting for a short burst.

    The Drake tripped and crashed onto the ground. As it struggled to get back up it whipped its tail around wildly, creating stone spikes that shot up all around it each time the tail hit the earth.

    As Elidyr grappled with the Drake, Prim found she was suddenly grappled herself. The thin earthen arms gripped her arms and legs and started pulling her down. In response she arched her body and arms back and then pulled forward very suddenly, shattering the limbs that bound her arms. As she fell forward, she shifted into her bird form again, easily slipping out of the grip on her legs and flying forward. She returned to her human shape a moment later.

    "Where is he?"

    Pat stood back from all the fighting, eyes closed and breathing deeply even as steam continued to rise from his skin. Feeling everything around him, sinking tendrils of thought into the Drake and allowing the rest of his consciousness to spread out all over. After a few more seconds of meditation his eyes shot open and he pointed at a cluster of odd stones and some unrefined Lacrima near a wall of the cave. "He's somewhere over there!"

    "That'll do!" Prim yelled back, dashing for the point that Pat had indicated and driving her fist directly into it.

    Prim's strike shattered a large portion of the wall, causing the liquefied stone within to come spilling out and leaving the soldier exposed. Cornered, he quickly raised the liquid stone at their feet into spears to impale Prim. There were fewer of the hands from before, but they were just as deadly.

    Prim pivoted to the side, very narrowly avoiding turning into shishkabob. She reached into the space in the wall where the earth mage was hiding, grabbing as much of him as she could and hurling him through his array of spikes. He hurtled through the thin stone and tumbled onto the ground.

    Elidyr stayed with the drake, keeping its attention and trying to avoid the tail. "I'm really… sorry about this! I know… you're not… really that mean! It's all… that guy's fault!" He tried talking to it in between dodging the clubbed tail, his own much thinner tail mimicking the drake's. He held onto the drake, absorbing a bit of its essence, and with a flash of magic transformed his tail into a heavy club.

    "Whoa! This will take getting used to! I don't know how to handle the extra weight!" All his focus was on dodging now, and trying to get his timing right. When the clubbed tail next came down, he brought his tail down beside it, trying to trap it inside the earthen spikes it raised.

    The desperate drake let out a deafening roar, calling down stalactite from the cavern's distant roof. They fell indiscriminately, with even the drake being pelted by chunks of rock as they crashed around it. Elidyr covered his head with his wings, letting them take most of the damage.

    "This is why caves suck!" Prim yelled across to Eli as chunks of the cave rained down on him.

    "Stop it!" A yell echoed through the cave alongside its originator leaping through the air and smashing several of the stalactites falling towards Elidyr before landing on top of the drake's head. Pat's hair was now shifting colors too quickly to pick out any in particular, lending it a prismatic sheen. "Stop trying to hurt people! Stop hurting yourself!" He shouted into the scarred dragonkin from atop its scaly skull. "Stop letting him hurt you!"

    The frantic empath crouched down on all fours and his hair seemed to grow longer and spread out with an explosive sound, accompanied by the stony spikes falling down towards the drake either shattering or flying into the cave's walls all at once. The glow surrounding Pat grew brighter as he held onto the beast and some of the light seeped into it. "If you really can't take the pain, the anger, the fear, the sadness, then I will! I'll take all of it and show him what he's done to you!"

    Not knowing how to handle Pat's display of light and power, Elidyr stayed by the drake's head, making sure it could see him. "You're strong, big guy. Stronger than some old man!"

    "If I can pick him up and toss him around, I don't see why you can't," Prim added a tad less enthusiastically, keeping her eyes on the aforementioned mage.

    Like a dam breaking, the drake's feelings flooded into Pat all at once. Having been sustained by its pain and rage, the drake grew tired in their absence. It laid on the ground, breathing heavily but doing naught else.

    The soldier knew he had to act fast. He slammed his palm on the ground, raising a spire of earth underneath him to carry himself high into the air. And more importantly, away from the others. He held out a hand decorated by a ring. The ring's blue gem began to shine, and a sort of magical interface appeared in front of him. As he frantically manipulated the floating lights, the drake began to rise once more.

    To Pat, the Drake's mind was blank. Without the energy to fight back it was little more than a puppet. It turned to face the Pat, expressionless. The soldier scoffed. "I thought the Valbestian girl would be my biggest problem, but it seems I was wrong. Doing it this way isn't ideal, but until I can undo whatever it is you've done, it'll have to do."

    With his enhanced sight, Elidyr could easily see the old soldier and what he was doing. He didn't know much about mental magic, but it seemed pretty obvious that the ring was the key. "Prim, can you reach him? We have to get that ring off him! I think I can handle this drake for a little while."

    Prim looked at the spire that was now towering over them, then looked back at Elidyr with a wicked grin.

    "I might have an idea what to do about that," she chuckled to herself, making a B-line for the impressive structure. Reaching the pillar, Prim wasted little time in lashing out with a powerful kick, striking the side of the spire, breaking through much of the condensed Earth and stone.

    As the tower began to topple, Prim shifted to her bird form, rocketing upwards with the intent of switching back mid-air so she could grab the soldier before he could try any more funny business.

    "Undo?" Pat questioned in an almost feral-sounding growl. His eyes were now shifting colors much like his hair - and said hair was growing longer, spikier and stiffer like a cape of brambles. "The only thing being undone here is you!" All of the drake's suffering filled him, coursed through him and he launched himself off of it, leaving Elidyr to handle it while he somersaulted through the air. Pat's hair connected from front to back as he spun until it looked like he was inside a big wheel coated in razor spikes, which smacked the ground and blasted forward, the poor beast's pain, sadness and rage was now barreling straight at the soldier manipulating it.

    "So strong, yet so predictable," muttered the soldier, crouched on the spire's top to keep balance. With a snap of his fingers the tumbling tower seemed to melt, turning into a viscous wave of quicksand coming down on the two Phoenixes. He surfed the wave with a small part of the tower he'd left solid.

    The drake, meanwhile, swiped it's tail at the ground in front of Elidyr, spawning a wave of stone spikes aimed straight at him.

    "Funny, predictable's the same word I was just thinking of!" Pat countered the soldier's taunt as his hair burst into flames around him. All the quicksand that came too close to the burning wheel melted and crystallized like the pit they'd been in earlier and the tower of falling quicksand began to grow a glass slide spiraling up its length. "First you can feel the heat of your victims' fury!"

    Elidyr saw the wave of spikes, and (following Prim's example from earlier) rushed toward it. "Wings of Leaping!" With a surge of magic, his wings grew larger, and with a mighty flap he gained enough elevation to clear the spikes. A visible orange aura shimmered across his body as he rapidly adjusted it with his magic. His wings returned to normal size, his hands grew into large claws, and his muscles bulked up as he descended on the drake, delivering a powerful punch to its head. It recoiled from the impact, and he spun in place to strike it in the face with his clubbed tail. Effective as his attacks may have been, the drake was still being controlled and his assault only stunned it for a moment, while he was starting to tire from fighting and using his magic so much.

    Prim managed to force her head out the top of the ocean of quicksand in time to see Pat burning away the area around him and Elidyr slamming the drake with his tail.

    "This is very irritating!" she growled, unable to force the rest of her way out, the liquid holding her tighter the more she struggled. "Someone let me out so I can resume pummeling this jackass!"

    "Oh, right! Sorry!" Elidyr rushed over while the drake was recovering, using his large hands to dig into the sand. Once he found Prim's body, he put his hands under her arms, getting as secure of a grip as he could. Combining Drake's Strength with Wings of Leaping, he managed to pull Prim free, the quicksand making with a wet SCHLORP sound. He set her down gently, unsure if he should try getting any of the sand off of her.

    "I am very quickly getting over this guy… more over this guy," Prim said once Elidyr set her down. "I ought to drop the cave roof on his head or something!"

    Partly to replay Elidyr for helping her out and partly to vent her frustrations, she strode up to the drake and booted it as hard as she could in its side with the intent of slamming it into the wall of the cave.

    The drake crashed into the stone, bringing more rocks tumbling down upon it. But against the will of its battered body, it got to its feet and swiped its tail again, exactly as before.

    "That is not normal," Prim commented, gesturing at the drake.

    Seeing the flaming Pat ball racing up the liquefied tower, the soldier pushed the whole thing away while he leapt off it. He flew through the air toward the nearby cave wall where he'd been hiding earlier, likely to dive in once more. The magical display hovered over his ring as he moved, and he struggled to manipulate it mid-fight.

    Elidyr moved in front of Prim, crouching to smash his own clubbed tail against the ground. Spikes rose up from the impact, forming a sort of stone wall in front of him and Prim. The wave of spikes crashed against it, shattering the wall Eli had put up, but otherwise leaving the two Phoenixes unaffected. Elidyr stood back up slowly, holding his hands to his head. "I'm starting to get tired. I've never used this much magic at once before. I don't know how to handle the strain…"

    "Get better at hitting things?" Prim suggested.

    "Where do you think you're going?!" Pat all but roared, shifting his roll to shape a flat vertical wall of glass. He untucked, braced his feet and all his momentum against the wall and shot off, shattering all the remaining glass and shooting at the soldier like a flaming bullet. The Pat-to-air missile slammed into the soldier and pinned him against the stone wall of the cave. This was exactly where the soldier hoped to be, but Pat had him dialed in now, feeling his emotions as easily as if they'd known each other all their lives.

    When the Phoenixes' opponent began to sink into the stone Pat was already reeling a fist back, his hair having shortened again and a frosty mist running off his body. "Now feel the cold fear of helplessness and the crushing isolation of having no one to turn to!" He dug his fingers into the stone and a massive chunk of the cave's wall flash-froze around the soldier, leaving him nowhere to slink off to.

    "And last of all!" Pat laced his fingers together and smashed the frozen stone, sending both him and his target free-falling back to the ground. The raging empath wasn't content to leave the next step to gravity and spun in the air, his cloak seeming to come alive and stretch to yank the soldier straight to him and throw him downwards. To finish, Pat sprung off an icy boulder falling beside him and caught the soldier in a clothesline across the chest, bringing him crashing down to the cave floor. "Feel the pain you put that poor Drake through just to use it as a slave!"

    For good measure Pat slammed his fist into the man's chest once more, deforming the cave floor in his shape, and dusted his knuckles off. "And don't ever call one of my friends a savage."

    "Don't forget the ring," Prim called over quite pleasantly, keeping an eye on the drake.

    "Not on your life." Pat replied, pointing a finger down at the soldier's hand. A prismatic light like his hair had taken on earlier issued from the fingertip and condensed into a tiny sphere containing every bit of power Pat had been able to extract from the Drake's chaotic emotions. The sphere floated daintily as a dandelion down towards the soldier's hand and simply sank into the ring.

    The soldier had been defeated, but even so, the drake continued to advance. It pulled back its tail for another, identical assault. At this point, its eyes were nearly devoid of life.

    The soldier struggled to chuckle through his pained breathing. "This is far from over. I've done what I needed here... and at least I can take satisfaction in the knowing you'll never save that stupid beast you seem to care so much ab–"

    His words were interrupted by the drake slumping to the ground. The shining light beneath its scales faded away. It let out a snort and fell asleep, its snoring echoing throughout the cavern.

    The soldier's defiant smirk gave way to a look of utter disappointment. "I should've known those stupid lizards would fail me, too... Master, I await your judgement…"

    With those words, a pitch-black circle appeared over the soldier, casting a shadow over his entire body. Golden arrows shot through the dark portal, trailing chains attached to each. They pierced the soldier's arms and legs as he cried out in agony. And as quickly as they came, they left, climbing back through the portal and dragging the soldier with them.

    By the time the soldier disappeared, Pat was already beside the drake, patting its flank. "There there big fella, get yourself some rest, you've earned it. I know you won't be so ornery anymore when you wake up."

    "That's nice and all," Prim said rather irritably, looking at the spot where the soldier had vanished, "But who the hell was that? What was he doing here? Why didn't I get another turn at hitting him?!"

    Elidyr let out a breath in relief, putting an arm around Prim's shoulders and pulling her close. "I'm just glad it's over! Or maybe it's just starting… This guy had a Master? So it wasn't his idea?" He realized he was still holding Prim, awkwardly letting go of her and stepping back.

    Elidyr glowed faintly as his wings, claws, tail and horns all retracted back into his body, leaving him just looking like a tired and gangly kid again. "Suddenly I'm kinda hungry… maybe we should get out of here?"

    "Out of the mine works for me," Prim agreed, paying Elidyr no mind.

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  • 957

    The First Job Complete! Wednesday July 4th, X784

    After a long journey through the mine, the job was done. The Phoenixes met back up at the entrance and headed home. Team B, however, had brought a new ally with them. Patileer happily welcomed their new kobold friend, while Elidyr was rather shy around him. The others didn't seem to think it was a big deal.

    On the ride back over the lake, they shared stories about their adventures in the tunnels. The culprit behind the attacks was clearly this mysterious "dragon human," who team C had surprisingly already found and dealt with. But his mention of a master and the person who faced team A were proof that he wasn't alone.

    When they finally made it back, it was almost midnight. Some of the group went home, tired after such a long and grueling journey. The others went to Burgess Manor to report the results of the job. Steven Burgess was… not enthused with Drell and Lina's diplomatic solution of giving away his ore tunnel so they kobolds would go away. He could pay to take it back by force, but it wasn't worth the cost when the mine's main export was lacrima anyway. He deducted their pay by 130,000 J to make up for it, but a reward of 470,000 J was still very good for their first big job.

    As for the true culprits, Steven took it very seriously and contacted the Rune Knights immediately. After that, he thanked the guild for their work and sent them home.

    The Lakeside Town of Shessalie Thursday July 5th, X784

    The sun rose on another day in Shessalie, and like the days before it, it came with commotion. People gathered in the streets to watch as a squad of Rune Knights walked into town, dressed in their iconic blue and white uniform emblazoned with an ankh symbol. And at the head of this squad was none other than the vice-commander of the Rune Knights herself, Winnifred Tulles. She wore a more ornate uniform than the rest, a gold trim on her blue and white longcoat. Her jet black hair was pulled into a ponytail, and her narrow glasses gave her eyes a sharp look.

    The knights were clearly here to investigate the mine incident, but instead of going to Burgess Manor, Winnifred went to the Phoenix Nest guildhall where she walked right up to the counter and gave Sarah a big hug. It would seem by the way the two talked that Sarah and "Winny" were good friends. While the two chatted, the other knights scoured the town for clues.

    Otherwise, life in town proceeded as normal. There was much talk about why the knights were here, as the details of the mine incident were still not public. Burgess was planning his statement carefully, as some of his investors might not like the thought of his company being targeted by a dark guild. Gryphon Gale had left town that same morning, much to the dismay of the town's Gryphon fans. Simon left a letter at the guild's doorstep apologizing for his behavior, to the guild as a whole but to Ephraim and Primilla in particular.

    Jobs on the job board were the same mundane fare as usual like herb gathering, basic repairs, and chores, as Phoenix Nest's role in the matter hadn't been made public either.


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    Believe in the you that believes in cheese
  • 1,319

    Grand Undertakings of Fools


    Myeloch's study, the most intriguing and almost certainly the most dangerous place in the entirety of Phoenix Nest. Every time Rowan had any reason to go to it - or even so much as poked his head through the door - he was torn between a desire to explore every inch of it and apprehension of what might happen if he touched or damaged the wrong bit or bauble. Today he was too focused to worry about any of that, he strode straight in and stood before the Guild Master's near-eternally empty desk.

    "Hey, Gramps! Get over here! I've got something important to talk to you about! And none of that projection nonsense, I need you, not a hologram." His voice carried through the empty room without coaxing a sign of life, but he knew he was heard.

    After a few moments of silence, the crystal bell in the room glowed. Beside it appeared a familiar projection of the Phoenix guildmaster. His face wore the same light smile it always did.

    He sat down at his desk. "As you can see, the bell is really just a formality. But you'll have to give me a bit to find a stopping point in my work before I can be here in person. In the meantime, can you tell me what brings you here?"

    With a wave of a finger, a portal appeared over his desk. Down came a cup of tea, already filled with hot water. A tea bag plopped down right after it. "Just getting things ready for when I get here. Would you like a cup too?"

    "Yes, please. Today's been...stressful." He all but collapsed into the guest chair across the desk from Myeloch, no point putting up a front with him, he could see through it all anyway. After rubbing his forehead for a few seconds, Rowan pulled a small glass bottle out of his pocket and held it up for Myeloch to see clearly. "This came off the thing Faye and I fought in the Burgess mine. At first it looked like some sort of Dragonkin, the same species we'd fought just before, but every time we thought we were getting an edge on it, it changed. Whatever weakness we'd found was undone and then replaced by some new method of fighting us, harder to deal with than the last."

    "Mind if I take a closer look? You can set it on my desk." Myeloch summoned another cup of water in front of Rowan. "Any preferences? I'm drinking white, but I have a few different types and lately I've been looking into herbals. They might not be 'proper' teas, but they're certainly relaxing to drink. I'm still learning about teas as a whole, and could certainly improve in making them too. But there's only so much time, you know?"

    He fiddled a bit with his tea bag telekinetically. "Sorry, you came to hear about this mysterious enemy, not to hear me ramble about tea. As you guessed, it doesn't sound like any dragonkin I know. Of course, it could have been a new species but I'm more inclined to believe it was a wizard. Perhaps an expert in polymorph magic not unlike Master Yvonne's son. Did you notice anything else about them?"

    Rowan gingerly placed the bottle in front of Myeloch. "Whatever you recommend is fine by me, I trust your taste. My favorite tea is gone anyways. On the matter at hand… the weirdest thing about the creature was its mind. It was like a chaotic vortex of nearly every emotion at once - and an emphasis on the negative ones, in fluctuating intensities. It was such a mess it gave me a migraine, made it hard to concentrate on anything. Whatever that being is, it isn't mentally stable and it must have suffered a lot. That cacophony was...distressingly similar to something I remember. To top it all off, just when I thought maybe we had our enemy on the ropes, it turned into a woman! And then she flashed a blinding light at us and kissed paralytic poison straight into me! What's more, she seemed surprised - shocked, even - at the transformation, like it wasn't on purpose! I sure as hell don't have some spell for making beautiful women appear, if I did, this guild would be a lot more full."

    A tea bag dropped from the portal over Rowan's cup. "Let's go with chamomile, then. I think you could use something calming after all that," said Myeloch.

    As he spoke, another Myeloch blinked into existence next to him. Rowan could instantly tell it was the real thing. He could feel his curiosity and desire to help, but couldn't read any deeper. It all felt so… distant. Myeloch sat in his chair and took a sip of his tea, his projection fading away.

    Myeloch summoned a pair of glasses over his eyes, clearly enchanted judging by the runes inscribed on the sides, and brought the bottle closer. "How strange. Body augmentations made from shapeshifting magic would be completely etheric, but this is only mostly so. I usually see this in more heavily-afflicted touched. An unstable mind could explain their unstable magic, but simply unstable is an understatement if it's too much for even you.

    "A being that changes to combat threats automatically and unconsciously, interesting… I can imagine a touched with a shapeshifting affinity who's been enchanted with a conditional magic that forces their body to change when threatened, but that doesn't quite explain that mess of a mind. In theory, one could take a person with a similar affinity and meld their mind with that of several other beings through forbidden magic. That would certainly cause a mess if they aren't compatible, as they fight for control over their singular body.

    "But whether this being is the former, the latter, or something entirely different, I'd say they're probably not natural. The council doesn't have records of any dark guilds capable of creating such a being, so it's possible they're still out there. Be wary in case you've made an enemy of them. As for the being themselves, if either of my theories is correct there's bound to be something constant at the center of the emotional storm. If you can't simply block them out, maybe focusing on that could be helpful. The former would need to have an original self. The latter would need at least something the many minds agree on, or else they'd have destroyed themselves long ago. And if it's neither, then I wish you good luck."

    Even Rowan had a hard time keeping things light with theories like that being all he had to go on. "I'm not sure I wanna know what kind of wizard can or wants to create someone like that… Please keep that sample and examine it more whenever you're interested and not too busy, Boss." He stared at the bottle a few moments later, then let out a deeper sigh than Myeloch ever expected to hear from him. "With that out of the way, time for the pertinent part." Rowan stood up, pushed the chair back and did something he never thought he'd be doing again. He knelt down, left fist on the floor and right fist held over his heart.

    "Master Myeloch. I need to grow as fast as possible. This guild needs more than just one wizard it can send on essential jobs. Please... teach me whatever you can, lend me whatever wisdom you can. Prepare me for the S Class exams and let me take them. I will swear my loyalty to you if need be, anything you need of me you will have, regardless of how I feel about it. As long as it won't hurt someone I love, or harm the guild, I will do whatever it takes. On my honor and that of every teacher I've had and… and everyone I've lost."

    "Please stand. I'm not anyone worth kneeling for." Myeloch spoke as calmly as ever, but Rowan could feel a hint of discomfort in him. "The S-Class exam is divided into three parts; a written exam on magical theory and history, a practical exam to test your raw magical ability, and a combat exam conducted personally by high-ranking Rune Knights. I'm no good at fighting, so I unfortunately can't help you with the combat exam. But you're free to use anything you find in the library or in my study to help you, well, study. And I'll be happy to answer any questions you have, whenever you have them. As for the fee to take the exam, I can cover that as well."

    All the tension rushed out of Rowan so suddenly he almost lost his balance. Instead, after a few seconds of silence he rose with his signature confident smirk. "Then schedule me for the next possible exam! I've already been through practically everything in the library and until it's time I'm going to practically live in this room! Just you watch, Old Man. I'm going to blow that exam away earlier than any new guild wizard ever has and give Phoenix Nest one more accolade to prove your guild's not just for show! I've already been buried in ashes… Now I put paid our name and rise, and nothing's gonna stop me!"

    "I look forward to seeing it," said Myeloch with a chuckle. "A smile suits you better, I'd say. I wish I had the time to teach you properly, but I hope my resources will suffice. If not, Boriel has much to offer you as well, considering that he's already gone through the exam. Lina doesn't have much in the way of experience or ability, but she is very much a magic enthusiast with a wealth of knowledge. She's likely to have information on wizards from other guilds too, should you need a bit of inspiration."

    Myeloch took a long sip of his tea. He tapped his desk next to the bottle of scales, and it fell through a portal that suddenly appeared beneath it "Now, is there anything else you need from me before I go back?"

    "Hmmm… The meaning of life and the secret to immortality?" Rowan proposed with a grin and lightly clinked his cup against Myeloch's.

    "I'll be sure to tell you as soon as I figure them out myself," he answered with a smirk.

    "Cheers, then!"

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    Sapphire Rose

    [I]Only thorns left on this rose.[/I]
  • 3,449

    Faye Aubrey


    Turning the pages

    Mornings. Faye's least favourite time of the day as the night owl that she was. Once again she had stayed up until she saw at least the clock hit 3 am. It was a bad habit of hers and an unhealthy thing to do now that she was part of the guild and is required to wake up earlier than she usually does. One morning it was Sarah telling everyone to come downstairs for breakfast, other mornings it was the older Hoskel brother making fun of her proclivity to sleep in. However, unlike other nights, this time she had a reason, and a good one at that.

    Faye buried her face in her soft pink pillow, another habit she often repeated in the morning. Next to her was a pile of books. Several were about flower language and had a beautiful cover, mostly decorated with gold and pictures of colourful flowers on the cover. Only a couple were topics about scaled beasts, these books looked somewhat grim. The white haired girl got up slowly and picked up something else that was resting near her pillow. Something she picked up after the fight against that weird woman. It was one of the black scales, an item that piqued her interest.

    It didn't take long for Faye to get out of her bed and dressed to spend most of her time in the library again, just like last night. She was unusually fast despite not being a morning person. With all the books in her arms she made her way to the old-fashioned room filled with books about all kinds of topics, you name it and the guild library has it. The shelves held all the different kinds of books in place and sorted, it was truly a sight to behold. Faye didn't know where to start with her newfound hobby but right now there wasn't time for that. She occupied the table she had been using last night as well. Books were laying across it, opened on certain pages.

    "Let's see..."

    Faye put away the books about flower languages back at the spots she had retrieved them from, after all, she already found the answer to something she was searching for. The Zinnias Rowan showed her the other day was another subject that crossed the girl's mind last night. Faye wanted to find out for herself what Zinnias meant in the flower language. It was hard to find the actual meaning since they appeared to be rare flowers but eventually she found it in a very very old book, hidden away somewhere in the back of the library. It was then when Faye's eyes fell upon another book.

    "The Mistlands and it's secrets." it said. The title was all saying. Faye was distracted for a few moments but did not take the book out of it's spot after all. She loathed the book and the whole topic that was Mistlands made her feel wretched but at the same time she was curious. Her eyes fell upon the black scales again, she brought them along to the library for further investigation. It was only then that she realised something.

    With that realisation, Faye searched for something sharp. The sharpest thing she could find was a letter knife but it would be enough for what she was going to test. With all of her might, Faye tried to stab the scale the best she could. As expected, it did not take any damage. The letter knife even passed it and left an ugly scratch in the table. This scale was incredibly hard, something they already found out in the caves when Faye unleashed her shadow haunt at the woman. Now she wanted to test something else.

    Faye removed her gloves, making the cream white scales that were occupying the lower half of her arm visible. While she held the letter knife in her hand, she prepared herself. If her proposition was correct, her own scales shouldn't take any damage from the knife at all. If it appeared to be incorrect... she would have to explain to the others why there was a letter knife penetrated through her arm. Not the most favourable situation she would like to deal with. Besides, the fact that she's a touched female, or at least born from one would become known. The pain she might have did not even bother her all that much.

    Faye let out a deep sigh, a very deep one. Then she stabbed, as hard as she could.

    "....!!" Faye watched as the letter knife bounced off from her scales and did not leave as much as a scratch. Not only did she now prove that she could defend herself in a similar way that woman did, she also proved the the scales they retrieved from that woman's beast form was made from a similar material as her own scales. There... wasn't really anyone she could tell though. Except Rowan.

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    Sapphire Rose

    [I]Only thorns left on this rose.[/I]
  • 3,449

    Faye Aubrey


    Burn baby Burn feat Prim

    Prim meandered through the Guild Hall, not entirely sure how she wanted to spend her day as of yet. It seemed celebrations were still sort of ongoing, but her fellow guildmates were mostly doing their own things. Thus Prim had given in to the monotony of boredom and pacing. That was to say, until her pacing brought her past the open door of the library through which she had a clear view of Faye, surrounded by and immersed in books.

    Grinning to herself, Prim covertly slipped into the room she otherwise was quite unlikely to enter. She sauntered up to her quietest guildmate, quite suddenly throwing her arm around the other girl's shoulders.

    "Now what are you doing spending… day three of our victory celebrations in the Library?"

    Faye, who didn't let out as much as a squeak, acted indifferent towards the younger girl who tried to startle her. In a sense, it worked, she just never reacted to anything. "I'm researching." Her only answer was as her finger ran along a sentence she was reading.

    "Beasts from the Mistlands are often clothed in feathers, scales or hair. They almost never look human and are thus described as beasts. They've lost everything that made them human to the exposure of extensive ether flowing inside their soma. They bear no emotions nor a capability to understand them." Faye read loudly, then turned to the blue haired shorter girl holding on to her shoulders. "Well, isn't this book just full of harmful opinions."

    "Wait, I'm not meant to look human?" Prim asked with mock surprise, "I wish someone had told me sooner! I'd spend all my time as a bird. How could I have been so stupid?"

    Prim punctuated this performance by turning into her bird form and hopping across the book, pecking irritably at it.

    Faye stared at her with the same empty eyes she always had with her head resting on her hand. "Well, thinking about it now, you are the most human Touched that I have ever met." With her other hand, she shoved the book away from Prim. The book was still owned by the guild after all, they couldn't very well destroy it. Or… could they?

    Prim fluttered off of the now moving book hastily, returning to normal beside Faye again.

    "Look at Drell, she looks like an alligator for the most part and mo-" the white haired girl immediately stopped her sentence there and blinked briefly. She let her guard down and almost misspoke. That was not going to happen again. "A-Anyway, usually a Touched person has something in their appearance that distinguishes them from normal humans. If you hadn't come out as a Touched the first day that we met, I probably still wouldn't have known." Faye sounded almost jealous. She envied Prim for what she looked like.

    "Sure," Prim said with a shrug, "I double down on that by being a Valbestian too though. What was it soldier guy said… something about being a savage. Whatever, it's annoying and people like that deserve to be thoroughly pummeled, but the bottom line is that it's really stupid to judge someone because of how they look or where they come from. I mean, really, Drell's not that different to me and I'm not that different to you." Prim spoke all the while Faye listened and stared at the same sentence in the book. Being called inhuman without emotions brought back some… memories.

    "People are people… and some people shouldn't write books. Wanna set it on fire?" Prim's voice pierced through Faye's mind as her thoughts fluttered off.

    "Hell yes." Faye responded. She got up and searched around for something that could light it on fire. Although she didn't have to search far, she was holding onto a small fire lacrima in her pockets. One that was only usable for a few times before it would become useless. "Do you want to do the honors?" The white haired girl held out the Lacrima towards the blue haired one.

    "Yes, yes I do." Prim grinned. She took hold of the lacrima and book, setting the latter on the ground open to roughly the centre and placing the lacrima between the two sides. Moments later, the much maligned tome was alight. Prim stood back from the book a bit, watching with satisfaction.

    Faye stared at the fire as well. It was almost relieving how that book was succumbing and crumbling to the fire and slowly turned into ashes. It took a solid few minutes but eventually the book was no more. "What was the Mistlands like, Prim?" Faye asked curiously but kept staring at the spot where the book had previously been.

    "It was misty," Prim replied with a shrug. "My memory of things from around the time the bird thing happened can be a bit hazy, but the general gist is that it's weird and misty. You can hardly see anything and the things you do see tend to make no sense. I saw trees that grew leaves from their roots and a lake that was literally on fire. Between the patches of weird stuff though, it's surprisingly normal. Just wilderness and a fog you can barely see through. I wasn't very far in though, who knows how out there it gets further in?"

    Faye was seemingly surprised. "I see…" she responded, "Somehow it's exactly as I had imagined," The girl said, wondering why people would make it voluntarily their homes. Why would people be okay with turning into a hideous creature?

    Faye shook her head. Hideous creatures or not, they were still normal people. They used to be humans. Whatever that book said, was absolutely wrong. "I think I'll go to the stores. I need some new outfits. I only have this one currently."

    "You see, that is what I like to hear! Let's go spend copious amounts of money on things we don't need!" Prim slung her arm around Faye's shoulders and proceeded to start dragging her out of the room towards the front door of the building - inviting herself along in the process.
