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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has become a Dumpster Fire

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The Mega Champion

  • 1,467
    That went about as well as I thought it did. Because biased forums are biased.

    I'm hoping this forum will be unbiased and can actually help me. Then again maybe not.

    I don't care either way so I'm going to try here regardless.

    So... this little show... 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic' has been going on for 7 seasons now with an 8th upcoming.

    Back when the show first started... I liked it believe it or not. I really did. But... things have changed. The question is... why have they changed? Well... I'll be getting into that as well. In a way.

    I mean... I liked this show. I'm not even joking. I did. For about 5 seasons.

    Then... things changed.

    There are pretty much 6 main issues I have with the show right now. Each one factoring into my decision to either stay or leave in their own, unique, individual way. I'll go through them one by one.

    The first 3 reasons are basically the same though honestly. The so-called 'redeemed' characters. Those being, of course, Starlight Glimmer, Trixie, and Discord.

    But are they redeemed? Truly?

    To me... they aren't. In any way whatsoever.

    1. First let's talk about the obvious ones. First up is Starlight Glimmer. This character was a decent and legitimate villain. De-facto dictatorship. You don't see that all that often. So I applauded it. Until the S5 finale. Her reasoning for what she did was the most ridiculous excuse I've ever heard of in my entire life honestly. She did all that because she lost a friend? Wow. Just wow. Go look the freaking friend up. Or... here's an option... make new friends. Then there was the redemption itself. Which I would call the Baron Corbin of redemption's. In other words... it was freaking dumpster fire. Unbelievably rushed, made no sense whatsoever, and just horrible in general. This idiot practically committed a crime. Messing with the time-space continuum is, to me, worse then murder. Yet she was forgiven as if nothing happened and everyone of the characters pretends that it didn't happen and never happened. No. Just no. There should have been a punishment. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. End of freaking story. She committed a crime and deserved a punishment. Don't believe me? Has anyone else gotten away with a dictatorship scot free and forgiven as if it never happened? The answer here should be obvious. Research dictatorships in history if you don't believe me. The common sense answer is NO. DICTATORS AREN'T FORGIVEN AS IF NOTHING HAPPENED.

    Another thing... I'll admit there's one thing that is consistently being proven when it comes to Starlight.

    Which is the fact that she has absolutely no common sense whatsoever. Another thing she had done, which no one has ever been forgiven for and acted as if it never happened, is using mind control. She did that to her so-called 'friends' and got off scot-free as if it didn't happen.

    Has anyone else that has used mind control gotten away with it and treated as if it never happened? Again... the answer is blatantly obvious and common sense.

    Starlight is on a high horse and needs to be taken down several pegs. She's OP and honestly, somewhat of a Mary-Stu if you ask me. I don't care how much the shows claims she studied magic. Twilight studied longer and, therefore, should be more powerful and had freaking Celestia as a teacher and we're just supposed to believe that Starlight self-taught her OP-ness? Yeah I don't think so.

    2. Next... it's the worst of the worst if you ask me. Trixie.

    This character... is just... NO. JUST NO.

    Does this character actually have any redeeming factors? Another question with an obvious answer. Which is NO. NO SHE DOESN'T.

    Trixie is an ego-maniacal, self-absorbed, egotistical, holier-than-thou *****. I'm sorry but she just is. Not only that... she takes every opportunity she has to annoy Twilight. THAT IS NOT A CHARACTER TRAIT. IT'S A CHARACTER FLAW AND A MAJOR ONE AT THAT.

    Has she, or Starlight for that matter, actually done anything to show that they have changed? To me... the haven't. At all. In any way whatsoever. Chrysalis doesn't really count because she captured all of the Mane 6 and Princesses (which I still don't understand how she did that) and apparently the writers choose these un-redeemed assholes instead of the 'Slice of Life' characters which should have been the characters to save them instead if you ask me. But I'll get into the writers later.

    But to finish Trixie off once and for all... she's an egotistical ***** who thinks she deserves everything when all she really deserves is a Superman Punch to the face. She's the Kevin Owens of this show NOT THE ROMAN REIGNS OF THE SHOW SO INCORRECT ON SO MANY LEVELS.

    3. Next let's talk about Discord. There's really nothing for me to say about here though. He's not redeemed either. All this jerk has proven is that he also takes every opportunity he has to annoy the characters whenever he gets the chance. AGAIN NOT A CHARACTER TRAIT A CHARACTER FLAW AND A MAJOR ONE. You know what Discord has proven? That he only cares about Fluttershy and that's it. He clearly could care less about anyone else other than himself. No only that, he should have been turned back to stone when he betrayed everyone when he worked for Tirek. Yet no. Once again, forgiven as if he did nothing wrong and everyone acts like it didn't happen.

    This asshole has lost his chance at redemption honestly. He should have been turned back to stone and really needs to be turned back to stone. But will he? Our wonderful writers at work once again...

    1, 2, & 3 Addendum:

    You know what I think my main problem is?

    That these characters in question (Starlight, Trixie, and Discord) aren't actually struggling with what they've done. I mean... if these characters were actually consistently struggling and/or being haunted with what they've done... then maybe, just maybe I'd be more willing to accept it.

    But they aren't, haven't been, and seemingly never will be. Because this show is acting as if everything they've done never happened. Which may be the worst and most horrendous part of all this.

    I think that's my main issue.

    4. Let's talk about the writers of the show now. They used to be good. But now? NOT ANYMORE. I don't know what happened to them but they seem to have lost use of their brains and their common sense as well.

    As I've been thinking about this... some of the fault most likely lies with the writers/show runners/whatever you want to call them. They seem to be getting talentless hacks who have consistently proven that either a) they're hypocrites (Fame and Misfortune) who attack their own fandom for complaining about complaining yet they continue to shove things down our throats and expect us to just like and accept them b) they didn't actually take the extra mile and do actual research on the show. As in, oh I don't know, watching all the other episodes before they actually started writing them themselves? I mean, even I go the extra mile when I write fanfiction on media and I don't even consider myself a writer. Something else that should have been flat out common sense. I even did this back when I was true fan of this show/series and wrote an insane crossover fanfiction with this and a bunch of other media (anime, video games, other cartoons, etc.) When I wasn't sure about something, I took the time to do research and look it up to make sure I knew what I was doing and what I was talking about.

    Yet these so-called 'writers/show runners/whatever' didn't seem to do that at all and just started writing as if they knew what they were doing when they continue to prove that they don't and are flat out hypocrites. They should have watched all the previous episodes so they had a basic idea of what the show was doing, where it was going, and what to do when they started writing. Yet they didn't, clearly haven't, and seemingly never will. It's too little to late at this point to do that. But still.

    In other words, some of the blame for the direction of this show and why it's beginning to shove things down our throats may actually lie with the current talentless hack writers/show runners/whatever.

    Plus... let's not forget that the current writers have basically confirmed themselves to be nothing but a bunch of hypocrites. Don't believe me? Fame and Misfortune would like a word with you, where the writers practically attacked their own freaking fandom that pretty much cause their shows popularity in the first place. Hypocritical much? Yes. Yes it is. Especially when you shove horrible, half thought out redemptions down our throats and just expect us to like them and except them and then expect us to like said so-called 'redeemed' character. LOL. I DON'T THINK SO.

    The writers are at fault for all this BS as well.
    5. Next... let's talk about the brony fandom itself. It was decent at first. Not so much anymore now is it?

    Practically every so-called 'fan' of this show/series on practically every so-called 'fan forum' I've been on has the same BS expectations from me that the talentless hack writers do. Which is, of course, expecting me to like all this BS being shoved down my throat and just accept it and like it as if it's THE GREATEST THING EVER when it clearly ISN'T and seemingly HASN'T for quite a long time now.

    Practically everyone wants me to like Starlight Glimmer and act like she's redeemed. NO.

    Practically everyone wants me to like Trixie and act like she's redeemed. GOD NO.

    Practically everyone wants me to like Discord and act like he's redeemed. YEAH I DON'T THINK SO.

    Yet what happens when I don't and I have this clearly controversial opinion that I have? Everyone nags and bitches at me. Constantly. They act as if my opinion is crap, I have no reason to have it, and I should change it immediately. As if I should 'fall in line' with everyone else?

    Guess what that is? Here it is again everyone!! De-facto dictatorship.

    Your not supposed to be the 'same' as everyone else. Your supposed to be unique. Yourself. Different. Out of line. Not 'fall in line'

    Apparently the brony fandom didn't get this memo. Must have been lost. Or ignored. I'm guessing ignored. I refuse to 'fall in line'. End of story.

    6. Now let's talk about the rumors of Chrysalis getting a redemption in Season 8. NO. JUST NO. I'm not even going to list the reasons why. There are just too many and it would make this even longer. What is the reason for this? Because I fail to see one. At all. In any way whatsoever.

    Notice a pattern yet? Let me spell it out for you.

    I'm sick of the redemption's. Especially when they are half-thought out, half-assed, horrible dumpster fires like the ones I already mentioned have been. I'm fairly sure this one would be no different. I just can't take the redemption's anymore. I really can't. If Chrysalis is redeemed I don't think I'll even care how it's done. I'LL QUIT. NO QUESTIONS ASKED. END OF STORY. Because there is absolutely no reason to do this in any way whatsoever. This is my main concern with staying. I don't want to take the risk of having to go through yet another half-thought out, half-assed dumpster fire so-called 'redemption.'

    You want to know how to do a redemption? FINE.

    Go watch Season 2 of The Lion Guard. You see what they are doing with Makuu? Even though I don't fully consider him redeemed (at least not yet) THAT'S HOW YOU DO A REDEMPTION not the half-thought out, half-assed horrible dumbster fires the talentless hack hypocritical so-called 'writers' are doing.

    To summarize... These are my main problems with this show.


    Starlight is a idiot with absolutely no common sense whatsoever that has clearly learned nothing.

    Trixie is an egotistical, ego-maniacal, holier-than-though ***** who has clearly learned nothing.
    Discord is a jerk who has clearly learned nothing.

    The so-called 'redeemed' characters aren't struggling with what they have done at all.

    The writers are hypocritical talentless hacks.

    The brony fandom is expecting me to 'fall in line' and accept and like all this BS being shoved down my throat and has becoming incredibly toxic.

    Chrysalis DOES NOT, SHOULD NOT, and CAN NOT be redeemed in any way whatsoever.

    I'm hoping for some unbiased opinions and help here in helping me decide what to do because I honestly can't take this anymore.

    In other words... this show has become a Dumpster Fire.
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    Memento Mori★
  • 2,167
    this is all based on opinion. i respect your opinion and our differences in views. i personally, still very much love the show and the flawed characters. heck, i even saw a pre release for the movie that came out recently. sure, trixie, discord, and starlight glimmer have their flaws, but.. they're starting to grow on me. i mean, discord, i never had a problem with. i've always liked him from when he was introduced. however, trixie and starlight glimmer are slowly starting to grow on me. i feel like they've slowly being redeemed in the show.

    this is just my opinion though.

    The Mega Champion

  • 1,467
    this is all based on opinion. i respect your opinion and our differences in views. i personally, still very much love the show and the flawed characters. heck, i even saw a pre release for the movie that came out recently. sure, trixie, discord, and starlight glimmer have their flaws, but.. they're starting to grow on me. i mean, discord, i never had a problem with. i've always liked him from when he was introduced. however, trixie and starlight glimmer are slowly starting to grow on me. i feel like they've slowly being redeemed in the show.

    this is just my opinion though.

    They haven't to me though and that's the entire issue.

    It's pretty much the exact opposite as far as I'm concerned.

    They are not only not redeemed. They're all Dumpster Fires.

    The Mega Champion

  • 1,467
    Let's grab an extinguisher.

    If this is supposed to be some way to tell me to quit then your probably right and I probably should.

    The whole reason I posted this was to get UNBIASED help to give me suggestions on what I should do.

    Because posting this exact same thing on an MLP: FiM forum (except with more foul language and lots of Danganronpa references and memes) pretty much had the exact opposite reaction that this thread has had so far.

    More proof that the so-called 'brony fandom' has become incredibly toxic and is just expecting everyone to swallow everything and pretend it's the most delicious thing they've ever tasted, which in actuality, the worst tasting creation ever concocted.

    The Mega Champion

  • 1,467
    I apologize for the double post.

    However... for anyone that cares... (yes I know it's no one) I tried to take a little longer to think about all this and take a 'break' (or whatever you want to call it).

    The results were...

    I don't feel any differently then I did previously. Due to that I think I'll be quitting once and for all and quitting this show that has clearly become a Dumpster Fire and the toxic fandom in general.

    So consider me an anti-brony now.

    Anyone who chooses to continue to stay around what has clearly become a Dumpster Fire and continue to watch this has absolutely no common sense in any way whatsoever.
  • 124
    I used to like the show too. I saw more issues though on this little dumpster fire though.

    The plot. First 4 seasons. Great. Yay.

    Up until now. If I wanted a friendship lesson I would have watched a stupid kids show. 30 minutes taken out of my life to watch an episode that in the end tells the same thing.


  • 6,460
    Wow the hate in this thread is thick. Let me sum it up; you are wrong on pretty much every count. You're entitled to your opinion but...I think now you're just being ultra harsh on the show.

    The show has changed by leaps since Lauren Faust left it. This is fact. The fandom has raged over ton of things that didn't really matter, People got mad at the wedding, at Twilight's ascending to Alicorn and being coronated, and a ton of other things that has truly advanced the plot of the show forward. It's prevented a lot of stagnation. This show has had an impressive run and it's not over yet.

    While I may not personally like Starlight or Trixie, I feel they've been given a life beyond the the 2 Dimensional roles they had as villains before. They're literally Princess Problems, without us having to retread history from Celestia's point of view. They're not the focus I had hoped for, but they are fresh and new. I may not identify with the characters at all, that's fine. But I do understand the problems they have. That's what matters.

    If the overarching theme of friendship bothers you; it's fine to move on to something else. No need to dump all over the show because you don't like it's direction. It is after all, a show aimed at kids. Learn how to use some "kid goggles" man, and you'll see all the good stuff they slip in for the rest of us. If it's just too syrupy sweet for you and you've had enough, that's fine too. Take a break and, find better programming for you. Nobody is forcing you to watch it.

    As for the fandom... Don't worry, fandoms go sour no matter what the show. There will be fellow fans who will be worth your time...and then there's the toxic side. Honestly though, your reaction isn't helping the fandom. You only get toxicity if you act toxic yourself. Look at yourself, decide what you like and move on. Don't let pushy fans mess with you, if they care more about it than you then leave them be.

    The Mega Champion

  • 1,467
    The show has changed by leaps since Lauren Faust left it. This is fact. The fandom has raged over ton of things that didn't really matter, People got mad at the wedding, at Twilight's ascending to Alicorn and being coronated, and a ton of other things that has truly advanced the plot of the show forward. It's prevented a lot of stagnation. This show has had an impressive run and it's not over yet.

    No it's over and I pretty much explained why. You didn't actually try to refute anything that I posted.

    While I may not personally like Starlight or Trixie, I feel they've been given a life beyond the the 2 Dimensional roles they had as villains before. They're literally Princess Problems, without us having to retread history from Celestia's point of view. They're not the focus I had hoped for, but they are fresh and new. I may not identify with the characters at all, that's fine. But I do understand the problems they have. That's what matters.

    Again no, and again, I explained why with you not trying to refute anything. I don't understand it and they're HORRID characters that AREN'T 'REDEEMED' IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER. The fact they keep being shoved down my throat as if I'm supposed to like them now and act as if they are 'redeemed' just makes it WORSE.


    If the overarching theme of friendship bothers you; it's fine to move on to something else. No need to dump all over the show because you don't like it's direction. It is after all, a show aimed at kids. Learn how to use some "kid goggles" man, and you'll see all the good stuff they slip in for the rest of us. If it's just too syrupy sweet for you and you've had enough, that's fine too. Take a break and, find better programming for you. Nobody is forcing you to watch it.

    Did you even read what I posted? It seems to me that you didn't. That's not my problem. My problem is that they continue to shove these HORRID NOT REDEEMED characters down my throat and expect me to like them and act as if they are 'redeemed.'

    It was good for 5 seasons and then... something happened. What that is... I honestly don't know. My guess is they got talentless hack writers who have no idea what the **** they are doing.

    As for the fandom... Don't worry, fandoms go sour no matter what the show. There will be fellow fans who will be worth your time...and then there's the toxic side. Honestly though, your reaction isn't helping the fandom. You only get toxicity if you act toxic yourself. Look at yourself, decide what you like and move on. Don't let pushy fans mess with you, if they care more about it than you then leave them be.

    Again it seems as though you didn't read what I posted. The entire problem is that the entire fandom is expecting me to 'fall in line' and like these HORRID NOT REEDEMED characters and act as if they are redeemed and, since I don't and I LOATH THEM WITH EVERY FIBER OF MY BEING, I'm treated as if I should change my mind immediately and am wrong about having the opinion that I do and am bashed when I try to defend it and everyone acts like I'm doing it the wrong way when no one is able to make me think otherwise or provide actual proof that I'm wrong because I continue to refute them and then they go back to bashing me.

    In other words... because I'm not 'falling in line' and liking the clearly HORRID AND NOT REDEEMED characters I'm treated like the scourge of the fandom.
  • 162
    • Seen Mar 1, 2023
    The Mega Champion, it honestly sounds more likely to me that you're being treated as the scourge of the fandom because you're simply unpleasant.

    I mean, look at you. Aside from making this thread to begin with, you constantly post like THIS to express your hate, and if people make their own threads about this series you enter them specifically just to talk muk about the show.

    You complain about the fandom being toxic, but you are without a doubt the most toxic person I've ever seen talking about this show, and that's saying much.


  • 6,460
    Hahahaha. Lol nope. Still wrong. Still being a total obdurate. As I said before, stop before you dig yourself into a hole and move on.

    The show has evolved. You must cope with that and accept it or move on to a different show. Spend some time with a show you still like. You're wasting your rage on the pony fandom. Seriously, we're paitent usually. If you're getting flack from them, it's because you're behaving badly.

    The Mega Champion

  • 1,467
    The Mega Champion, it honestly sounds more likely to me that you're being treated as the scourge of the fandom because you're simply unpleasant.

    I mean, look at you. Aside from making this thread to begin with, you constantly post like THIS to express your hate, and if people make their own threads about this series you enter them specifically just to talk muk about the show.

    You complain about the fandom being toxic, but you are without a doubt the most toxic person I've ever seen talking about this show, and that's saying much.

    Again wrong. It's the other way around. I state my opinions, then they are bashed on. Pretty much what your doing here.

    Hahahaha. Lol nope. Still wrong. Still being a total obdurate. As I said before, stop before you dig yourself into a hole and move on.

    The show has evolved. You must cope with that and accept it or move on to a different show. Spend some time with a show you still like. You're wasting your rage on the pony fandom. Seriously, we're paitent usually. If you're getting flack from them, it's because you're behaving badly.

    No it's because I refuse to 'fall in line' and like so-called 'redeemed' characters that are actually HORRID AND NOT REDEEMED AT ALL.

    Your right. It has evolved. It's evolved into a Dumpster Fire. So unless you intend on actually giving reasoning then STFU and stop making pointless posts. The only thing your doing is proving that I'm right and that you also have absolutely no common sense in any way whatsoever.

    With this I'm officially sick of this thread. I'm sick of having to point out how illogical the so-called 'bronies' are with your common senselessness. So no one post anymore.

    I want it locked please. NOW.
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