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The Warriors/Wizards Academy

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Raichu Master

  • 6,032
    "I'll go to the weapons master now," Alvender nodded, not bothering to chase after Skye, he fully understood her, he was probably the only one here that understood how Skye was feeling right now. He didn't completely understand, but he was an elf, he didn't need to completely understand, he understood nevertheless. He understood that someone near and dear to her had been lost this day, he could tell in the way she moved when they walked out of his room.

    "Very well, meet me in the courtyard when you're finished," Lucas nodded in reply. Bidding him farewell, Lucas disappeared, as all wizards do, leaving him in thought and in action.

    Entering what seemed to be the training grounds for combat, Alvender was caught off guard by the point of a sword coming out at him. Blocking the first easy enough, Alvender found himself struggling to get his scimitar out in time to block the second one. The weaponsmaster, or who he presumed to be the weaponsmaster, kept coming in hard, forcing Alvender on the defense. Pumping both arms back and forth, trying to block each incoming attack.

    Having enough of this, Alvender threw his broadsword out in a defensive position that blocked off the intruder from getting any clear hits. In the next second, Alvender lifted his shield, and sent his scimitar inlow. Alvender's eyes widened, as a foot stomped down on the blade, making it impossible for him to continue with his broadsword. Reversing his grip, Alvender pulled upwards,trying to tcut into his opponents leg, instead the intruder used the acceleration to launch himself upwards, and flip back 50 feet from Alvender.

    To Alvender's surprise, the him was actually a her! "The weapons master I presume?" Alvender said, being the first to talk between the both of them as they studied each other.

    "Don't bother explaining, I know all about you, Alvender Con'Tirna," she said again as she walked gracefully passed Alvender and put her two swords on a rack. Alvender's jaw dropped to the ground, did everyone here know who he was!?

    "How could I not?" she continued, her facial and physical features hidden under a robe. This drew Alvender's attention fully on her, what did she mean by that?

    'There's really something I should tell you...' his mother's voice said, a bit hesitantly.

    'What now?' Alvender asked, not likeing the tone of her voice.

    'You have a sister...she went off to train and become a warrior for the imperialist several centuries before you came along...' his mother's voice said, shame for not telling him earlier when she was alive was hinted in her voice.

    'You mean she's...' Alvender started but finished the sentence out loud, "my sister!?"

    Before the weapons master could even think about what Alvender had said, his mother chimed in, 'Yes.'

    Again Alvender's jaw dropped to the ground at the news. Could today get any weirder!? First he falls in love with a female wizard, then he's forced to give up a lot of his memories, now he finds out he has a sister!

    The woman pulled the hood of her robe back to reveal that she was in fact an elf. She had the same sapphire eyes as him, even the same shade of brown, but it was longer than his and pulled into a ponytail. She was a lot paler than him, since he was a slave and she was obviously living out the compliments of being born to two great warriors. Taking off her heavy robe, to reveal splint armor, that was probably reinforced with mythril chained mail. From the form of her armor, she was a slim and as eligant as any elf would ever hope to be. She was as dangerous as she was beautiful.

    "Welcome, I am Alicia Con'Tirna, the finest weapons master in all of the imperial army, and I dare say even finer than the rebel army," she said with a graceful bow. "And obviously your sister," she added, seeming to forget and not to care.

    "You fight like a girl," Alvender said narrowing his eyes, not letting his guard down, not even for his own kin. He reminded himself the only person he could really trust was Skye. "I'd hate to see what the other's are like, if you can confidently say you're the best." Alvender spat.

    "I'm a good hundred years and then some older than you. I'd watch your mouth if I were you," Alicia reminded him, but the snort Alvender gave her in replied told her he didn't care how much older she was.

    'Now children, quit bickering,' her mother's voice scolded in both of their minds. Alvender found that Alicia wasn't as shocked to see him or hear from their mother. Obviously Alicia wielded the swords he had now until he called them to his side.

    "Mother may have trained you well. But father trained me better," Alvender smirked, catching Alicia off guard.

    "Mother was always the better fighter," Alicia said just as coldly.

    "Not so, if I remember correctly, father was the one that last saved our mother's life. Putting the score at 10-2 in favor of father," Alvender countered coolly, Alvender liked being in command, as he could see Alicia was losing her temper.

    'Children! Behave yourselves! We always considered ourselves equals, so your bickering is meaningless. It is true that your father trained you from a younger age, and I dare say better than I could have done with Alicia. But she has the experience over you,' their mother said, scolding both at the same time.

    "Told you so," Alvender said with a grin, not out of pleasure, but out of the fact that even though she was older, he was the more temperate out of the two.

    "You're still my apprentice," Alicia said.

    "Says who!?" Alvender growled, returning to all the memories that were locked away, becoming his distant self again.

    Alicia noted the change quickly, was a little set back at how defensive he was being. "You're an elf, so start acting like one. Your tongue may be sharp, but your brain needs to be a lot sharper. Your blade may be sharp, but your skills are dull and imperfected, unlike the blades you proudly wield," Alicia said, making sure to keep this as professional a relationship as possible.

    "I thought elves didn't take sides in a war," Alvender noted, elves normally claimed neutrality unless they had to fight.

    "So did I, but then I laid eyes on you," Alicia snorted.

    "I had no choice. You have no clue what I've been through," Alvender countered.

    "Nor do I care. Pity is for the weak. Here at the academy, you'll be learning your technique from me. You will learn how to rely on yourself, and not go searching for someone to pity you. You may have Skye, and Skye may have you. Yes I know about her and you, I'm an elf, a more powerful elf than you give credit. While your with me, there will be no arguing, the first smart comment I hear from your lip, I'll cut you down," Alicia said sternly, her voice become gruff like a drill sargents.

    "I was trained by-" Alvender started but Alicia quickly broke it.

    "For three whole years. I've been trained by both mother and father for a 10 centuries. You are just a maggot. Now listen up, and listen good. I'm only going to tell you this once. You address me by 'ma'am' when where here, and when you cross paths. Never call me anything but. If you do you'll die. Second, get yourself out of those rediculous robes! Who dressed you? A worm? Who would dress in seuded robes? Get some new ones one, and get some battle armor under that while your at it. Then get back here in two hours! NOW GO!" Alicia growled as she watched Alvender take his leave.


    a dreamer...
  • 2,941
    Skye lay in her bed for about an hour, trying to make sense of everything, trying to work past the pain. Yukiko could do nothing for her internal pain, but was a comofrt nontheless.

    Eventally, the two of them rose to meet with Lucas for spell casting. She slid her robes around her shoulders, shrugging them so they fell comfortably. Yukiko took up residence in her hood once again, and the two of them made their way down the corridoors to find Lucas.

    "All right?" he asked when she found him in the entrance hall.

    "I am," she replied absently.

    "Good...we'll be heading down to the underlevels of the academy. There are a few spacious rooms there, and I think we'll find them useful for your studies," Lucas said, motioning her to follow him down some stone steps. "This afternoon we'll be working on your more basic spells. As you advance during your time here we'll begin working on more advanced defensive and offensive magic. You'll be training for the battlefield, so eventually you'll be learning spells that can kill the enemy."

    Skye found herself beginning to regret her decision to come. She could have easily escaped the draft. She was going to be asked to do that which had made her want to end the war in the first place. She was nothing more than a killing machine to these leaders.

    "Let's begin with summoning and conjuring spells," Lucas suggested, holding the door to one of the large rooms for her. "I just want to get a feel for where you are."

    Skye stepped into the dark, spacious stone room, and drew her wand. Lucas came in behind her and shut the door. The ache in her body from the battle raging somewhere in the land was bearable, but it clouded her mind.

    "Concentrate," Lucas told her. "Summon for me one of the swords from the armery."

    Skye raised her wand, muttered an incantation with great intensity, and in moments, a long, heavy sword with a jewel-encrusted hilt appeared before her, sliding easily into her hands.

    "Well done....but can you conjur one was well?" Lucas asked.

    Skye raised her wand again, muttering another incantation, picturing exactly the sword she wanted to come to her....a slender but strong blade, longer than the usual sword, the handle suited perfectly for her small hands. Instantly, the sword appeared, and she reached out for it.

    "Excellent. Let's keep moving foward then."

    They moved to summoning living things, but not conjuring, because though spells could take life, they could not give it or create it. The covered various shield and blocking spells for the rest of the afternoon, and when Skye was dismissed, she felt tired. She and Yukiko made their way to the courtyards to watch the sun go down. They sat there in silence, the evening wind playing at her robes and the dragon's fur. Her heart was heavy, but her determination outwieghed it substantially.

    "I hope we're doing the right thing..." she said to Yukiko quietly. "We should probably go eat dinner soon...would you want to practice combat with me after?"

    The little dragon squirmed, sending affirmitive vibrations through Skye's mind. She sat there for a few moments longer, feeling the fading warmth of the sun on her body, watching the sun go down with her bright indigo eyes.


    Satanist to the core.
  • 2,208
    Legolas said:
    Don't push it Michael Legolas said as he looked at him, in a mad way, looking like he is constapated.

    OCC:OMFG He looks SOOOO funny in my mind! XD

    Michael turns around and looks at the elf, "If you want to live longer than that harpie behind you I segest you duck." He aims his arrow and launches it at the harpie poised to attack young legolas. "Lets go now, more will be coming!" he doesn't wait for them to respond he lifts them up onto each of his shoulders and wistles at the dragons.

    he tosses them into the window just as five more harpie's swoop from the night sky raking his right wing with there dimond sharp talons. "CURSES!" Michael cries looking at his wing. "I'm gonna have to kill them now."

    He climbs onto the window sill and spreads his wings, the moonlight reflected off of them like the purest of the purest.....(well anything) that the two elfs had ever seen in there lives. they watched as Michael took to the sky and like an explosion of light and fire, a giant ball covered him and ingolfed the harpies, each fell to the ground, ashes. Michael flies back down but barely makes it to the window and just collapses onto the ground right outside the window. Lucifer squeeks and climbs onto the windowsill trying to wake his master. the elfs look at eachouther un aware of what must now be done.

    Raichu Master

  • 6,032
    "You are dismissed," Alicia said, trying to hide the fact that she was sweety and tired from their opening scrimage. "Father taught you well," Alicia commented as Alvender turned and walked way without another word, his black robe had slash markers through it and his fine armor was bruised and dented.

    Alvender slowly made his way to the courtyard. It was a very nice sunset, and he wanted to go and watch it. Many thoughts were running through his mind. This was just the first day of his training, and he already felt refreshed and lot more open. No more did he have to be closed off his emotions or memories. Not only did he have Skye, but he had a sister watching out for him, even though she doesn't act like it, her movements and they way she fought told a different story.

    Finding himself at the courtyard, he found Skye sitting watching what he came out to watch. As he leaned against a pillar behind Skye, he found his gaze on Skye instead of the other sky. He could have just stood there, and not have her turn around, he just wanted a chance to watch her, without her looking back at him. She was prettier than he had given her credit than before. Instead interrupting her own thoughts, Alvender stayed there, watching her with the most peaceful expression ever seen on the elf's face.


    a dreamer...
  • 2,941
    Yukiko had spotted Alvender, and her recognition of him caused Skye to look over her shoulder. She smiled weakly, her eyes tired. He looked so peaceful standing there, and she was glad to see that he was coming into his own at the academy.

    "Good evening," she greeted him softly. Yukiko left her shoulders and took the the grass around them, running around and chasing bugs. Skye brushed her very short hair back with her right hand, and unfastened her black robes with her left. She let them fall around her, leaving her in her tunic shrit and wide legged pants. She crossed her legs where she sat and suppressed a yawn. "Your day go well?"

    The threat of tears was a lump in her throat once again. She knew she was not through the grieving process yet, but she had to be strong. The battle for the day was drawing to a close as the sun was setting, and now the dull ache of death was all that was left.

    While she waited for Alvender to answer her, she watched Yukiko rolling around in the grass, the sight lightening her heart slightly.

    Raichu Master

  • 6,032
    "Found love, security..." Alvender started softly as he slowly made his way to Skye. Alvender raised his eyebrows and smiled with amusement, as he showed in his voice, "I even found out I have a sister."

    Sitting beside Skye, Alvender's nerves caught up with him, and looked away from Skye to the sky. Then looked down at her dragon and said, "Sky's really pretty." He said it in a way that Skye couldn't tell if he was talking about her or if he was talking about the sky, either way it seemed like he was talking to Yukiko. So Skye couldn't see it, Alvender winked slyly at Yukiko with the eye away from Skye, so she couldn't notice it.

    Turning back to Skye, Alvender smiled warmly and said, "And how was your day? Besides...um...the...um...yeah..." Alvender didn't want to make her upset so he tried his hardest to try and get her mind off it.


    a dreamer...
  • 2,941
    "A sister...??" she said with a half-smile, watching Yukiko chase bugs. She was flattered by his comment about finding love. His comment about the sky broadened her smile. "You think so, eh?"

    He then questioned her about her day.

    She looked over at Alvender and studied his face carefully. She wondered if he would think her weak and childish. He had endured so much more than she...had known more of the terrors of the world first hand.

    "Basically, Lucas analyzed where I am in terms of magical ability. I haven't really learned anything yet, but I suppose the real training will begin tomorrow," she shrugged, swallowing in an effort to keep her emotions from overtaking her. She looked down, away from Alvender, Yukiko....the world at large. Determined not to break, she stared fixedly at her crossed legs.

    Raichu Master

  • 6,032
    Alvender wrapped his arm around Skye's shoulder, seeing that she was having trouble. "Yes...I do..." he whispered softly returning to her answer to his comment to Yukiko. "But something seems to be bothering you. I'm an elf, so I can pretty much tell what's wrong. 'tis ok, I don't think anyone is weak. It is true that I have seen all the terrors and horrors of the world, but it doesn't make me a god, or insensitive," Alvender said resting his head on Skye's shoulder, he wasn't going to push the issue, he knew that she could feel pain, while he was inside her head, he was also probing her memories, or most of them.

    Not because he wanted to, but because as Skye opened herself up to his memories, her memories were flashing threw his head. He knew what was bothering her, he just didn't know what relation she had to the man.


    a dreamer...
  • 2,941
    "My father was killed today," she said suddenly, and those words carried an immense weight. As she said them, she felt lighter, but at the same time, the reality of it hit, and she felt the tears come. "The last of my family is gone."

    She did not look at anyone or anything in particular. Her eyes stared straight ahead, her body motionless. She wanted to settle down into Alvender's arms, to feel comforted, but no embrace could reach her. The wind whipped her short hair about her head, but it did not affect her. She felt tears leaving her eyes, falling from her cheeks.

    For once, she was completely numb.

    Raichu Master

  • 6,032
    "Everything is going to be fine...all I ask is if you trust me on this one," Alvender whispered stroking the back of her head softly, letting his fingers comb through her blond hair. "The war will be over soon, and peace will be restored, just you wait and see," Alvender said turning her head toward him with little effort.

    "We both had a long day, and it's getting late. I'll see you to your room," Alvender said, softly kissing her forehead and then getting to his feet, and holding out a hand for Skye to help her up.


    An eye for an eye my friend
  • 2,058
    Blinking slowly, I looked down, staying red. "I...think I should go in...." Turning, I started making my way back inside, to my quarters.


    a dreamer...
  • 2,941
    She wiped her eyes and took Alvender's hand, getting to her feet. Her eyes traveled to Yukiko, who was making her way through the air towards them, tucking herself up in Skye's hood. She led Alvender back into the academy, through the corridoors to the east wing of the school. They climbed the stone steps and reached the large, wooden door. Skye brought her free hand to rest on the iron handle and looked back at Alvender.

    "I'm glad we found each other, Alvender," she said softly, the hint of a smile amidst the grief on her face. She squeezed his hand gently and opened the door. With a slight pause, she turned back towards Alvender, and kissed his cheek gently. "Will I see you at dinner later?"

    Raichu Master

  • 6,032
    "That word sounds so sweet...I haven't had dinner in years!" Alvender exclaimed as he accepted the kiss. "Maybe...maybe not. I have a small stomache, I've been full since breakfast. You might, keep an eye out for me," Alvender with a sly wink, and with that, Alvender bowed and started back down the stairs to his own room, to clean up.

    "Hello," Alicia greeted Alvender as he opened the door to his room.

    "I thought I looked my door," Alvender said, his defensive expression back on his face.

    "You did, and armed it well. It took me awhile to undo all of your traps," Alicia nodded. "Are you going to dinner?"

    "That's for me to know, and you to find out," Alvender said stepping aside so his sister could exit his room, at least he hoped she'd get the hint.

    "We have alot to talk about," Alicia insisted. "Meet me at dinne," she said as she made her way out the door.

    "No thanks...I already have dinner plans," Alvender muttered as she passed him, before she could protest, the door met her face. Sounds of the door locking and re-arming passed through the door, and Alicia shrugged as she made her way down the hall.


    Satanist to the core.
  • 2,208
    Golden_Deoxys said:
    Blinking slowly, I looked down, staying red. "I...think I should go in...." Turning, I started making my way back inside, to my quarters.

    "I just love how no one helps me" Michael says standing at the window.
    "So do you do this to everyone? Leaving them outside to die I mean." he says grabing his dragon's head before he got kissed, "This is no way to treat and ArchAngel."


    Satanist to the core.
  • 2,208
    "Is that all you think about?" Michael asks, leaning on the window, "If you want anouther kiss all you have to do is ask." he smiles and bats lucifer hard enough to knock him off the window sill.
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